Kogoro Mori sensed that she had no intention of struggling, so he let go of her hands.

Sure enough, Belmore lost all will to fight, his hands were free and he didn't struggle any more, instead he grasped weakly at the railing.

It seems that she still likes the gift I gave her very much!

Without doing anything, Mori Kogoro's left hand slowly swam away and climbed up the overhang in a short time.Belmore's heart trembled again, but he didn't say anything, he just pursed his lips and let him manipulate him.

Mori Kogoro's right hand, which contained the spirit of vegetation, gently stroked and pulled.

And his left hand directly pulled Belmode up, let him sit on his lap, and met his four eyes.

This powerful operation of radish and stick almost tamed Belmode.

Kogoro Moori looked at his water-green eyes, and said in a warm voice, "Don't be angry anymore, okay?"

Belmode didn't answer Mori Kogoro, but there was a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

The cool right hand full of spirits of vegetation did not take back either.

This is controlled by others, how dare she disobey Mori Kogoro?

The smirking Mori Kogoro kissed Belmode's red lips, and made another aggressive attack.

His master-level kissing skills were once again displayed, plucking the sweetness of this woman to his heart's content.

It didn't take long for Belmode to be kissed to the fullest, and a pair of jade arms wrapped around Mori Kogoro's shoulders at some point.

After the passionate kiss from you to me, Belmode only had the strength to tremble.

Mori Kogoro laughed teasingly and said, "Are you still angry? It seems that I have to imitate what I did to Lihua just now and give you a few bites in the same place."

"Baa!" Belmode put his hands on his chest immediately: "This is the stairs, people below may come up, and they will be seen!"

She really had a lot of worries, but she didn't know that a small invisible barrier had been set up by Mori Kogoro around her.

Mori Kogoro pecked her lightly again: "So, are you not angry?"

Angry, after the fireworks, it seems to have happened in the last century!

Belmore glared at Kogoro Mori bitterly, and then said, "Take back your bad hands first."

Mori Kogoro did as he did, with his hands hanging on his lap, Belmode wouldn't run away anyway.

Belmode immediately relaxed, and his heartbeat also slowed down.

That big hand full of cool energy is really burdensome!

Then Belmore took a breath, regained his composure a little, and had an idea.

"It's easy for me not to be angry. You have to tell me first, what are we looking for and where are we? You have to tell me everything!"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Bell... um, Ms. Bella, you are really curious!"

Here we go again, calling Bell again, you want to call me Belmode by my real name!

I knew I couldn't hide it from you!hateful!

"Twenty years ago, when the Miyano couple said they wanted to meet President Dejima, they didn't need to stay overnight. They went directly to his home to meet him."

"If you want a room for the night, and you don't see anyone, then there must be some information left in this room."

"The most likely thing is a distress message!"

"Mr. Caijin who just came up with us has already said that Mr. Miyano looked nervous back then. He often looked around and peeped out the window."

"Mrs. Miyano, on the other hand, was silent and looked downcast. There was a car with black blackout paper parked at the door. It was obvious that they were being monitored, and the situation was very bad."

"But we have to consider the passage of time in twenty years, and most of the things in the room have been replaced several times."

"Even if there are clues left, the ones in the furniture will definitely not be found."

"So, if you want to find it now, there is only one place."

Speaking of this, Mori Kogoro whetted her appetite and stopped talking.

Belmore twisted his body and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Goro, what are you talking about?"

Mori Kogoro pointed to his lips.

Belmore hesitated for a while, then resolutely kissed him.

She was still hypnotizing herself silently in her heart: I am doing this for the mission, I have no selfishness, yes, I have no selfishness at all!

Chapter 0024 I always like to deal with 'devious ways'

But kissing and kissing, Belmore couldn't help making nasal noises.

Kimo Chicken!It's just too weird!

Why are you here again!

Not long after, she couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly pushed Kogoro Moori's chest away.

And Mori Kogoro's eyes were full of evil.

He took back his right hand and poked his head over, as if he wanted to smell and sniff.

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