It seems that I found a lot of incredible information!

I didn't expect this line to lead so many people, it's really a big harvest.

Belmode, who was holding his face sideways, was quite happy, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

But Youxizi felt a little strange, she sat next to him with a new movie disc, and couldn't help but speak.

"Bella, I always feel that you are very special!"

Hearing this, Belmore immediately stopped the habitual action and switched to the appearance of a little fan.

"Who is it, Miss Yukiko, can you tell me?"

Yukiko shook her head again: "Well, it's Sharon Wynyard, but that guy is a bitch, and you are still different from her."

Hearing her evaluation of herself, Belmord immediately said with a half-smile: "Then I really want to thank you."

But when Belmore turned her head to look, Youxizi's eyes seemed to be full of reminiscence, and there seemed to be a touch of sadness hidden in the depths of her pupils, she was momentarily stunned.

As if the softness in his heart was touched, his eyes became softer.

Belmode couldn't help holding Yukiko's hand, comforting her.

But You Xizi's heart skipped a beat, she glanced at Belmode calmly, then handed the disc to her: "This is the movie I just finished filming when I returned to China."

"It was originally planned to be released, but a case occurred on the TV station that was handed over to it, so it was postponed. Bella, you can take it back and watch it!" Belmord immediately pretended to be excited, and quickly took the disc.

The two started talking again on the third floor.

About thirty minutes later, in the office on the second floor, Zitiao Lihua stood by the window with her long snow-white legs spread apart.All the pores on his body were opened, sweat dripped out, hanging on his ruby-like body, crystal clear.At this moment Lihua is as drunk as she is, extremely seductive, this enchantment is no less than that of her best son.

The plain fingers painted with red nail polish were grabbing the window sill, and they were about to scratch.

The water ripples in his eyes, but the scenery outside the window is full of panic, as if worried about being seen.

And in the street below, the voices of Xiaolan and Tsukamoto Sumi came, and the panic in Lihua's eyes became more and more obvious.

If Xiaolan found out that she was doing such a thing here, maybe her mother would know about it too.

Thinking of this, Li Hua instantly collapsed to the ground, her long blond hair fell down her shoulders, and she didn't dare to show her head again.

Then she bit her lower lip and walked forward on her knees!

Her fair knees turned red after a while, her body trembled uncontrollably, but Lihua didn't dare to stand up for half a step.

Xiaolan in the street below stopped, looking suspiciously at the window on the second floor.

Its small ears trembled, as if trying to listen to something.

Sumi Tsukamoto couldn't help asking, "What's the matter, Ran?"

Xiaolan hesitated and said, "It seems that someone is peeking at us, but if you look carefully, it seems that there is no more."

Sumei laughed lightly, and put her schoolbag on her shoulder handsomely: "It must have consumed too much energy during the competition with me, and now I have hallucinations."

Xiaolan couldn't help but said: "Hey, senior sister, you were my defeat just now."

"I didn't use all my strength. How could I consume too much energy and have hallucinations?"

After the life-and-death fight with McDonald's in Fugui Maru, Xiaolan felt that her karate had entered a new realm.

As soon as I got back to Tokyo, I couldn't help but have an appointment with Tsukamoto-senpai, wanting to test my level, and I defeated her in one fell swoop.

Sumi Tsukamoto suspected that Mori Kogoro had given Xiaolan some special training, or imparted some unique secret skills.

So she came to her door and wanted to ask the teacher to preach and learn, so as to maintain the dignity of the elder sister.

The two women went upstairs along the stairs, and soon stopped at the entrance of the office on the second floor.

Xiaolan hurriedly opened the door, but the office was empty and there was no one there.

However, Xiaolan was still full of suspicion, walked around the office, looked at Conan's room, the kitchen and the toilet, there was no one there.She then closed the door suspiciously and left, but before she had taken two steps, Qiongbi couldn't help shaking, and she reacted immediately.

"Damn it, no one was caught!"

Sumei on the side suddenly felt inexplicable.

Then Xiaolan pushed open the door of the room on the third floor, and saw the little loli Huiyuan who was concentrating on reading a book on the sofa.

Xiaolan's face was filled with surprise immediately: "Xiao Ai, when did you come back, why didn't you send me a text message?"

Little Loli raised her eyebrows slightly, and glanced at the two of them: "Why did you tell this guy who eats alone all the time, hey, why did sister Sumei come here?"

Tsukamoto Sumi laughed lightly, and punched with a loud bang: "I'm going to ask Master to teach me some more stunts this time, so that I can beat Xiaolan." Huiyuan immediately rolled his eyes, and complained in his heart: I'm afraid Is it to ask your uncle to teach you some new postures and unlock more postures?

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Lan couldn't help asking: "Where's Dad?"

"He, Shiliang and my sister-in-law went out to do errands, and they haven't come back yet?"

Xiaolan suddenly looked suspicious: "Dry sister? Xiao Ai, who is your god-sister?"

"It's sister Mingmei. I feel that I have a special affinity with her when I go to Osaka this time. Does she recognize me as a godsister?"


Hearing this, Xiaolan's pupils burst, and she was full of disbelief.

"Impossible, with your vicious tongue and bad temper, how could someone blindly recognize you as a godsister."

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