Mori Kogoro frowned slightly: "No way, this matter is very hidden. Although the egg of memory was sent to Fuguiwan for auction, it was withdrawn before the auction. Not many people know about it."

"Someone must be playing tricks and deliberately letting out the wind."

His eyes fell on several people present.

Qian Ying then introduced everyone's background, the big man was from the Russian embassy, ​​and the mustache was an antique profiteer.

And the long-haired man who has been shooting and documenting is the freelance photographer Samukawa Ryu!

Wearing a red cheongsam with slits, a woman with short gray hair and an exquisite face is a scholar who studies the history of the Romanov dynasty. She seems to be from the Celestial Dynasty, and her name is Pusi Qinglan!

And the woman with long brown hair, a sweet smile, and an orange dress is a French pastry chef, Kasaka Natsumi!

Behind her is her old housekeeper, Mr. Sawabe!

These people are all here for the Egg of Memory.

Chapter 0040

Pusi Qinglan is obviously a mixed race of Russians and yellow races, with fair skin, deep eye sockets, full of exotic styles, and a very delicate appearance.She first greeted them in Chinese, and then changed to Japanese.

"Shop manager, I am a scholar who specializes in the history of Normanov, and I don't want any egg of memory."

"As long as the store manager can lend it to me for a few glances, I will be satisfied."

Hearing this, Lai Shenglei and Lai Sheng Tong looked at each other, their eyes were quite embarrassed.

The traitorous businessman on the side laughed: "This kind of person who doesn't want anything, usually has bigger plans, you must be careful.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Pusi Qinglan couldn't help frowning.

The Russian clerk next to him, Siluoff, made an attack on Kasaka Natsumi.

"Miss Kasaka, as a pastry chef, why are you here to join in the fun?"

"The thing about the eggs of memories is not something you should get involved in."

Anger immediately appeared on Kasaka Natsumi's pretty face.

Butler Sawabe behind him quickly said, "The Egg of Memories originally belonged to our Kasaka family, and it was a last resort to sell it to others. Now it is natural to return to the Kasaka family."

Laishenglei asked curiously: "Miss Xiangsaka, what's going on?"

Kasaka Natsumi took out two withered and yellow design drawings from her handbag and put them on the table for everyone to see.

These are the two parts of the Egg of Memories, and everyone gathered together to watch it.

"My great-grandfather Kiichi used to work as a worker in the outstanding workshop of Faberlu in Russia, which is a workshop that makes memory eggs, and married a local girl."

"In the second year after the Russian Revolution broke out, my great-grandfather returned home with his wife and gave birth to my grandmother."

"After returning to China, Zeng's mother passed away not long after, and Zeng's father also passed away nine years later."

"My parents died in a car accident when I was young, and I was brought up by my grandmother."

The housekeeper Zebu continued: "But the old lady passed away last month, and her last words are to retrieve the eggs of memories from that year."

Kasaka Natsumi continued: "I found these two designs when I went back to China to sort out the relics, so I hope to buy the Egg of Memories back." I didn't expect that the Kasaka family and the Egg of Memories have such a relationship, and it was back in Russia. When the war broke out, it was brought over through untold hardships, and now I want to redeem the old

After hearing this, the sisters in the next life were immediately tangled.

In this way, the context should be very clear!

When Xi returned to Japan with the egg of memory, he had to sell the egg of memory to Heinz in the difficult post-war period.After Heinz's death, all his collections were looted, and the egg of memory was collected by Suzuki's family after several twists and turns.

Although the three sisters of the next life family are committed to collecting all of Dad's collections, this collection is obviously more meaningful to the Kasaka family.

It is just one of hundreds of collections in the afterlife family, but it is completely different for Kasaka Natsumi.

The three sisters looked at each other and made up their minds.

Lai Shenglei caught a glimpse of Mori Kogoro who came in quietly and had sex with the master, you and me, and was furious.

She frowned, and said immediately: "The egg of memory you mentioned is indeed in my hands, but we are just keeping it for you." "The real owner is not us, but a detective, Mr. Mori Kogoro."

Saying this, Laisheng Laisu pointed at Mori Kogoro, and directly threw the mess on him, ready to let him deal with it.Being watched by everyone, Mori Kogoro withdrew his bad hand and pretended to be sitting upright.

Everyone got up and came over eagerly, offering their hospitality to him.

Inexplicably, he was pulled out to block the gun, and Kogoro Mori didn't say much.

He said directly: "Xiao Ai, go and bring the egg of memory here first."

Laishenglei and Laishengtong sat on the booth next to them, looking happy and leisurely.

Soon, the emerald egg of memory was brought up by Xiao Ai, and the enthusiasm in everyone's eyes almost turned into substance.

Obviously, it was covered with verdigris rust, and all the precious stones were gone, replaced by ordinary glass.

This appearance is really ordinary, but everyone is looking like a treasure, which is really unreasonable.

Noisy voices constantly harassed Kogoro Mori, and they talked about their purchase intentions one by one.

Mori Kogoro knew what Laishenglei and the others meant, so he slapped down the table and immediately said, "Quiet me." Everyone fell silent in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro took the design drawing and began to piece together, but the elliptical arcs couldn't coincide no matter what.

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