Zitiao Lihua held her buttocks, ran away with a blushing little face, with a grievance that dared not speak out.

The remaining three girls all frowned: It's started again, this guy is too blatant!

Back downstairs, President Dejima, who had just come out of the toilet, smiled and greeted everyone to drink coffee and eat hamburgers.

It is impossible to tell that he is the informant just now!

The long-haired male assistant Xia Jueyong had already bought the cod burger, and Sohei Dejima, who was hungry, took a burger and ate it.Immediately afterwards, his face suddenly changed drastically, and his pupils continued to shrink.

Then he grabbed his throat and fell straight down.

Seeing this, the three subordinates next to him threw the cod castle back on the table one after another.

The turbaned man Caitsu Ukihiko leaned over and said, "President, President, stop making trouble, get up quickly."

On the other side, Mori Kogoro had already stepped forward, pinched his pulse, and smelled the faint scent of almonds.

"He's not making trouble. It's cyanide poisoning. President Dejima is dead."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Mori Kogoro then ordered: "Shiliang, call the police."

Shiliang Zhenchun obeyed obediently.

Not long after, a red sports car drifted to the door of this house and stopped.

The first to come down were two slender legs, one was wearing black shorts, the other was wearing white shorts, they were Officer Yazi and Hui Xiang!

Yazi continued to give instructions: "The murder scene will be here later, you are not allowed to mess around, do you understand?"

Hui Xiang, who was taught a lesson last night, immediately said honestly: "Yes, yes, I will obey the orders of Officer Yazi."

The two girls soon entered the house, and they were very surprised to see it was Kogoro Mori.

Kogoro Mori saw that it was Meiko who appeared, and he couldn't help saying in surprise: "'Hey, Meiko, aren't you from the Toriya Police Department? Why did you come to Kubado?"

When Huixiang saw Mori Kogoro appearing, she immediately ran into his arms with her long legs.

"Xiao Wulang, you have to make the decision for me, Yazi is a bully!"

Kogoro Mori's big hand comforted Huixiang's soft back.

And the four girls who were standing behind Mori Kogoro frowned wildly.

With this posture, how can they not see that this long-legged girl is having an affair with Mori Kogoro.

Meizi took off her sunglasses, and her fox-like eyes inspected the four girls beside Moori Kogoro.

They are all beautiful girls, and all of them have never been seen before!

Kogoro is really capable, ha ha!

Although he sneered in his heart, Yazi's face remained calm.

"Because all the police officers from the Kubado Metropolitan Police Department were transferred to help deal with the thousands of passengers, the reports were transferred to the Toriya Metropolitan Police Department."

"Most of the people in our Metropolitan Police Department are also busy with the information on the shipwreck case. Let me, an idler, come here to take a look. The forensic team and others will follow."

But Huixiang couldn't help but said: "Yazi is not just waiting around. This time, Kogoro, you have made such a great contribution to her, and the superior rewarded her for jumping two levels in a row. Now she is on paid vacation." .”

Even after being promoted to two levels, Yazi was already a police department when he returned to China, and if he was promoted to another level, he would be a police officer, and after two levels, he would be a police officer.

This already belongs to the high commander!

The authority is second only to Chief Inspector Toshiro Odagiri, and even higher than Matsumoto Police Department. It is properly used by the top of the Metropolitan Police Department!

Kogoro Moori couldn't help but marvel: "Wow, I didn't expect you to become a high-ranking official, Yazi. It seems that I will hug your thigh in the future." Yazi opened her beautiful legs and said domineeringly: " Just hug."

The girls next to her looked away instantly, and even Belmode didn't dare to slap her.

rbq (can't be provoked), rbq (can't be provoked), the police are still a bit powerful, and Belmore dare not underestimate them.

Sure enough, this kind of international important case is powerful. It not only makes a big splash in the world, but also directly enters the eyes of the top police officers.Yazi's official career is much better than that of police officer Mumu who has worked hard to solve crimes in China.

Chapter 0026 Let's do it again!

Yazi made a distressed expression.

"But I'm really promoted, and I won't be able to come to the scene in person in the future."

"I may also be transferred to the police department as a high-ranking officer, sitting in the office for meetings every day, and it is annoying to think about it."

"It's all your fault, Kogoro!"

Yazi's words are so hateful, if Officer Mumu and the Wannian Police Department heard about it, they might fight her desperately.

The position that others dream of is so worthless in her eyes.

If women are unreasonable, men have nothing to do.

Mori Kogoro could only reply: "Well, it's all my fault, it's all my fault for helping you save so many people, causing you to get promoted and raise your salary, and to bear burdens that you shouldn't have at such a young age!"

Yazi rolled his eyes at him angrily, and continued: "I only met those three cats at noon."

"They said that a certain guy who ate nothing and ignored everyone after returning to Tokyo, and is preparing to join forces to attack you."

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