Thinking of this, Judy immediately frowned, but soon she adjusted her expression again, showing a warm smile on her face again: "Detective Maori, is this your drink?"

Mori Kogoro took the frozen drink, turned off the lid, and took a sip.

He glanced at Judy, who was wearing cool clothes, and said, "Mr. Judy, I was really sorry just now, I'm still not very proficient, and the tennis ball keeps hitting you accidentally."

Judy smiled back when she heard this, and said, "It's okay, it's okay!"

Judy didn't believe Kogoro Mori's words at all, she was extremely annoyed in her heart, but she still pretended to be smiling.

Just now on the way to buy a drink, she took the time to go to the bathroom. In the cubicle, she found that although her body was hit by tennis balls repeatedly, it did not leave any scars. Except for the bruises from tennis balls on a pair of big breasts, the rest His body was as smooth and fair as ever.

The hard court behind him was directly hit with potholes, his body was not as hard as the hard court, and there was no injury at all!

Kogoro Mori said he was not very proficient in controlling such power, it was all a coincidence, how could Judy believe it.

But she would never dare to show her face in front of Mori Kogoro. At this moment, Judy seemed to be approaching a tiger cautiously, showing kindness as much as possible, and not daring to turn a bad face.

At this moment, Kogoro Mori said: "Mr. Judy, I just played against you, and it seems that your skill is not an ordinary woman!"

Judy couldn't help feeling tense when she heard this, she laughed dryly, and said with a flattering smile: "Of course I'm not an ordinary woman, American women's physical fitness is better than that of neon women, besides, I have been exercising all the time, Of course he is nimble!"

While speaking, Judy also made a few bodybuilding moves, which highlighted her enchanting figure.

Mori Kogoro glanced at Judy, with a half-smile: "Really?"

His expression gradually turned cold: "Ms. Judy clearly knows that I don't mean it?"

Panic immediately appeared on Judy's face.

In a direction that neither Xiaolan nor Sonoko could see, Mori Kogoro turned around, grabbed Judy's round thigh with his big hand, and said, "At the speed that Teacher Judy was running just now , and the subconscious movements every time he stopped, and the calluses that are only found when holding a gun in his right hand, and the inconspicuous gunshot wound scars after minimally invasive surgery on this big wheel.

Mori Kogoro pinched Judy's round thighs, and fixed his eyes on Judy: "All of this tells me that you are not an ordinary woman, Mr. Judy, on the contrary, you are like a kind of character, a woman Agent, do you think so? Teacher Judy!"

Judy's pupils contracted after hearing this. She never thought that she would be spotted by Kogoro Mori. Originally, she wanted to test Kogoro Mori's depth, but instead leaked all her details.

She looked at Mori Kogoro with deep fear, and she saw through herself in just over twenty minutes of contact. Such terrifying observation and intelligence, coupled with that inhuman speed and strength , this man is terrifying to the extreme.

Mori Kogoro smiled, he was very satisfied with Judy's horrified expression at the moment, he turned his back to Xiaolan and Sonoko, and kept stroking the scar on Judy's leg with his big hand, but Judy didn't respond at the moment.

Mori Kogoro reached out and took Judy's callused right hand, and then said: "You are definitely not an English teacher, and you are from the United States, FBI, CIA, no, you are not CIA, the lines on your palm tell me The pistol you are using is a Glock pistol, otherwise there will be no such pattern, and the Glock pistol is the standard pistol of the FBI. In this case, you can only be a female agent of the FBI. I am right, right? Teacher Judy?"

The expression on Judy's face was completely blank at the moment. What Mori Kogoro said was absolutely correct. Her pistol was indeed a Glock. Judy looked at her palm and saw any special lines. This Maori detective How did he see his pistol from the palm of this hand?

Seeing Judy's expression, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but feel very happy, and he felt very happy as a prophet.

Where did he see the lines on Judy's palm?

Judy's heart defense had already been shattered under Mouri Kogoro's repeated attacks, and she couldn't hide her expression at this moment.

"And you came to this school pretending to be an English teacher, I am afraid that the target person is also in this Teidan High School, no, you are not sure, your eyes are confused, the target person has not yet appeared." Mori Kogoro observed Looking at Judy's expression, he reasoned: "You got the news that the target is very likely to appear near here, so you came to this school early to prepare."

Mori Kogoro grabbed Judy's tennis jacket on the chest, pulled it over, and warned with a serious face: "Mr. Judy, or you can be called Agent Judy, no matter what you want to do or whoever you want to catch , I just want to warn you, don’t get those two tennis girls involved in Didan High School, otherwise, I will make you and the people behind you pay a heavy price!”

Mouri Kogoro's expression frightened Judy instantly, she panicked, and said repeatedly: "No, we won't do this, Maori Detective, don't worry, our plan is very strict, we won't send Xiaogoro Lan and the others got involved."

The panicked Judy explained in a low voice, at this moment she was completely unaware that the two big hands on her chest were doing other movements.

Mori Kogoro pushed his hands, and pushed his palms softly on Mrs. Judy's chest and pushed it away. Mrs. Judy's breasts feel different from those of neon women. The degree of softness is not as soft as that of Asian women, but it is elastic. It's slightly better than that.

Judy didn't care about Kogoro Mori's actions at all, instead she greeted her with eager eyes: "Mr. Mori, you are so smart, can I invite you to be our special consultant for this Neon operation? If you help , we have a better chance of accomplishing our mission.”

Mori Kogoro turned around, smiled at Xiaolan and Yuanzi, and said softly, "I'm not interested, I just want to warn you not to involve Xiaolan and Yuanzi in this matter, that's all!"

Chapter 0169

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro got up with a drink, and then walked towards the garden.

Sonoko was exhausted at the moment, so Kogoro Mori stepped forward to replace him.

Yuanzi returned to the bench, saw Mr. Judy with a delicate expression, and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Judy, what's the matter with you, what did you say to Uncle Mao Li just now?"

Judy shook her head, looked at Mori Kogoro quietly with both eyes, but did not make any response. The stimulation she received today was too strong. For the first time, she felt that the camouflage course taught by the FBI was useless. Mori Kogoro looked as if he had been stripped naked in front of him, and he was clearly seen.

"It's okay, Sonoko, Maori detective is really not a simple character!"

Yuanzi couldn't help but smile triumphantly when he heard this: "Of course!"


More than five hours passed, and the time soon reached the afternoon, and the tennis party finally came to an end.

At the end of the day, Sonoko and Teacher Judy could only shout and cheer like salted fish. On the field, Kogoro Moori and Xiaolan kept sweating and playing. The two played two games in a row It's been hours.

Both of them had long physical strength and could last for a very long time. The tennis balls flew around the court, and the two of them ran around the court. This situation lasted for a long time.

Yuanzi yelled from the bottom that these two were monsters.

And Judy couldn't help showing a look of surprise when she saw their appearance, she had never seen a person with such abundant physical strength!


After the four parted, Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan took a taxi and returned home. Both of them felt very happy in today's exercise, sweating profusely!

It was already evening when I got home, and the setting sun came in through the window and swayed in the room.

As soon as Xiaolan got home, she threw herself on the sofa, taking up the whole sofa. In the setting sun, her body seemed to be shining, and she looked very beautiful.

Xiaolan was really tired from fighting with Mori Kogoro today, she lay motionless on the sofa panting.

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