Seeing this, Xiaolan couldn't help but knocked on the door and said, "Xiao Ai, you can't occupy Dad like this!" But the door still didn't open, but a slightly weak female voice came out: "Uncle? On my side." Hearing this mature female voice, Xiao Lan instantly realized that it was not Hui Yuan's voice.

This is Zhibao's voice, which means that Xiao Ai has taken the antidote again.

Originally, she wanted to break in, but she glanced at Senior Shumei in the living room and dismissed the idea.

After all, Mori Kogoro also told her about Xiao Ai's troubles, so he wanted to help cover her up.

"Really, tell me first when you take that medicine next time."

After saying that, Xiaolan turned around and went to the living room to entertain Miss Shumei.

Mary, who was hiding in the closet in the room, was relieved.

After the crisis was over, the blonde beauty with big breasts lay limp in the closet, with a drop of sweat on her forehead.

His legs were still shaking and he couldn't stand up at all.

Zhibao, who was also seriously overdrawn, stepped forward and helped Aunt Mary, who was completely naked, back to bed.

The two women were both collapsed on the bed, looking as if they had lost all their energy.

Mary really thinks too highly of herself, this experiment is too cruel, even as the ace agent, she can't stand it.

Zhibao tried his best to cover the two of them with the sheet, and then said softly: "Aunt Mary, you can rest here for a while, and go back after the medicine wears off and recovers."

Mary nodded slightly, but couldn't help but said: "Is that guy such a beast? Poor kid, how did you survive before?" His little hands couldn't help stroking Zhibao's short hair.

Zhibao's pretty face turned slightly red: "It's always been so good, Aunt Mary, I'm tired, let me sleep first!"

After saying this, Shiho slowly closed his eyes.

And Mary beside her let out a long sigh of relief, and also squinted her eyes to sleep.

As for Mori Kogoro, he was indeed worthy of the name of an animal, and now he went to Mingmei's room on the second floor next door.

He is very good at keeping promises, and he must be satisfied with what he promised others before.

In addition, Minmei was carrying Belmode's bug, and this little thing had to be dealt with.So Belmode, who returned to his residence, listened to the strange sound for more than an hour, and finally couldn't sleep well.It is a pity that Sumi failed to find Mori Kogoro and ask him about martial arts in the end.

But after receiving the text message from Mori Kogoro, this girl went back satisfied.

The next day, at ten o'clock in the morning on Wednesday, Mori Kogoro drove a Lexus to Maoyan Cafe.

These three cats all called last night, telling themselves that they must come over today, and asked Yazi to help deliver the message.Mori Kogoro appeared at the cafe door with the previously stolen painting "Smile by the Rhine Lake".

The bell rang, and Kogoro Mori opened the door and entered.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai greeted him in surprise, took his arm directly, and pulled him inside.

The tiger-striped orange cat next to him also slipped into Kogoro Mouri's arms, obviously very close to him.

The cafe wasn't open yet, but there were already customers inside, and three tables were full.

Sitting at a table is a big Russian man, an old man with a mustache, and a long-haired male photographer;

At the other table, there was a woman in a red cheongsam and a woman with long brown hair, and behind her stood a handsome butler.

The two girls were so beautiful that Kogoro Mori couldn't help but look at them a few more times.

Confronting it are sisters Lai Shenglei and Lai Sheng Tong.

And their master Kuroba Chikage sat on the table next to him, yawning lazily.

Laisheng Tong resolutely said: "Sorry, we don't have the egg of memory you mentioned here, you have found the wrong person, please go back."

The old man with the mustache picked up the box and said, "Little girl, you can't fool me. Someone told me that the fifty-first memory egg is in your hands."

"You sell it to us, the [-] million yen is yours, how about it, is it a good deal?"

This old man with a mustache is a well-known antique dealer in Tokyo, but his reputation is not good. He is a profiteer named Gan Jiangyi.

The asking price is also far lower than the actual price.

The Russian next to him said in unproficient Japanese: "Two beautiful ladies, such precious cultural relics should be donated to our Russian Art Museum."

"Going back to the art museum and gathering together with other eggs of memory is the destination of this cultural relic!"

The name of this big man is Sirouf Chinnikov, he is the first-class clerk of the Russian embassy, ​​and he also came for the egg of memory.

The long-haired male photographer next to him laughed softly: "It's really interesting that you guys are fighting each other before the egg of memory appears."

"It seems that I don't have to worry about the documentary material!"

Hearing this, Gan Jiangyi and Xiluoufu's expressions turned ugly.

Kuroba Chikage saw Mori Kogoro just now, her purple eyes lit up, and she hurriedly beckoned him over.

Mori Kogoro and Xiao Ai came to Chikage's booth together and watched the situation on the field together.

With Master at his side, Xiao Ai calmed down in an instant, and sat across from her to tease the big orange cat.

And Mori Kogoro's big hand landed on Chikage's beautiful legs, full of elasticity.

He asked softly, "Who are they?"

Qianying immediately rolled her eyes: "You still say that you provoked Xiaolei and the others' memory eggs."

"The news spread out somehow. Many people came to visit yesterday, and today they even came to the door together."

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