Chapter 0163 Teacher Judy

Early the next morning, Huiyuan's room was opened, and the little loli in pink pajamas appeared with a blank expression.

Mori Kogoro on the sofa greeted Haibara with a smile on his face, but Haibara completely ignored him.

After the little loli washed up, she went straight to the dining table, then turned around and came back.

Hui Yuan came to Kogoro Mori and said, "Open your mouth!"

Seeing Haibara's serious expression, Mori Kogoro opened his mouth cooperatively.

In an instant, a peeled banana directly hit Kogoro Mori's throat, and Kogoro Moori couldn't help coughing.

A smug smile appeared on Huiyuan's face, and he said, "Uncle Maori, I want to tell you that this is not uncomfortable at all!"

Mori Kogoro swallowed the incense with painstaking efforts.

After the revenge method that Huiyuan had been thinking about last night was carried out, his face finally returned to normal.

Seeing that Haibara was no longer angry, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Indeed, it was too much to force Haibara like that in the bathroom yesterday.He had just seen the movement of Huiyuan picking up the banana, and he had also guessed what Huiyuan was going to do, so this uncomfortable look was actually just a combination of Huiyuan's pretending.

Soon Xiaolan also got up and started preparing breakfast.

After Xiaolan prepared her breakfast, there was a knock on the door.

Mori Kogoro opened the door and saw Conan walking in listlessly.

Conan's eyes were dull, his face was dull, and the dark circles under his eyes were so dark that they couldn't get any darker.

When he saw Kogoro Mori, he took out a volume of Mathematical Olympiad questions, and said weakly, "Uncle Mori, I have finished writing."

Conan, who fought for most of the night last night, finally finished the first volume of Mathematical Olympiad.

Mori Kogoro flipped through the titles, and sure enough, they were all finished. He couldn't help but nodded, and praised: "Conan, you've done a good job. This progress is very good. Keep it up, but don't be proud. There are still four volumes of titles left." I'm waiting for you, well, let's go, let's eat first!"

Hearing this, countless black lines appeared on Conan's head, and his eyes were full of despair: There are still four books, how should I live!

After breakfast, Dr. Ali drove his yellow Beetle to the office.

Today is a camping event organized by Dr. Ari, and all members of the Boy Detective Team participated. Mori Kogoro sent Haibara and Conan downstairs, and heard Ayumi shouting excitedly in the car: "Uncle Mori!"

Mori Kogoro greeted Ayumi with a smile.

As for Mitsuhiko, he looked at Mori Kogoro and Haibara very strangely.

Mori Kogoro watched Haibara and Conan get into the car, the Beetle drove out, and went back to the office on the third floor.

As soon as I got back to the office, I saw Xiaolan walking out of the room. She was wearing a white and green tennis uniform, and she was full of youthful atmosphere.

The tennis suit on the upper body is short-sleeved, revealing white arms and a small waist, and the lower body is a skirt, revealing two white and slender thighs, paired with a pair of white sneakers, it looks youthful and invincible.

Xiaolan turned around in front of Kogoro Mori, her skirt was flying, and the white panties were clearly visible, she couldn't help but looked at Kogoro Mori expectantly: "Dad, how about my newly bought sportswear? "

Mori Kogoro nodded: "It's very beautiful, but Xiaolan, if you go out, you have to wear leggings!"

A blush immediately appeared on Xiaolan's cheeks, she quickly covered her skirt, and then went into the room. Soon after changing her leggings, Xiaolan came out with a tennis racket in her hand: "Dad, let's go!" , let's go to school!"

Ran is going to Sonoko's appointment with Mori Kogoro.

In the car yesterday, Sonoko promised Mori Kogoro that he could keep the secret, and as a price, he asked Mori Kogoro to agree to play tennis with her.

Sonoko is a member of the Teidan High School Tennis Club. He used to play tennis with Ran and sometimes with Kogoro Mori.

So after learning that Sonoko invited Kogoro Mori to Teidan High School for a tennis match yesterday, Xiaolan insisted on following him.

Kogoro Mori quickly changed into his sports clothes, went downstairs with Xiaolan, and hailed a taxi, which drove to Teidan High School.

Soon the taxi stopped at the gate of Didan High School, and the two got off and walked to the tennis court in the school. Because it was Sunday, there were not many people in the school.

Sonoko, who was waiting on the tennis court early, saw Mori Kogoro and hurriedly got up to greet him, but when she saw Xiaolan following behind Mori Kogoro, her smiling face immediately froze.

Seeing Xiaolan fully armed, Yuanzi couldn't help complaining: "Xiaolan, shouldn't you go to practice karate? You should be preparing for the competition in more than [-] days. Why come to play tennis? Besides, I just want to I have an appointment with Uncle Maori!" The voice of the last sentence became weaker and weaker.

Xiaolan laughed, seemingly without intention: "I have almost practiced karate, and I haven't played tennis with you Yuanzi for a long time. I miss you very much, so today I came here to fight with you Yuanzi." After finishing speaking, she Also swung a tennis racket a few times.

Yuanzi couldn't help frowning when she heard this, Xiaolan appeared, and the date fight she worked hard last night was in vain, and there was no way to attack her father in front of her girlfriends.

While Sonoko and Xiaolan were talking, Mouri Kogoro's eyes were attracted by a foreign woman.

On the tennis court at the side, a blond foreign woman is swinging a tennis racket and playing tennis with a neon woman, with sweat dripping from her body.

This foreign woman cut her blond hair into a neat short haircut. She has a beautiful face, deep eyes, a high nose bridge, and an old-fashioned pair of eyes.

But what attracts Mori Kogoro the most is her domineering figure. With the continuous dancing of the tennis racket, her chest is also choppy.

It is indeed a big ocean horse. Judging from Mori Kogoro's experience, this proud top is probably going to have an E cup.

Playing tennis with this kind of woman is so annoying, you don't know which ball is going to fly.

"Daddy!" "Uncle Maori!"

Mori Kogoro turned around and saw Xiaolan and Sonoko with angry eyes, both of them crossed their chests and stared at him, he couldn't help but smiled awkwardly.

At this moment, the foreign woman seemed to notice the commotion here, turned her head, and saw Yuanzi and Xiaolan. She greeted her opponent, then stopped, and walked towards Yuanzi.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, are you coming to play tennis too?"

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