Little Lolita's murderous gaze fell on Xiaolan in an instant, and Sumei beside her felt that the temperature had dropped several degrees, so she couldn't help but take a few steps back.Xiao Lan didn't care at all, she had been in love with Ai Jiang for a long time, and she was already immune to the staring attack.

"Hey, I accidentally said what was in my heart."

"But Xiao Ai, don't lie to me. How could a person like you recognize someone as your sister? There must be some conspiracy here. Otherwise, you must recognize me as your sister."

Xiao Lan knows Xiao Ai who sleeps with her all day long, and knows her cold temper very well, so she doesn't believe this excuse at all.

Huiyuan couldn't help but give her another look: "I'm older than you, so I'm the older sister."

In an instant, the two women returned to the vicious circle of comparing sizes.

At this moment, Yukiko and Bella from the next door came over and interrupted the conversation here.

"Xiao Lan, you're back? This is Bella, she's my fan. Let me cook tonight!"

And when Huiyuan appeared in Belmore, he couldn't help lowering his head, and his body couldn't help shaking.

It's this feeling again!Organized people!

Chapter 0034 Belmode's Fate

With a gentle smile on Bella's face, she walked gracefully towards Huiyuan.

And his right hand landed directly on Huiyuan's small head, stroking it lightly.

Huiyuan immediately buried his head even lower.

This feeling is unmistakable, it is the people in the organization!

Uncle, Uncle, where are you?

"What a cute little girl, she really looks like a porcelain doll."

At this moment, Mingmei and Zhenchun also walked in, and Bella let go and walked away.

Only now did Haibara have a little more room to breathe, and his azure blue eyes looked at Bella complicatedly.Mingmei quietly walked to Huiyuan's side, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Ai, Bella is from the organization."

"But don't worry, Kogoro has already said that she is not an enemy, she may also be an undercover agent. Hearing this, Huiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, his underwear was already soaked in sweat.

Little Lolita couldn't help asking: "Sister, where did that uncle go?"

Mingmei was surprised and said, "Didn't Xiao Wulang come back? He just arrived home with us, and he and Miss Lihua walked behind?"

Xiaolan immediately interjected, "It's Zitiao Lihua, that well-known fortune teller?"

Mingmei nodded: "Yes, it's her, what's the matter?"

"Damn it, it's like this again!"

The girls on the side looked puzzled, so Xiaolan continued, "A few days ago when we went to Zitiao Lihua's house, someone assassinated her." Dad rescued Miss Lihua and helped to deal with the assassin. That's when they must have hooked up. "

Only then did the girls understand the relationship between the two, and they were quite upset immediately.

And Belmode had just witnessed such a scene with his own eyes, so he didn't think it was unexpected.

You Xizi greeted: "Okay, it's getting late, I'm going to start cooking, can anyone help?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan and Mingmei stepped forward and followed them into the kitchen.

The three daughters are all good wives and mothers.

Everyone dispersed, and Huiyuan was still a little afraid of Bella, so he hid in the room and could not come out.

And in the office below, the plump and beautiful Zitiao Lihua on the sofa couldn't help but speak, her voice was very soft.

"Xiao Wulang, no, I have to go first."

Mori Kogoro gently brushed away the golden hair sticking to his forehead with his big hand, and kissed his cheek lightly: "Why?"

Lihua's beautiful legs couldn't help hooking her calf, but she still shook her head: "No, isn't your wife coming back soon?" In the past two days when Mori Kogoro gambled on Fuguimaru, Zijo Lihua had been here Office here to visit.

She has met Fei Yingli before, and knows that she is a powerful person!

The current Zitiao Lihua thought she was seducing a married man, but the other party was a well-known lawyer, so she was naturally very guilty!I was so frightened by Xiaolan just now, and was chased by Mori Kogoro, I almost lost my mind, so naturally I don't want to run away all the time.Mori Kogoro didn't want to let Lihua go like this, so he put his firm arms through the bends of her legs and hugged her up.

The frightened Shijo Lihua wrapped her arms around Mori Kogoro's neck.

Soon, Mori Kogoro pressed him against the wall and kissed his red lips directly.

After a passionate kiss, Mori Kogoro said directly: "At least have dinner before leaving, in fact, Eri is very easy to get along with." Hearing this, Lihua, who was suspended in the air, could only nod and agree.

Immediately afterwards, his small head rested on Kogoro Mouri's shoulder, and then he opened his small mouth, biting Kogoro Mouri directly, as if he wanted to give him some teeth marks in return.

But obviously she underestimated Kogoro Mori's physical fitness, but in the end there was no white mark left.

Instead, he was bitten by Mori Kogoro and screamed again and again!

About half an hour later, Mingmei ran down the stairs in a panic, and ran into Kogoro Mori and Reika Zijo who were about to go upstairs.Mori Kogoro asked: "Mingmei, what's the matter, why are you in such a panic?"

"The tape I just found is gone. I wanted to give it to Xiao Ai, but I suspect that I got out of the car."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro realized instantly that it must have been stolen by Belmode.

Nine times out of ten, it was the hands and feet that moved when the three women huddled together during the drag racing.

Kogoro Mouri said, "I've got the tape, you don't have to go down and look for it."

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