Then the little tongue gently scratched the surface of the ice cream, as if wanting to lick it smaller before swallowing it!

This scene is full of lust, so that Kogoro Mori couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Seemingly hearing the sound of Kogoro Mori swallowing, Zijo Lihua immediately lowered her head, her cheeks were full of shyness.

She is really protective of food, and she doesn't want to share it with Mori Kogoro at all!

Moori Kogoro then brushed Lihua's long golden hair with a light smile, and said with a light smile, "Lihua, why are you so shy, I'm not like you anymore." Lihua immediately swallowed the ice cream like a hamster, her cheeks puffed up , talking vaguely: "¥%*@#..."

Now Kogoro Moori couldn't hear what she said clearly, so he could only pat his soft back: "Eat slowly, don't be in such a hurry, really." Soon, Lihua seemed to be choked, Quickly took out the ice cream.

Her eyes were flushed, she couldn't help coughing, and her body trembled.

Kogoro Maoli immediately followed his breath with his big hand, and comforted him in a warm voice: "I told you to slow down, what a show of strength!"

And Zitiao Lihua calmed down a little bit, couldn't help but think of something, couldn't help but said: "I checked, there is nothing wrong."

Kogoro Moori tapped the tip of Lihua's nose lightly with his finger, and said with a light smile, "You still remember this, I just lied to you just now, so it's true, Lihua, you are so cute!"

Hearing this, Zitiao Lihua blushed immediately.

Mori Kogoro embraced his slender waist, hugged him onto the sofa, and kissed his red lips domineeringly.

The fiery big hand immediately swam away, and soon landed on Bai Jie's calf, touching the back of the sofa, it was really smooth and smooth!

Lihua's beautiful eyes sparkled, her jade arms wrapped around Mouri Kogoro's neck, and she quickly responded.

As Mori Kogoro bit Lihua again, he exclaimed, and a moving movement played.

(Another two thousand words are omitted here!)

On the second floor next door, in Mary's room, Mingmei and Zhenchun sat obediently on the bed, listening to little Lolita talking. "You didn't leak any information just now, did you? The French woman Bella who was with you just now is actually a member of the organization.

Hearing this, Minmei and Shiliang's expressions changed instantly.

The information about Koji Miyano is top secret, how can it be disclosed to the people in the organization.

A ruthless look flashed across Mingmei's eyes. In order to protect her sister, she didn't mind becoming a killing angel again.

"But Kogoro has already said that although the woman is a member of the organization, she is only a friend rather than an enemy, and she will not reveal our affairs, so don't worry too much."

Hearing this, Mingmei and Zhenchun couldn't help but rolled their eyes, looking at Mary full of resentment.

It's so annoying not to finish it in one breath!

And Belmore upstairs raised his brows: he really saw through his identity.

Mingmei shrugged: "I just want to remind you that the information about the medicine is top secret."

"If one less person knows, there is less risk. Although she is not an enemy, if she is not guaranteed, she will be controlled by people in the organization and questioned. It is also possible for the information to leak out."

"You must not lose your vigilance because of the comfortable life under Kogoro's shelter, this will lead to bad things sooner or later."

The faces of the two women immediately became serious, and they replied seriously: "Hi!"

At this time, Belmord, who was drinking juice with Yukiko upstairs, smiled.

The tiny listening device in its ear is transmitting Mary's words.

Installing a bug on Minmei this time was really useful, and I got a lot of precious information.

The three women below did not know the existence of the bug, and continued to talk.

Mary couldn't help asking: "How is it? Did you gain anything this time?"

Zhenchun immediately said: "Mom, we saw the last words of my aunt and uncle over there. They were ready to die twenty years ago. Take a look."

Saying this, Zhenchun asked Mary to show the picture taken by the mobile phone.

After reading these two paragraphs, Mary's expression became very complicated.

"Mom, what does the Haneda my uncle mentioned have anything to do with my second brother's family?"

Mary immediately showed a look of reminiscence, and then said: "I have the impression that Housi is a very taciturn person, but during the phone call with Elena, I heard her mention that Housi has a very powerful foster brother named Haneda of."

"But to be honest, I don't know whether he has anything to do with the family that adopted your second brother. I have to ask your dead father."

"It was he who sent Hideyoshi away back then. Wuwu seemed to have noticed some key information, so he sent Hideyoshi to Haneda's house, and said that he was a key player in chess."

"But when I sent it over, there were only Koji and his mother in the Haneda family? I don't remember seeing Koji's biological father, so I'm not sure."

Zhenchun immediately frowned, sending her second brother up for adoption was considered a strong player in the hand-talk, what is the reason for this?

"It seems that I have to call and ask my second brother."

Mary immediately stopped Zhenchun from taking out her mobile phone: "It's not safe to make calls, and someone may be tapped at any time. You have to ask him face to face about this matter."

"But last time I talked to your second brother, he said that he is now preparing for the retreat for the Seven Crowns (the highest honor in the shogi world)."

"Hideyoshi seems to be very concerned about this celebrity battle, saying that he wants to regain something with the seven crowns, let's not bother him for now."

"After this Friday's celebrity battle is over, let's ask him for relevant information."

Hearing this, both women nodded.

Chapter 0033 Goddess!Fuck my sister!

Mother?Auntie?Uncle?Second brother?

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