"Teacher Judy!" Xiaolan and Sonoko greeted the foreign woman, and Kogoro Mori realized that this was an FBI agent disguised as Xiaolan's English teacher, Judy Stein.

"Yeah, I just have time today, so I'm here to play tennis." Yuanzi replied.

The sweat on Judy's body had already wetted her light blue sportswear. She held a towel in her hand and kept wiping the sweat off her forehead, while the sweat on her neck slowly slipped into the unfathomable gully Into it, it reflects an attractive luster in the sun.

Chapter 0164 from Judy's provocation

Judy couldn't help raising her eyes slightly when she saw Mori Kogoro standing on the side. She hadn't seen such an outstanding man in Neon for a long time. Most men in Neon's age group were either short in stature or fat and bald. Kogoro has such a captivating charm.

Just as a man will appreciate a beautiful woman carefully, a handsome man will also carefully examine a woman.In particular, Judy, as a woman from the United States, has a bold style, so she patrols Mori Kogoro with her eyes open.

She saw Mori Kogoro wearing a tennis suit showing a slender and muscular figure, his thighs were muscular, his handsome face was cut like a knife, with a smile that looked like a spring breeze, and his deep eyes made people unable to help but be fascinated. , especially those two extremely sexy mustaches, which showed the unique charm of men.

Soon Judy recognized Kogoro Mori, and pretended to be surprised and said, "I saw you on TV. Could it be that you are the best detective of Neon, Kogoro Mori?"

At this moment, Judy quickly flashed the information about Kogoro Mori in her mind.

Mori Kogoro: High IQ, Neon's most prestigious independent private detective. He has a good relationship with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and has solved many cases. According to the data, this person had a relationship with that organization more than [-] years ago. He is a character who has caused that organization to suffer a lot, and is a character that can be wooed and used.

Mori Kogoro said modestly: "It's all just false names, nothing!"

Xiaolan walked up proudly, put her arms around Kogoro Mouri's arm, and said proudly, "Mr. Judy, this is my father, Kogoro Mouri."

Yuanzi also came up and warmly invited: "Teacher, today we come to the school to play tennis. Do you want to come with the teacher?"

Hearing this, Judy nodded with a smile: "Of course."

The woman who was originally fighting with her said: "In this case, Judy, you can continue to fight, I just have something to leave first."

Judy turned around and said goodbye to the woman: "Okay, Xia Zi, let's meet again next time!"

The lady named Natsuko nodded with Mao Li and his party, and walked out while wiping off sweat with a towel.

Judy turned around, looked at the three of them with interest in her green eyes, and said, "Which of the three of you has better tennis skills? ?”

Yuanzi couldn't help but smiled proudly: "Of course it's me as a member of the tennis club. Xiaolan's strength is good, but Uncle Mao Li's tennis skills are terrible."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help recalling the experience of playing tennis with Yuanzi in the past. It is true that he was not good at the game and was tortured by this little girl, but at this moment he is different from the past.

Judy couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling when she heard this, and made a joke about Mori Kogoro: "Sure enough, people with strong brains are usually less than satisfactory in terms of physical fitness, and it is difficult for a person as smart as Mori Detective It is normal to escape this conclusion and be weaker in other aspects."

When Xiaolan heard this, a look of anger appeared on her face, but she didn't open her mouth to refute because of her upbringing.

Mori Kogoro shook his head, chuckled twice and said, "It seems that Teacher Judy has underestimated me. What should I do? I've just let Sonoko along. I didn't expect Sonoko to have such an illusion about me!"

"Hey, Uncle Maori, you are talking nonsense again. As a member of the tennis club, I don't need anyone to give way. Uncle Maori, have you forgotten that I lost [-] to [-] in the last match?" Sonoko looked confident, Naturally, she had to show off this rare advantage.

Mori Kogoro recalled the past dark history, that time he should have played tennis with Sonoko after drinking, but he was cut off by Sonoko.

The smile on Judy's face subsided, and her water green eyes looked at Kogoro Mori, her expression gradually turned cold: "I didn't expect the famous Kogoro Mori to be a big talker."

There seems to be a smell of gunpowder hidden in these words.

Mori Kogoro glanced at Judy, who was pretending to be provocative, and immediately realized that this was a temptation from this beautiful agent, and couldn't help but chuckled: "Mr. Judy, why don't we make a bet, no matter how good we say it." You don't believe it, how about we come to a real swordsmanship match, I bet I can make Teacher Judy less than half a point, do you believe it?"

Mori Kogoro's tone was indifferent, showing deep disdain for Judy.

Judy couldn't help sneering when she heard this. As a well-trained FBI agent, she has excellent physical fitness and is good at using various equipment. How could she lose to a middle-aged man who is almost forty years old, although he looks graceful? Pianpian is in her prime, but she is just a vase after all.

According to the data, Mori Kogoro had suffered that organization more than [-] years ago, but time has changed, and the young people in those days have now become middle-aged, and their strength must have been greatly reduced.

Judy also has considerations in her heart. Now that she has lurked in Didan High School, she may meet with that organization at any time. The strength in the Neon FBI is too small, and she really needs help.

According to the information, this Maori detective is indeed a qualified candidate, but if he doesn't think about it himself and invites him rashly to delay the plan, it will be very bad.

Thinking of this, Judy couldn't help opening her mouth lightly, her red lips moved and said: "Of course it's no problem, I'm really looking forward to how the Maori detective can prevent me from getting any points, maybe it's just reasoning, ha ha! "

Judy leaned forward, the gully on her chest became more and more obvious, and there was a playful smile on the corner of her mouth: "But I set the bet, the loser must promise the winner one thing unconditionally, and can't refuse, how about it? "

Judy has already made up her mind, if Mori Kogoro is just a think-tank figure, then he can be invited to help analyze by the way, but he will not be involved too much in dangerous and core matters.

"It's a deal!" Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows slightly, becoming more interested.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi watched helplessly from the sidelines as the two became more and more explosive, and then they made a bet and walked to both sides of the field, both of them had ugly faces.


On the other side, Dr. Ali's Beetle stopped on a flat grassland in the woods in the eastern suburbs. This is the camping site chosen by Dr. Ali. The scenery is beautiful, and there is a lake next to it. The scenery in early spring is extremely unique.

Conan in the car still had dark circles under his eyes, and he still felt sleep deprived after taking a nap in the car.

Dr. A Li and the Detective Boys got out of the car, smelling the fresh air in the wild, and everyone felt happy.

Dr. A Li came to the trunk and wanted to take out the camping items, but when he opened the trunk, his round face froze immediately.

Huiyuan couldn't help but turned sideways to look at Dr. Ali's trunk, and said in a cold voice, "Doctor, you probably didn't bring a tent?"

After a while, the Beetle drove through the woods again.

The faces of everyone in the car were a little ugly.

Chapter 0165: Judy's Provocation 2

Yuan Tai couldn't help complaining: "Doctor, you are really serious. You even forgot to bring the most important tent when you went camping."

Ayumi pouted: "It's been a good vacation by the doctor."

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