Xiaolan couldn't help frowning slightly when she saw the expressions between the two, especially the terrified expression of Teacher Judy.

And Yuanzi was looking at the big hole caused by the last ball in amazement, and his mouth couldn't close in surprise.

Judy's heart was beating fast, and when she saw the heat in Mori Kogoro's eyes and the evil smile on the corner of her mouth, she felt as if her heart was tightly held by a big hand.

At this moment, Kogoro Mori said, "In that case, please ask Teacher Judy to help me buy a few bottles of drinks!"

The warm words came out of Mori Kogoro's mouth, and the evil smile suddenly changed to be very gentle. Judy was stunned when she heard these words, she couldn't believe it at all.

Such a simple request? ? ?

Obviously such a vicious person doesn't intend to do anything to himself?

Judy looked at Kogoro Mori's tough face, and couldn't see what kind of person was in front of her for a while!

"Trouble Miss Judy!"

Kogoro Moori turned his head to look at Yuanzi and Xiaolan, and couldn't help frowning: "What to do! I accidentally used too much force, and the whole place was destroyed. I'll go to the school management to discuss compensation!"

Yuanzi immediately turned around when he heard this, put his arm around Mori Kogoro, and said, "Don't be so troublesome, my father is the director of Didan High School. When the time comes, I can ask my father to fix it directly. Besides, Uncle Maori is on my date today, so of course I'll take care of it if something goes wrong!"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Then I'll trouble Sonoko, and I'll just pay Sonoko the repair fee." Sonoko was about to refuse, but he heard Mori Kogoro's domineering words, "I can't refuse."

Yuanzi thought about it for a second, and he could ask Uncle Maoli to come out again next time he paid the repair fee, so he happily agreed.

"Uncle Maori, it turns out that you really let me in all the time. I've never seen anyone play tennis like you. I don't think the champions of the Australian Open or the French Open can compare to you. You are so good." It's gone!" Seeing the countless small pits and cracks on the hard court here, Sonoko became excited again, embracing Kogoro Mori's arm and jumping up and down.

The pair of young pigeons on her chest kept rubbing against Mori Kogoro's arms, which still felt a little soft, but it was far worse than Xiaolan's.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan hurried forward, exerted the strange force on her arm, and pulled Yuanzi away, with a sweet smile on her face: "Yuanzi, let's start playing ball too!"


Judy on the side saw the three talking and laughing, and Kogoro Mori completely ignored her, but somehow she felt a sense of loss in her heart.

Damn guy, the ball he played just now was obviously so erotic, but now he pretends to be such a gentleman, what does it mean?

She frowned, twisted her plump buttocks, tilted her blue skirt, and walked towards the vending machine next to the tennis court.


Xiaolan and Yuanzi changed the court and started playing tennis, while Mori Kogoro sat on a bench beside him to rest and watch.

Under the sun, Xiaolan's fair and slender thighs were running on the tennis court. Her angelic face was full of seriousness. With the swing, her two white and tender arms stretched out. The most touching thing was It's those two balls that fluctuate with the movement, and the things on the chest are constantly rising and falling, dancing to the extreme, making people's blood rush.

Kogoro Mori watched his daughter's continuous swing, and heard her soft and soft gasps, he couldn't help but chuckled.

Xiaolan's acting skills are really bad, and Kogoro Mori sees through the way she tries to let go of the water.

Among all the sports, Yuanzi is only slightly good at tennis, which is Yuanzi's strongest skill.

Because she cherishes the friendship with Yuanzi, Xiaolan can't bear to win Yuanzi in tennis, so as not to hurt Yuanzi's self-confidence, so Xiaolan and Yuanzi have been playing tennis all the time.

Xiaolan heard the voice of Mori Kogoro chuckling, and then turned around to see her father staring at her, her little face flushed slightly, but she still worked hard to perform in front of Sonoko...

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's phone rang, and Mori Kogoro answered the call.

"Uncle Maori!"

"Xiao Ai, how is the camping with Dr. Ali?"

Far away in the woods in the eastern suburbs, in a blue castle, Huiyuan held the phone and said coldly: "It's not good, Dr. A Li forgot the tent at home, we left from the campsite by the lake. I wanted to go home, but I passed by a blue castle, and the owner was kind enough to let us stay for one night, so I called to tell you that we won't be going back tonight."

Kogoro Mori nodded when he heard this, "That's it, Xiao Ai, have fun with Ayumi and the others!"

Huiyuan spoke again: "My mobile phone is about to run out of battery." Then Huiyuan held the mobile phone and did not speak.

Mori Kogoro heard that there was no sound from the other side, only the panting sound of Haibara, he immediately reacted, and said: "Xiao Ai, uncle misses you so much, as long as you think that you will not be able to see Xiao Ai until tomorrow, uncle I feel uncomfortable all over, I would have gone camping with you if I knew it earlier, so I can take good care of you!"

In the courtyard of the blue castle, when Haibara heard Mori Kogoro's words, a blush immediately appeared on her cold little face, the corners of her eyes slightly raised, and her mood suddenly became extremely good.

Mori Kogoro then said: "If you and Xiao Ai go camping by the lake, then we can enjoy the scenery of early spring and bathe in the pure lake water in the wild. Then uncle will definitely not do anything excessive!"

Hearing this, Hui Yuan's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and steam escaped from her face. She hurriedly cursed softly: "Big pervert!" Then hung up the call in a hurry.

Huiyuan stood where she was, the blush on her face never fading. She recalled what she had just heard, and a picture appeared in her mind.

Swimming in the quiet and beautiful blue lake with Uncle Maori, playing and playing without being disturbed, seems pretty good!

The blush on Hui Yuan's face couldn't fade for a long time at the thought of this.

Ayumi's loli voice came over, and she waved in front of her: "Huihara, hurry up and follow!"

Huiyuan hurried up with his short legs.

Chapter 0168

Mori Kogoro put down his cell phone with a wicked smile on his face, molesting Haibara would make him feel happy no matter when and where.

Suddenly, the fragrant wind came from behind, and Judy sat down with a bag of drinks in her hand. She smiled and said, "Detective Maori, are you talking on the phone with your wife?"

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "No, it's a little girl, what's wrong?"

Judy's face immediately changed again, just now she vaguely heard: "Bath in the lake, uncle must not do anything excessive."

Sure enough, this Maori detective is a womanizer. If he can call himself an uncle, the girl must be very young. Could it be that this great detective also likes to go out to the society to find girls who have compensated dating.

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