The blue dragon entered the sea and roared immediately!

Instantly, Hongzi sensed waves of thunder continuously spreading from her body, couldn't help but widen her eyes, raised her head and said loudly.

Its snow neck is as white as a swan!

Immediately afterwards, his body kept shaking, and his two long legs trembled as if they were swinging;

And his little hand could no longer hold it firmly, and the witchcraft doll fell to the ground.

This newly developed witchcraft is really powerful!

It's really dangerous, almost being controlled by him again.

Only then did Kogoro Moori heave a sigh of relief, seeing that Hongzi still had the intention to fight back, he followed suit and pursued after the victory.

On the other hand, Aoko Nakamori, who returned to the laboratory on the fourth floor and continued to search for clues, seemed a little depressed.

Being made such a fuss by Kaito, the good mood disappeared.

Keiko Momoi couldn't help comforting him and said, "Qingzi, if you are really worried, why don't you call Uncle Mori and ask where they are. Don't listen to that guy Kaito, you have to trust Uncle Mori. .”

Keiko who said this is very guilty!

Last time at the Suzuki University Library, she saw Mori Kogoro and Suzuki Ayako get together even when she was condescending.

Keiko never told Qingzi about this!

Qingzi couldn't help giving her a blank look: "It's because I know Uncle Mao Li too well that I didn't call."

"Actually, what Kaito said just now, I'm almost sure that the two of them must have something to do."

"But, but, Keiko, do you think uncle will dislike me?"

Saying this, Qing Zi couldn't help but look at the slight ups and downs of his chest.

Before that, it was still as flat as a washboard, and it was only after being nourished by men that it grew up, but it was only a B cup.

Keiko looked at Qingzi speechlessly: "Uh, are you worried about this?"

Qingzi immediately looked excited: "Of course, it's not like you haven't seen how good that guy's figure is."

"Being so tall, with long legs and big breasts, puts me under a lot of pressure. How can I compete with her!"

Hearing this, Keiko almost lost his footing.

It took a long time for her to calm down, and comforted her, "Qingzi, your worries are completely unfounded."

"Don't worry, you have another advantage that no one can compare to, that is, you look very similar to Uncle Maori's daughter!"

"Think about it, when you and Uncle Mao Li are doing that, doesn't that uncle feel like his own daughter? If you call him Dad a few more times, I wonder if there is any man in the world who can bear it."

Qingzi immediately rolled up the dead fish eyes, black lines all over his head.

"There is a boarding girl named Mira at Uncle Maori's house. She looks exactly like Xiaolan, even with the same hairstyle."

"And her breasts are bigger than mine, so the advantages you mentioned don't count at all."

"Hey!" Keiko was stunned immediately, she didn't expect such a person to exist in the world.

Soon, Keiko thought of something again, and her eyes sparkled.

She pulled Qingzi over and whispered: "Ahem, in this case, you alone feel that you can't compete with them."

"As your good sister, I will definitely help you. As the saying goes, if sisters are of one mind, their benefits will cut through gold."

"Well, later, you invite uncle to your house first, and I'll go back together. Then we'll make uncle drink. After that, ahem, it doesn't matter if I sacrifice..."

Before Huizi finished speaking, Qingzi understood.

A plan directly hammered Keiko's little head: "Okay, Momoi Keiko, I treat you as a friend, but you actually want to sleep with my man."

Keiko ran away immediately, arguing constantly: "What, I want to help you. There are many people and strength, and I will definitely win back Uncle's favor."

"How dare you say it, don't run away!"

The two women started chasing around the experimental platform.

And Kuroba Kaito, who was sitting outside the door, looked at the sky speechlessly: What's wrong with this world, why do all the girls fall in love with the uncle, why!

Chapter 0052 Dad, please spare me!

In class B of the second grade on the second floor of Jiang Gutian High School, in the bright classroom, Koizumi Hongzi was lying on the podium.

Her long legs had nowhere to support her, so she could only stand in an inward posture.

Viewed from the bottom side, these long legs with knee socks are really invincible!

Hongzi held the wooden triangle on the podium with her small hand, but her crimson eyes rolled around uncontrollably.

The witch-sama looked as if she had been stunned and played badly.

But it was already so miserable, Hongzi still refused to admit defeat and spoke.

"Xiao Wulang, you are too despicable to use witchcraft."

"You wait, wait until I become a real witch, and see how I teach you a lesson, ouch, my mother!"

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