"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"How can you do this, it's too bad!"

Yuanzi slammed the pillow against the bed, resisting the urge to go down and stop it, and after letting off steam, she focused on watching again.This time, Yuanzi was well thought out, not only framing the blame, but also lying to friends that he and Kogoro had cooked rice;

He also secretly installed surveillance cameras in various corners of the house, just to see her reaction in the future, and then respond.

But she didn't expect Kogoro Mori to come over, so there were more variables out of thin air!

When the second lady of the Suzuki family gets serious, her IQ is quite online.

It's also because Sonoko didn't install monitoring bugs outside the villa, otherwise he might be pissed off when he heard the conversation between Mori Kogoro and Ayako.

Obviously she was the first to know Mori Kogoro, but her family got ahead of her one by one. It must be hard to know the truth.

Mori Kogoro displayed his master-level kissing skills, aggressively attacking, and soon kissed Tomoko to the point where he couldn't find his way.

But how could this business queen give in so easily, until Mori Kogoro caught her flirtatious leg, and then gradually took control of the situation.After about ten minutes passed, Mori Kogoro let go of Tomoko's mouth.

Pengzi's little face was already flushed, and his little head was still tilted up, as if he still wanted to ask for a kiss.

Seeing Mori Kogoro's smirk, Tomoko narrowed his eyes full of water, and calmed down in a blink of an eye.

As if the passionate woman just now was not me!

However, this kiss still had an effect. Tomoko's attitude was not as extreme as before, but much softer.

She didn't do anything anymore, but asked, "Tell me, what should I do now?"

Mori Kogoro stroked Tomoko's short hair lightly with his big hand, and said softly, "Why don't you make mistakes?"

Hearing these shameless words, Tomoko was stunned for an instant, and her purple eyes widened immediately.

"What do you mean, I knew you were a big pervert, and you wanted to attack Yuanzi a long time ago, you beast!"

"No, this is absolutely not allowed. Is it plausible to be known?"

"You can only choose one, choose for me now, do you want Yuanzi or me?"

After saying this, it was obvious that Kogoro Mori was making a choice, but Tomoko couldn't help but clenched Kogoro Mori's clothes tightly with his little hands.His eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori's face, as if afraid of being abandoned.

Sonoko in the room couldn't bear it anymore.

It's so annoying, still using these methods!

She didn't even wear shoes, and rushed down with her laptop in her arms, planning to have a head-to-head confrontation.

However, seeing the older sister Ayako who was guarding the door halfway, Sonoko faltered in an instant, hiding at the corner of the corridor and not daring to go forward.

After all, she has been keeping this matter from her sister Ayako.

Mori Kogoro pinched Tomoko's nose, and said with a light smile, "Really, you are such an adult, and you are still arguing with children, aren't you ashamed?"

Tomoko was a little stunned immediately, feeling like he couldn't keep up with Kogoro Mori's channel.

For such a serious matter, he can be so relaxed, without any anxiety or guilt, this is too shameless!

"What, you mean let me log out automatically?"

"Well, you heartless little Goro, you like the new and dislike the old, I can see you clearly."

—When I thought about it, Tomoko's tears started to flow like a landslide, and she couldn't stop, and she immediately had a heartbroken expression.

For Mori Kogoro, Tomoko has already divorced her husband, for him to control the Nuoda consortium, and tie her whole heart to him.

Even sharing with other women, she didn't have any complaints, and carefully maintained the relationship with Eri Yukiko.

If it ended up being abandoned in the end, Tomoko would not be able to accept it anyway.

At this moment, Tomoko only felt that his whole life was gloomy, and immediately had the urge to want to die.

Seeing her crying into tears, this was the first time Mori Kogoro saw Tomoko's expression, he quickly hugged her tightly and coaxed her gently. "Fool, don't add definitions indiscriminately, who told you to quit."

"I'm very greedy. Once I get it, I can't let go. If you want me to let you go, there is no door."

"Really?" Tomoko couldn't help but grabbed Kogoro Mori's clothes again with his small hands, his eyes full of hope.

"Of course it's true, why lie to you!"

"Then you mean to choose me, right?"

Mori Kogoro paused immediately: "Uh, that's not right, oops, children only make choices, adults want everything."

"Friend, don't you worry about being known by outsiders, then just don't let outsiders know, it's very simple!"

Hearing such remarks again, Tomoko was so angry that he couldn't help picking up the fruit knife on the table.

"You are still like this, I will kill you!"

Damn, this woman is serious, she really wants to kill with a knife.

Sure enough, this matter is not that simple. If Zhenlelehehe accepts it easily, then his own Yingli and little angels don't have to worry about it.Mori Kogoro directly grabbed Tomoko's wrist, and quickly said, "Calm down, calm down, it's just a joke."

"Nothing happened between Yuanzi and me, and the blood on the handkerchief wasn't her blood, it was pig blood!"

Hearing this, Tomoko was instantly stunned.

At this moment, it felt as if she had come from hell to heaven, and she couldn't help but shed tears again.

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