"Qingzi, go back to class now, maybe you can still see a very wonderful picture!"

Hearing this, Qingzi's face was immediately covered with frost, and his eyes were full of anger.

Without making a sound, she immediately ran downstairs.

Momoi Keiko pushed Kaito away and hurriedly chased Aoko downstairs.

Kaito's face was filled with the pleasure of revenge, and he chased the two girls downstairs, wanting to witness the next scene with his own eyes.

Soon, the group of three ran back to the door of the classroom on the second floor.

Qing Zi pursed his lips but hesitated to stop.

At this moment, she didn't want to open the door anymore. If she really saw some terrible scene, she didn't know how to deal with it.

Besides, Aoko, who has a gentle personality, doesn't really mind this kind of thing. He has been with Mira Xiaoran before, and he knows Mori Kogoro's temperament.She was set ablaze by Kaito just now, so she ran down.

But Kaito would not let Aoko stop like this, he went directly to the door of the classroom and pushed the sliding door open.

In an instant, Kaito's face froze!

The whole classroom was empty and there was no one there.

Mortals can't see through the barrier with naked eyes!

Qingzi immediately breathed a sigh of relief, his face full of joy.

So, those words just now were deliberately fabricated by Kaito to slander Kogoro.

Keiko couldn't help scolding: "Student Heiyu, is it interesting to play tricks on us?"

"Qingzi told you not to pester her, but you still make so many troubles, what do you want?

But Kuroba Kaito was full of disbelief, and kept shouting: "Impossible, I clearly heard it just now, why did it disappear suddenly, could it be next door?"

He couldn't help but push away the classroom next to him, but there was no one there.

Qingzi and Huizi ignored him, turned around and left directly upstairs.

Chapter 0051 Suppressing the Witch

Mori Kogoro in the barrier naturally knows the scene outside.

Fortunately, the invisible enchantment was arranged in advance, otherwise the Shura Field might explode!

Kaito danced happily outside, and Mori Kogoro couldn't deal with him right away.

There's no way, he's restrained by Hongzi, the witch, and can't move.

And it's such a powerful little foot, as if it contains devouring magic, it wants to completely pull itself away.Fortunately, Mori Kogoro's true hand of God mixed with thunder should not be underestimated, and he continued to fight back.It's Witch vs. Witchcraft!

There is a saying in the art of war that attacking the enemy must be saved, and Kogoro Mori is implementing this policy.

Apparently it worked great!

Hongzi soon lost his footing, and his leg, which was wearing a knee sock, was trembling slightly.

His sweat kept dripping, and his body exuded a strange fragrance, which was really very attractive.

Seeing that the situation is getting better, Mori Kogoro mobilized more lightning power.

Hongzi couldn't help leaning back on the desk, supporting the desk with both hands, gasping for breath, and couldn't help scolding softly.

"Asshole, how could you develop such a shameless move?"

Mori Kogoro easily broke free from Hongzi's restraint, and looked down at Hongzi, the inheritor of the red magic.

"Don't be ashamed, as long as it's useful."

"Hehe, and this is still a body forging secret technique, no one else has a chance to try it!"

Hongzi's crimson pupils full of water ripples couldn't help but glared over: "Pervert!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro twitched into a smirk: "I have even more powerful moves, I hope you will still have the strength to say such things later." What Mori Kogoro said was of course Thunderbolt Canglong.

Since Mori Kogoro developed this trick, even little angels are no match for him.

It's too heaven-defying, as long as it's used, the little angel will be defeated in less than five hours and three quarters.

Even Shikigami Fusang could barely support it, but it was only ten minutes at most.

This is also the reason why Mori Kogoro has been invincible for a while. Usually, if he makes up the last move of Thunder Dragon, there is no one who can't win.This is Mori Kogoro's trump card, and it should not be used easily.

But what I met today was Hongzi, the successor of the red magic, he is a very good target!

I remember that last time she still had recovery potions, and there were quite a lot of means. I hope she can last longer this time.

Kogoro Mori stepped forward, and saw Hongzi's pink lips slightly parted, chanting an obscure spell.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that his little hand was holding a doll at some point, and he had two mustaches.

Damn it, it's another witch doll!

How could Kogoro Moori get the same trick for the second time.

He leaned down directly, and gnawed on Hongzi's pink lips, preventing her from continuing to chant the mantra.

Pressing his hands on Hongzi's delicate body, the Thundercryl Dragon unleashed it.

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