Zhibao hurriedly took the water cup to feed Mary who was short of water.

His blue eyes couldn't help falling on his chest, and he was dumbfounded again.

This is too big! ! !

It's either G or H, it's more intuitive to see now, Auntie has such a broad mind!

Zhibao couldn't help thinking of his washboard-like cousin Zhenchun: "Aunt Mary, isn't Zhenchun your biological daughter?"

Mary, whose eyes were full of mist, couldn't hear what Shiho was asking.

"What, what did you say? Shiho, say it again."

Seeing this posture, Zhibao didn't ask any more questions.

She smirked again, like a little fox.

The plan is very successful, it seems that I will not lose to Big Nailan in the future!

Kogoro Mori looked at the two girls who had grown bigger after taking the temporary antidote, and looked through them carefully. He also felt that the two girls were very similar, and they really deserved to be relatives.

Mary, who had recovered, was very domineering, and said directly: "Zhibao, let auntie help you with the next experiment, you can go and rest next to you." Such!"

After saying this, Zhibao also moved his body and came closer.

On the other hand, in the private martial arts field not far from the office, Xiaolan really suppressed Zhenchun and Sumi with one enemy and two.

His master-level karate is constantly improving, coupled with his extraordinary physique and extremely strong strength.

The two women have tried their best, but they still ended up in a fiasco.

Sitting alone on top of the two girls, Xiaolan proudly asked, "Are you convinced?"

Sumei couldn't help but patted on the shoulder: "Damn it, the teacher actually taught you the half-step Bengquan, otherwise I wouldn't lose." Xiaolan exerted a little force, and Sumei felt pain .

"Senior sister, I am my father's daughter, isn't it normal for my father to pass on his martial arts to me?"

"If you don't admit defeat, you will suffer."

Hearing this, Zhenchun waved his hands and said, "I admit defeat, Xiaolan, let me go."

Seeing that his teammates had surrendered, Sumei stopped insisting and surrendered.

The defeated two girls were lying on the martial arts arena, dripping with sweat.

Zhenchun couldn't help but said: "You two are really monsters. In Yingguo, there is no one who can fight with me. I didn't expect to meet you two monsters when I returned to Japan."

"It doesn't matter if you have such great strength, and they all have special force-exerting skills. It's really foul."

Xiao Lan didn't shed any sweat, she was very dry: "My father taught me these things."

Mira on the side came up and quickly handed water to the three girls.

"You guys are really good at fighting. It's even better than sumo matches on TV."

The three women couldn't help but rolled their eyes.

Sumei regained her vitality after finishing her drink.

"I've decided, I must learn master's martial arts completely."

Xiaolan couldn't help complaining: "Dad won't teach you, you just give up on it!"

Sumei was not shocked at all, her eyes were full of determination, and then she snickered as if thinking of something.

If Mori Kogoro didn't teach it, she would have to grind it out.

The two women who were lying down got up one after another, and then supported each other and walked towards the bathroom. Xiaolan also went to wash up.

During the bath, she remembered the promise she had made to the two girls, so she let the two girls lie on the bench in the middle and began to massage them!

Xiaolan, who is very familiar with the structure of the human body, sat on the two girls, and used her bare hands to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and get rid of the injuries left in the competition just now.These movements are almost the same as what Mori Kogoro did to herself in the martial arts field.

In the bathroom full of steam, the graceful bodies of the three women are looming, really attractive, but it's a pity that the world doesn't have eyes.

Both Shumei and Zhenchun were very useful, screaming again and again, with a look of satisfaction on their faces.

"Xiao Lan, how did you learn this technique? It's amazing!"

"I didn't expect you, Xiaolan, to have this hidden skill. It's so comfortable!"

Hearing the praise, Xiaolan also smiled.

But then the style of painting went wrong, and Xiaolan's little hand moved to other places.

"Senior sister, are you really not growing anymore? Why do you feel a little bigger than before?"

"Xiao Shiliang, wow, I'm almost touching the bones, how will you survive after you have a baby?"

Shiliang Zhenchun's cheeks turned red instantly: "Don't talk about such a shy topic, Xiaolan, you are so haughty!"

"Lan, don't mess around, be honest with me, or I'll ask Master to teach you a lesson!"

Chapter 0039 Kogoro like an animal

After the three girls washed up, they returned home from the martial arts field.

And Huiyuan's door is still closed!

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