The old housekeeper Sato at the entrance had a worried look on his face, and when he saw Kogoro Mori appearing, he quickly spoke.

"Detective Maori, it's good that you come here, Madam hasn't eaten from morning to noon, you must persuade her!"

"It's okay, steward, just leave it to me, you can go to work."

The old housekeeper sighed, and then stepped back.

Across the long corridor, under Ayako's encouragement, Kogoro Moori pushed open the door of the living room.

At a glance, he saw the haggard business queen, Tomoko Suzuki, sitting on the sofa.

Tomoko, she was wearing a smart little purple suit, black trousers, her legs were crossed, her short hair was very messy, and she was holding a handkerchief in her hand, with a troubled expression on her face.

When she heard the voice, she couldn't help yelling: "Didn't I say that no one is allowed to come in and disturb me?"

Mori Kogoro closed the door, and said directly, "Is there no exception for me?"

Hearing this familiar male voice, Tomoko immediately turned his head, seeing that it was Kogoro Mori, his face immediately became very unkind.

Tomoko got up immediately, raised his fist and waved at Mori Kogoro: "Bastard, didn't you promise me that you wouldn't attack Sonoko?"

"You don't keep your word!"

Mori Kogoro immediately grabbed Tomoko's hands and sat him down on the sofa.

During this period, Tomoko kept struggling, kicking his legs wildly, and couldn't help biting Mori Kogoro's shoulder.

Sure enough, all women in the world belong to dogs!

Mori Kogoro smacked Tomoko's butt a few times, and couldn't help but said, "What the hell, I didn't do anything to Sonoko?"

At most, he was kissed and rubbed by her a few times, and nothing more extreme was done.

Immediately, like an angry young lioness, Tomoko couldn't help roaring: "Okay, you still don't admit it!"

"Yonko has already told me everything about you on the Fugui Pill, why are you pretending to be confused?"

What about Fuguiwan?

Isn't Fuguiwan busy with the three sisters in the future?What's the matter with Guan Yuanzi?Could it be that Yuanzi created something out of nothing and made up a story?With her temperament, it is very possible!

"Friend, please explain clearly, I don't understand."

Tomoko's eyes were full of anger, and he threw the handkerchief to Kogoro Mori's face.

"Look for yourself. Yuanzi gave it to me. She told me that she slept with you on the first night on the cruise ship. The blood on the handkerchief is proof. You still don't admit it, little Goro, how can you do this? How can I deal with this kind of thing with Yuanzi?"

Tears welled up in Tomoko's eyes.

Kogoro Mori unfolded the handkerchief, and there was indeed some blood stains on it.

But obviously I didn't do it!

Yaoshou, you actually came up with this trick, planting blame!It's so beautiful, Yuanzi!Mori Kogoro lowered his head and sniffed, um, it's pig blood.

"You still smell?"

Seeing this, Tomoko frantically slapped Kogoro Mori's chest with his little hands.

Chapter 0056 runaway friends

At this moment, the business queen no longer has an elegant image, but is like a shrew, using both hands and feet, constantly attacking Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro easily suppressed him with his backhand, and was about to explain.

But after thinking about it, since Tomoko had misunderstood her, it was time to test her reaction.

And last time I promised Sonoko that if we want to settle this matter, we have to keep our promises, so Kogoro Mori stopped talking immediately.On the sofa, Tomoko kept struggling, her delicate body writhing like a water snake.

And his purple eyes were full of tears, and he still stared stubbornly at Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro let go of his hands and let him pat.

Tomoko then stopped and shouted, "Speak, speak!"

This stern look doesn't look like her anymore!

In fact, Tomoko doesn't know how to deal with it, so he pins his hopes on Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro reached out to grab his soft shoulder again, but was thrown away by him.

"Do not touch me!"

At times like this, it's not like you don't touch it if you don't touch it. Men sometimes have to be a little bit domineering.

To be honest, apart from Eri and Ran, Mori Kogoro had never been afraid of other women, and he was very good at making jokes.Mori Kogoro directly pressed Tomoko down, then opened his mouth and kissed him.

Tomoko kept turning his head to the side, trying to get away, but Kogoro Mori pinched his chin with his big hand.

The little head couldn't move, so it could only bear it obediently.

And Moori Kogoro's other big hand is constantly climbing and swimming skillfully.

On the other side, in Sonoko's room on the second floor, the second lady of the Suzuki family was watching the surveillance screen on the computer intently.

Seeing that the two really kissed each other, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

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