She responded emotionally, with her arms tightly around Mori Kogoro's solid back, as if she wanted to get closer to him, tighter!

After a passionate kiss, Belmode's water-green eyes were full of water.

Mori Kogoro's big hand gently covered his neck, but was held down by his small hand.

He wanted to lift his mask to see Belmode's true face, to see that smiling and angry face, blushing for himself, but he was stopped!Belmorde shook his head lightly, then pushed Kogoro Mori away, and said with a light smile, "It's not the time yet."

"That child is too smart, I react too much when I approach her, so I will stay here soon."

"Say sorry to Yukiko for me, I can't have dinner here."

"Also, thank you for telling me so much today, I won't say it."

She also knew that Kogoro Mori allowed her to eavesdrop on so much information today, so she would naturally keep it a secret.

His prime finger lightly brushed Mori Kogoro's lips, then he turned and walked out of the room.

She went downstairs without stopping, leaving only a scent in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the door was quickly opened, and Yukiko walked in.

She came to Mori Kogoro's side and couldn't help asking, "Is it her?"

Yukiko was still keen, she noticed something abnormal when Bella hugged her arm, it was too similar, the touch was too Sharon!

After seeing its habitual actions, I became even more suspicious.

The look of nostalgia and sadness in the conversation with Bella was actually performed by Yukiko.

But Belmode didn't see it through, and the momentary emotional outpouring let Yuxiko know that she was his old friend.

Mori Kogoro held Yukiko in his arms, stroking her curly hair with his big hands: "It's her, but it's not her anymore!"

Today's trip to Miyano's old house solved many mysteries of Mori Kogoro.

He knew what Belmode had gone through, understood why she was called Xiaolan Angel, and was determined to break Xiao Ai's and Belmode's entanglement fate.

But at the same time, his judgment on Miyano and his wife has also been shaken, maybe they are no longer alive!

Mori Kogoro put away the tape, put his arms around Yukiko's slender waist and walked to the next door: "Let's go, let's eat."

You Xizi didn't take these matters to heart, anyway, Kogoro Mouri would take care of them when the sky fell.

The two went back to the house next door, and Eri has also returned, and the strong woman in the workplace looks lazy when she returns home!

After Conan was not at home, the yin and yang decline became more and more obvious.

There is only Kogoro Mori, a man, and ten women beside him. The team is really getting bigger and bigger.

Except for the two who have nothing to do with Mori Kogoro, the others are his women, Yingyingyanyan, very lively.

Among them, Zitiao Lihua is the most eye-catching, her skin is rosy, her eyebrows are stretched, as if she has just been developed and nourished.

The girls naturally knew what was going on, so they couldn't help but look at her.

Lihua, who was stared at by others, just felt very awkward, and she didn't understand what was going on, she thought rice grains were on her face, so she wiped it from time to time.Shijo Lihua especially didn't dare to meet Eri's eyes, and looked away when she saw her looking over, she really didn't even know how to act.

And Irene Adler looked at the happy scene of others, and felt like an outsider.

If she knew that Mori Kogoro didn't care about her all day long, she must have planned to escape, and she would be left at home obediently.

But now that Kogoro Moori appears, her escape plan can only be temporarily shelved.

No way, the binding last night was quite effective, and she didn't want to do it again.

And Kogoro Mori, who was sitting on the main seat, tried hard to control his expression, resisting the attack from his daughter.

Xiaolan is really too presumptuous, so many people are present, and she keeps pinching her waist, her hands are getting stronger and stronger.Mori Kogoro felt like crying, he really regretted that he shouldn't have taught Xiaolan channeling!

After dinner, Zitiao Lihua left immediately, and she couldn't bear the weird look.

Mori Kogoro rubbed his waist, and dragged little loli Huihara into the room.

Xiao Lan, who was blocked outside the door, couldn't help squinting her eyes, and the look of little Loli Marie in the distance also became a little weird.

Chapter 0036 The Little Sadness Hanging Upside Down

Back in the room, Haibara gently climbed onto Mouri Kogoro's lap, and sat with his short legs apart.

Gently rubbing the waist of Mori Kogoro with his soft hands, he asked in a low voice, "Does it hurt?"

Naturally, she noticed Xiaolan's small movements at the dinner table, so she asked with concern.

It's a caring little cotton ball!

Mori Kogoro is also very useful, but with his self-healing ability, he no longer feels it.

His big hands caressed Huiyuan's small head, his eyes were full of tenderness.

"Xiao Ai, uncle has a gift for you."

Haibara looked puzzled at the tape recorder and a dozen tapes that Mori Kogoro took out, and watched him put the earphones on his ears.The voice sounded, it was an extremely gentle female voice!

"Xiao Zhibao should be one year old. He must have learned to walk. You have to listen to your sister so that mother can rest assured..."

Upon hearing this voice, Xiao Ai's eyes were full of disbelief, and her blue eyes couldn't help trembling slightly.

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