Even though she didn't remember the voice, when the voice sounded, there was still a sense of familiarity connected by blood.Mother!

She couldn't help but looked at Mori Kogoro, and when she saw him nodding with a smile, tears welled up in her eyes.

Little Loli couldn't stop going forward and kissed Kogoro Mouri on the mouth.

"Uncle, thank you."

Mori Kogoro rubbed Hui Yuan's forehead, smiled lightly and said, "Needless to say thank you, this is what I should do."

He hugged Hui Yuan's short body and leaned against the side of the bed, letting it lean against him to listen to Elena's message to her.

Kogoro Mori had heard these messages a long time ago, and he heard them when he leaned on Belmode's shoulder with a thousand paper cranes.The first sixteen volumes are all the mother's instructions to her daughter, babbling but tender.

This makes sense to Ai, but doesn't contain any useful information.

Useful information is on the last tape!

It was about an experiment twenty years ago, and it also contained related APTX and silver bullet content.

Mori Kogoro, who is very proficient in biological knowledge, also has profound attainments in drug research.

Based on the information of these two drugs and Elena's few words, he completed the experiment twenty years ago.

He understood why the organization wanted Itakura Takumi to design software, and why it aggressively recruited computer talents to design software.

He also knew the reason why Xiao Ai and Belmode were enemies.

All because of that crazy woman, Miyano Elena!

Haibara turned over and leaned against Mori Kogoro's chest, gradually becoming engrossed in listening.

And Mori Kogoro's big hand reached into the hem of his clothes, gently rubbing the soft belly of the little loli, twirling his fingers, waiting quietly.Huiyuan felt that fiery big hand, and felt that his whole body was wrapped in a strong sense of security.

Coupled with her mother's voice, little Lori suddenly felt very happy at the moment, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

It took about thirty minutes before Huiyuan listened to all the messages from his mother.

She laughed all the way through the first sixteen volumes, and when she finished listening to the last volume, she seemed to have been greatly shocked, and her expression became extremely complicated.Although she had some premonitions, she didn't understand her mission until today.

Haibara couldn't help looking at Kogoro Mori as if asking for help.

His blue eyes trembled slightly, and the fear in his eyes flickered.

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt a pain in his heart, picked him up and met his eyes.

The tip of his nose lightly rubbed Huiyuan's Xiaoqiong's nose, and comforted him in a warm voice: "Xiao Ai, don't be afraid, it's not to that extent." Although it was your mother's arrangement, but times have changed, and there is no need for her method at all. "

"With my uncle here, I don't need Xiao Ai to deal with the boss. I will leave everything to me. You have to trust my uncle."

Hearing this, Huiyuan gradually settled down.

His little hands tightly clutched Kogoro Mori's clothes, not wanting to let go for a moment.

Mori Kogoro's fingers gently climbed on Haibara's delicate short body.

From time to time, he scratched his little feet lightly, or lightly scratched his ribs, or carefully measured every inch of his skin.

The best way to replace one emotion is to replace it with another emotion, and Kogoro Moori is already very skilled.Not long after, a blush appeared on Hui Yuan's face, the sandalwood mouth was slightly opened, and the silver teeth were looming.

The fear in his eyes had dissipated long ago, and turned to be full of water waves.

Mori Kogoro lowered his head and held Haibara's pink lips, kissing him very passionately.

"Xiao Ai, it's been a long time since I did the experiment."

Hearing this, Hui Yuan's eyes showed shame again.

She struggled to break away from Mori Kogoro, and then ran to the table next to her.

The drawer was opened, and she took out a can of medicine, then trotted back.

Kogoro Moori watched Huiyuan slowly climb down, while his big hand wrapped around Huiyuan's Bai Jie's ankle, and hung him upside down.

Maryton, who was eavesdropping at the door, felt very strange.

Do an experiment?

Could it be that there is a secret passage in Xiao Ai's room, leading to a certain laboratory?

But this is obviously impossible, next to Kogoro's room, and below is the office, how could there be a secret passage!At this moment, Xiao Lan's voice sounded: "Mary, what are you doing at Xiao Ai's door?"

Mary's face suddenly panicked, and she couldn't help turning her head to look outside the balcony: "I'm here to see the scenery!"

This reason is also so bad!

Xiaolan was about to ask again, but a pure voice suddenly sounded.

"Xiaolan, didn't you say you want to compete? Hurry up, I won't let the water go this time."

Xiaolan, who was holding the martial arts uniform, hurriedly followed out, still talking nonsense.

"Xiao Shiliang, you and senior sister will fight together later, otherwise I'm afraid you alone won't be enough for me."

Sumi and Zhenchun immediately became upset.

"Really, why didn't Master come with me, I still want him to give me some pointers."

"Recently, I always feel that my practice is not right, and my chest is getting more and more sore."

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