Mori Kogoro immediately retorted: "Nonsense, obviously they said that Master is here today, and told me not to go there."

Yazi laughed lightly: "I don't believe you are afraid of their master."

"Those three cats asked me to tell you to lie down with them tomorrow. You must do what you promised others, Kogoro!"

"Know it!"

And the turbaned man Caitsu Ukihiko stepped forward and reminded in a low voice: "Miss Police Officer, our company is dead."

Yazi glanced at him, showing arrogance: "I'm not blind, the body is so big, it's not like I didn't see it, and I'm waiting for my subordinates, do you have any opinions? Is it urgent?"

"No hurry, no hurry." Caijin Ukihiko wiped his sweat and quickly retreated.

They are both big shots, so he didn't dare to disturb the conversation between the two of them anymore.

As soon as the words were finished, the staff of the Forensic Section and Yazi's subordinates all pushed the door open.

Yazi turned to look at Kogoro Mouri, and asked directly: "What do you say, Kogoro?"

Kogoro Mouri said, "President Dejima was poisoned and died when he ate a hamburger just now. The poison is cyanide. We should look for the residue of the poison now."

"He just came out of the toilet before eating the burger, so the forensic officer should have gone from his desk to the toilet to perform a probing test."

"Then I asked the three members of this company about what President Dejima did, what he ate, and what he drank before. Hey, no, you are the policeman, Meizi. You do it right."

Yazi chuckled lightly: "Those who can do more work, Kogoro, you are so good, it doesn't matter if you help me with this case!"

Saying this, Yazi rubbed his head like teasing a pet.

Mori Kogoro immediately had black lines all over his head: This lazy woman!

Belmore on the side couldn't help but glared at Yazi, always feeling that his man was being molested by someone, and he was particularly upset.

But after all, Yazi was a quasi-policeman, and as a member of the organization, Belmode still wanted to give her some face, so she didn't have an attack.

The staff of the forensics section had good eyesight, and following Mori Kogoro's order, they inspected President Dejima's desk and toilet area.The investigation started, and Yazi finally regained some seriousness.

She asked the three employees: "Before the incident, besides the hamburger, what else did your president eat?"

The bald designer Tetsuo Imai replied: "In addition to eating hamburgers, the president also asked me to make coffee, so I made a cup for everyone and took some coffee from the kitchen.

Cookies come out to entertain guests. "

"The president drank coffee and ate biscuits, and then suddenly had a stomachache, so he ran to the bathroom."

"When he came out, Xia Jue bought a hamburger. The boss took a bite and died of poison."

Saitsu Ukihiko, a man with a turban, went on to say, "Because the president has hemorrhoids, he usually has the habit of taking laxatives."

"When I was on the trumpet inside, he knocked on the door and urged me. It felt like I had taken laxatives and couldn't hold back."

Yako's scrutinizing gaze shifted to Caizu Ukihiko, and she spoke suspiciously.

"So, you also went into the toilet, and you entered before the president. It's interesting."

"That doesn't mean that you probably put poison somewhere in the toilet and killed the president."

Caijin Ukihiko immediately panicked, and quickly said, "I'm not the only one going to the toilet."

"Besides me, Imai Kazu, Xia Jue, and the foreign ladies who came with Maori detectives also use the toilet."

Hearing this, Belmore couldn't help being speechless. He came here to find the tape, so why did he become a suspect!However, Bella played by Belmode is visiting here for the first time after all, so the suspicion is relatively small.

Saitsu Ukihiko rested his chin, looking thoughtful.

"I remember that the order of going to the bathroom was Xia Jue first, then this lady, then Imai, then me, and finally the president." The people next to him also nodded in agreement, this order is consistent with the memory get on.

Yazi turned to look at the long-haired Xia Juyong: "You bought these burgers, so you might poison the burgers to kill the president?" Xia Juyong immediately panicked: " Miss Police, don’t talk nonsense, there are a total of eight cod castles here, two for each person.”

"Besides, he was the first to choose the president when he came out. How would I know which one he chose? It's completely random."

"Just checking the rest of the burgers for poison will prove my innocence."

Hearing this, Meizi turned to Kogoro Mouri for help.

Mori Kogoro immediately said: "Be safe and don't be impatient, the poison of cyanide reacts very quickly, let's wait for the report from the forensic personnel."

Yazi then waited patiently, while at the same time she kept observing the desk and the toilet.

In less than ten minutes, an old forensic officer came forward to report.

"Nogami Police Department, according to the poison reaction, we detected cyanide on the deceased's right finger, the hamburger that fell on the ground, and his suit pants."

"As for desks, toilets, toilet doors, cyanide was no longer detected anywhere else."

Hearing this, everyone frowned, looking like they were thinking hard, but Mori Kogoro smiled.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's expression, Meizi quietly came over and hugged his arm.

Kneading his arm for a moment, Yazi asked in a low voice: "Xiao Wulang, do you already know? Don't be foolish, tell me quickly.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Doesn't someone like to come to the scene to investigate cases? How can I deprive her of the fun of investigating cases?"

Hearing this, Meizi launched a beauty offensive without hesitation, rubbed against Moori Kogoro, and acted like a baby in a low voice.

"Xiao Wulang, what do you think, at worst, I will give you another shot!"

Mori Kogoro's big hand immediately patted Yazi's small head.

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