Xiaolan couldn't help but said: "Senior sister, could it be that you have been promoted to a cup, and your bra is too small, did you get strangled?"

Sumei shook her head: "No, I feel that the acupoints inside are a little sore, and I want Master to take a look!" Hearing this, Shiliang with poor breasts immediately quit the group chat, not wanting to talk to these two big breasts. sister talk.

What the hell?Ask Uncle Maori to look at the chest?

Is it so generous?Master and apprentice still have this kind of operation?

Uncle Mao Li, I didn't expect you to be such a person, I really misjudged you!

Xiaolan continued to speak: "Senior sister, let me give you a massage after the competition. My massage skills are superb, and Dad likes it very much!"

Sumei blushed slightly, but she did not refuse: "Then I will trouble you later, Xiaolan!"

"A piece of cake!"

Chapter 0037 Xiaoyi and Mary both become bigger!

In the room, Mori Kogoro looked at Xiao Ai who was hanging.

Blood energy spread, making his little red face very red, like warm jade, really cute.

The big hand attached to the electric current couldn't help scratching the little loli's itchy flesh, causing the girl to twist her body and keep laughing out loud, which was really funny.Xiao Ai couldn't help but said: "Daba, uncle, don't act like this!"

Then Kogoro Mouri withdrew his hand and said with a smirk, "Then I won't scratch you!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro lowered his head instead, and kissed little Lolita's pink lips with extreme precision.

Huiyuan's nose made a sound, and his pearly feet couldn't help arching, pulling out a beautiful arc.

The crystal clear toes are like pearls, very cute!

Mori Kogoro's kissing skills were displayed, greedily snatching away every bit of sweetness.

Little Lolita seemed unable to bear such a fiery attack, her body trembled again, and then tears welled up in her eyes, and her short brown hair kept fluttering.

His little soft hands couldn't help but push Kogoro Mori's abdomen, but he couldn't push it away.

There's no way, she's just a little girl now, how could she be able to resist Kogoro Mouri's strange power.

The time of this passionate kiss was extremely long, when Mori Kogoro opened his mouth, the little loli seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, her blue eyes were already dizzy.

Mori Kogoro picked him up and made him sit on his body slowly.

Huiyuan narrowed his eyes, and bit down on Kogoro Mouri's chest, but unfortunately, he didn't even leave a tooth mark.

"Uncle, you are so mean!" The voice was soft and weak!

Mori Kogoro said with a smirk: "But I like Xiao Ai very clearly!"

He lightly pecked his forehead, and said with a straight face: "Okay, get ready, the experiment is about to start."

Little Lolita stared at Mori Kogoro with her beautiful eyes, her eyes were full of the charm of a mature woman.

This mixture of innocence and maturity, innocence and evil charm, is completely invincible!

Soon, the experiment was on track!

Huiyuan quickly took the prepared medicine and water, took the medicine with some difficulty, and the water glass fell on the carpet.

In an instant, amazing heat was released from Xiao Ai's body.

Even Kogoro Mori could feel that heat.

It is warm and harmonious, as if everything is melting, but it is full of vitality, which makes people very nostalgic.

Shouts came from Xiao Ai's mouth, one weight after another was like waves, Huiyuan's little loli began to recover!Her short body began to twitch and developed rapidly;

The curled short legs stretched out, and after a while, two round long legs appeared in sight;

The flat lower abdomen is extended, and the mermaid lines are also revealed;

The plain-like chest swelled up like a balloon in an instant, and became heavy in a short time, which is really tolerant; and her cute little face instantly matured, and the baby fat disappeared, turning into a youthful figure. The appearance of a girl; the delicate little face is like a goddess, looking back and smiling at Bai Meisheng!

The little loli Huihara is gone, and Miyano Shiho, who looks like a royal sister, is back!

Shiho's jade arm wrapped around Mori Kogoro's neck, and his eyes were full of charming smiles.

"Uncle, I should lead this experiment."

This girl just recovered and wanted to seize the leadership.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly: "Don't talk big, it's useless, just cooperate with me obediently."

Saying this, he fed the warm water on the counter to Shiho who was in a state of water shortage.

Grumpy Grumpy!

There was still water flowing down its snowy neck, and Mori Kogoro gently wiped it with his hands.After Shiho finished drinking the water, Kogoro Mori started the experiment without any explanation.

And Mary in the living room was startled by Xiaolan just now, she hid on the sofa and pretended to read a book, and was honest for a while.

After Ran, Masumi, Sumi, and the watching Mira left, Eri and Yukiko appeared again and again.

Mary lied to them that Mori Kogoro went to the martial arts field together.

The two girls, who couldn't find Kogoro Mori, took Irene to the next room, exchanged maintenance tips, and started a little lady's party!Mingmei didn't follow suit, this girl is completely the type of a good wife and mother, and she has endless work in her eyes.

She had just cleaned up the suite on the second floor when she appeared in the office again and began to clean up the detective office.

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