Mary took a biological journal and pretended to be on the sofa for thirty minutes. After making sure that no one was coming, she immediately went to the gate and locked it.She still cares about what she just heard!


Could it be that after getting Elena's information, he planned to start researching the antidote experiment?

But is it safe to experiment here?Shouldn't it be going to another lab?

The little blond-haired loli took short legs and soon came to Huiyuan's door again.

His ears leaned against it slowly.

Eh, no sound?Could it be that there is really a secret passage and they sneaked away?

Little Loli leaned her body, wanting to hear more clearly.

Unexpectedly, the door was not locked, it was just concealed.

Mary, who had put her weight on the door, fell down and entered, lying on the floor.

Mary's face changed drastically in an instant, her water-green eyes trembled violently, her mouth opened slightly but she was speechless.

Shiho had a frightened expression, but Mori Kogoro's eyes flashed, as if he had expected it.

As an agent, Mary calmed down instantly, patted her buttocks and got up, pretending to be calm: "Sorry, I'm passing by." Saying this, the blond little Lori turned around.

But at this moment, the door suddenly closed by itself, the escape route disappeared instantly, and Mary's blue eyes shrank again.

Kogoro Moori's voice sounded: "Mary came at the right time, and you just came to help. More data will be more perfect." This sentence was far away from Mary at the beginning, but it seemed to be in my ears when I finished speaking. Side like.

Before Mary could turn her head, she sensed Kogoro Mori behind her.

Before he could react, the collar of his neck was grabbed.

Mary couldn't move for a moment, as if being strangled by fate, her cute face turned red at some point.

Mori Kogoro was very proud, and he hit another little loli. It seems that this time he will unlock a new achievement.

When Mary saw that Zhibao was preparing to restore the medicine and warm water, she couldn't help struggling.

"How can this be? Let me go, Kogoro!"

Kogoro Moori patted Mary's buttocks immediately with his big hand: "Don't think I don't know about eavesdropping at the door just now. We did this experiment because we suspected that the temporary antidote would have an effect on the human body. You have to cooperate obediently. "Little Mary was taken aback.

"Besides, you are Zhibao's aunt, don't you want to help?"

Little Loli came to her senses, and immediately struggled again.

Mori Kogoro threw it up, and Shiho at the side was naturally happy to see the result.

Chapter 0038 Mary Ai's Experiment

Zhibao, who was obviously physically exhausted, only felt that someone came to help take over the experiment, which was very welcome.

She was relieved to see it was Mary.

His little hands helped catch the little loli who had thrown herself into the net.

Naturally, it was impossible for Mary to use her force to hurt Shiho.

Once you are restrained by it, you don't know what to do.

Moreover, Kogoro Mori's big hands kept falling on his delicate body, and Mary couldn't exert any more strength.

Although seeing this scene at the beginning had a great impact on his mind, but after gradually getting used to it, he felt nothing.

The blond little loli complied with a half-push.

Not long after, the subject of the experiment was transferred to Mary, and the little Lolita's snowy neck couldn't stop rising, and her water-green eyes contracted.The antidote was fed with warm water by Zhibao next to him.

The miraculous scene that had just happened once was staged again.

The time button seemed to speed up!

Little Loli Marie began to develop rapidly, and within a minute, she grew into an adult.

She is still growing, developing towards her original age.

His body began to grow longer, his figure became more graceful, and his legs became more slender.

After a while, the round and graceful white legs were revealed.

Her face became more and more mature, first she was a young girl from Eagle Country who was in her twenties;

After that, she became an English lady, full of books;

Then, as she grows older, she matures like a peach and turns into a plump and beautiful woman.

Because Mary's age is one round higher than that of Huiyuan, her recovery time is also a little longer than that, and the process of growing up from a small child also took more than ten seconds longer.Looking at the soft and charming woman who was sweating and panting in front of her, her skin was rosy and white, so dazzling!

Mori Kogoro only felt that he had experienced most of her life, and couldn't help gasping in amazement.

At this moment, Mary, who had fully recovered, was bright and charming, her eyes were full of charm, and her emerald green eyes seemed to have a little more evil aura.

The recovery of her body gave Mary confidence, so she was full of aura, and her lips turned flaming red as if stained with blood.

Her whole body is like a burning rose, dangerous and alluring!

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