"Miss Xiangsaka, these designs cannot overlap, your great-grandfather must have brought back two memory eggs, one big and one small!

Hearing that there were two eggs of memories, Chikage Kuroba seemed to remember something.

She found a flashlight, and then came forward: "I felt weird before, so that's what happened."

Saying this, Kuroba Chikage stretched out her fingers and directly removed the glass piece under the Egg of Memories.

Xiluoufu and Gan Jiang couldn't help shouting: "What are you doing?"

Kuroba Chikage ignored the two of them, and instead shone the strong flashlight on the glass.

The refracted light fell on the wall, immediately revealing the appearance of a castle.

Mori Kogoro recognized it at a glance, this is the castle of Yokosuka.

Because the castle was built in Russia, it was used as a landmark in Yokosuka, and it was also used as a background pattern in the Japanese yen.

Then Kuroba Chikage said: "The principle of the magic mirror, this glass has been finely carved."

"It seems that this is the clue. Another memory egg should be hidden in this castle."

Xiao Ai behind her cheered immediately: "Master, you are too smart."

Immediately, the antique dealer was full of excitement: "The two memory eggs that have been circulated outside are worth a billion yuan, no, more than [-] billion yen!"

The eyes of the rest of the people were also extremely hot. Looking at the castle in the reflection, they wished they could pass right now.

At this time, Kasaka Natsumi took out a key from the bag: "And this, this is the key found with the blueprint."

Kuroba Chikage couldn't help but said: "So, the famous landmark building in Yokosuka is actually your hometown?"

Kasaka Natsumi nodded, and this proved that what she said was true and all the truth.

Kasaka Natsumi turned her head to look at Mori Kogoro, and invited, "Detective Mori, I wonder if you have time tomorrow, and I will go to Yokosuka's castle with me, I'm afraid I won't be able to find the second memory egg. "

Mori Kogoro also nodded: "The two memory eggs should also be gathered together, and then discuss their ownership, I will go with you." The people on the side said again and again: "Please let me go together. "

Chapter 0041 The Sisters' Calculation

Seeing everyone's faces full of determination, Kasaka Natsumi was too embarrassed to refuse, so she could only agree.

Then, the people with their own ghosts dispersed, preparing the tools for treasure hunting in Yokosuka tomorrow.

On the contrary, Kasaka Natsumi and Pusi Qinglan both stayed in the cafe, tasting coffee and pastries.

Kasaka Natsumi couldn't help being amazed as soon as she tried the cake in the cat's eye coffee shop.

"Manager, your cake is too delicious, it's even more delicious than the pastry I learned in France."

"It's hard to believe that domestic desserts have reached this level."

Tong Sheng, who was entertaining them at the side, smiled lightly and said, "It's too much of an award, this is also what our master taught us well!"

Hearing this, the two girls turned their heads to look at Chikage Kuroba, who was walking to the basement with Kogoro Mori.

Pusi Qinglan couldn't help but said, "She's your pastry master? I thought it was some antique appraiser just now!"

Lai Shengtong didn't respond much, and said excuse me, then went to the basement with the eldest sister, and ordered: "Xiao Ai, please help look after the store. Lai Sheng Ai, who is holding big oranges as the most important thing, couldn't help but murmur : "It's really a bully, I want to see it too! "

"Goro, do you think sisters are very bullying?"

This tiger-striped orange cat innocently looked at the love in the next life, and was finally released after two meows.

It immediately climbed to the window to bask in the sun.

Previously, its name was the Great General, but after the three sisters of the next life family returned to China, they changed it to Goro, the same name as the blue cat raised by Eri.Pusi Qinglan couldn't help looking at the basement, her deep eyes were thinking of something.

Finally came to the secret base of the three Maoyan sisters, Kogoro Mouri couldn't help but began to inspect around.

The arsenal, laboratory, arena, leisure area, and rest area have everything you need. It is very spacious and reasonably designed. It is a pretty good base.Sister Xiaolei and Xiaotong both stood behind Qianying, looking aggrieved.

And this strange thief lady folded her arms and narrowed her eyes slightly, with an expression of pleading guilty.

What the hell?Could it be that the two sisters blew themselves up?Tell Qianying everything that happened on the boat?How come this expression?

Mori Kogoro felt a little guilty, and immediately asked, "Qiankage, what's the matter?"

Qianying scolded lightly: "Mori Kogoro, look at the good things you have done, don't think I don't know, Xiaolei and Xiaotong have told me! Mori Kogoro's heart thumped immediately: No, this is to The Shura Field exploded!

"It turns out that you pretended to be the phantom thief gentleman who bullied them, and you even stole their paintings."

"Afterwards, I colluded with the female policemen and forced them to help you on the Fuguiwan. I almost died on the boat and didn't come back."

"Xiao Wulang, you are really capable, you are so fussy with the juniors, they are all my apprentices!"

"It's no wonder they all looked depressed when they came back to see me. It was only after I asked many times."

"Xiao Goro, you must give me an explanation today!"

Depressed, that's because I feel that I'm stealing from my master, I'm sorry, what are these reasons!

Hearing this turn of events, Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought that the sisters in the next life had explained their relationship, but he didn't realize that it was these insignificant things. It was a false alarm.

The two sisters standing behind Chikage blinked at Kogoro Mori, full of mischief.

Mori Kogoro coughed twice, took out the painting tube on his back, and unfolded the painting.

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