Mori Kogoro shook his head, then poured two glasses of drinking water and put them in front of Xiaolan.

Xiaolan immediately raised her body, picked up the water glass and drank it gurglingly. She drank the whole glass of water, and Xiaolan's small face immediately showed a look of satisfaction.

"Wow, that's delicious! Thanks dad."

After drinking his own water, Kogoro Moori frowned when he saw that Xiaolan's shoes were still on, "That's not okay, Xiaolan, it will dirty the sofa."

Mori Kogoro also went up, grabbed Xiaolan's legs, lifted the two fair legs up, sat on the sofa by himself, then put Xiaolan's legs on his thighs, and then Mori Kogoro He gently helped Xiaolan take off the two white sneakers, and took off the socks along the way.

Xiaolan obediently remained motionless and let him manipulate her. She took off her socks, revealing her pink and tender feet. Surprisingly, after exercising for a long time, her feet had no smell at all.

Mori Kogoro collapsed on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling in a daze, suddenly his brows twitched wildly, as if he felt something was wrong, he couldn't help but recall what happened today, with forty-three points of intelligence, everything that happened today Frame by frame of what happened was played backwards in Mori Kogoro's mind like a movie.

At this time, Xiaolan's nasal voice came from in front of the sofa: "Dad, I'm so sore all over, please give me a massage." It instantly interrupted Kogoro Mori's train of thought.

Mori Kogoro shook his head and didn't think about it any more. He raised his arms and helped Xiaolan massage. Because this time it was just excessive exercise and there was no injury at all, so the healing technique was useless.

Excessive exercise will accumulate a large amount of lactic acid in the body. This lactic acid will make the body very sore and bloated. It will take at least two or three days to completely disappear if the body metabolizes and digests it by itself.

But if there is massage during this process, especially after the exercise, it can speed up the process of metabolism and digestion, and you can restore your vigorous appearance after a rest of at most one day.

As a martial arts master, Mori Kogoro is naturally familiar with the knowledge of the human body.

Kogoro Mori's big hand covered Xiaolan's calf. Xiaolan's ankle was so thin that he could touch the calf bone. It's hard to imagine that such a thin calf could easily break seven or eight pieces with a karate kick. board.

As expected of her own daughter, she is indeed exactly the same as her non-human level!

The big hands kept pinching upwards along the smooth skin, until they reached the calf. Xiaolan's calf was very small, but it was extremely elastic.This place is usually one of the most sore and swollen places after exercise. When Mori Kogoro exerted a little force, Xiaolan gasped for air.

After the calves were massaged, the big hands continued to go up and massage along the white and straight thighs. Because Xiaolan was lying on her stomach, Mori Kogoro could only press the muscles on the back of the thighs.

But usually the most sore muscles are the muscles located on the front side of the thigh. Mori Kogoro's arms are not long enough, so he simply got up and put one foot on the sofa and the other on the floor so that he can press his entire thigh on the muscles.

The two thighs were massaged back and forth by Mori Kogoro three or four times, and Mori Kogoro's hands came to Xiaolan's slender waist.In tennis, there are many movements of turning around and swinging the racket, so the muscles here are also very sore.

Mori Kogoro squatted on his side all the time, and pressed his hands along Xiaolan's back to his back.

Xiaolan immediately let out a humming sound of enjoyment!

Mori Kogoro smiled: "You girl, you really know how to enjoy it. Do you want Dad to pour some essential oil for you, so that you can be a horse!"

Xiaolan laughed immediately: "That's fine too, Dad, I want essential oils."

"No!" Mori Kogoro knocked on Xiaolan's head!

Kogoro Mori pressed Xiaolan's back with his big hands. The muscles in the shoulder blades and the muscles in the waist and abdomen were the most sore and swollen. These two places were used most frequently, and some massage skills were needed.

Mori Kogoro arched the index fingers of both hands, pressed the second knuckles of the index fingers on the sore muscles, and then rotated gently, Xiaolan immediately let out gasping sounds.

The second knuckles of the index fingers of both hands followed Xiaolan's latissimus dorsi, from the shoulder blade to the luteal bone, and finally reached Xiaolan's waist and abdomen, and continued to massage.

But when the index finger came to the waist and abdomen, Xiaolan, who was sitting under Mori Kogoro, laughed, twisted her body, and shouted repeatedly: "itch!"

Mori Kogoro hurriedly comforted him: "Xiaolan, hold on, the itching will disappear soon!"

After hearing this, Xiaolan raised her head, opened her mouth and bit the pillow on her sofa, and wanted to insist on listening to Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro, who didn't want Xiaolan to suffer for too long, accelerated the frequency of index finger massage, wanting a quick solution.But he completely miscalculated Xiaolan's sensitivity to the waist and abdomen.

Xiao Lan, who was biting the pillow, couldn't bear it anymore, and opened her mouth with a painful smile: "No, it's too itchy, Dad, I can't take it anymore."

Chapter 0170: Horse Killing Chicken 2

Xiaolan kept turning her body sideways to stop Kogoro Mori's big hand from pressing on her lower back, but unfortunately, due to the limited angle, Xiaolan couldn't catch Kogoro Mori's big hand anyway, so she could only smile and say: "Dad, don't press it, it's too sour!"

She smiled tremblingly, her body seemed to be radiant, and she was so beautiful that one couldn't bear to look away.

Kogoro Moori still pressed his two index fingers on the muscles of Xiaolan's lower back, and encouraged him, "No, keep at it, it will be over soon, otherwise, according to the amount of exercise today, you may be sore sky."

Xiaolan shook her head again and again, the mist in her eyes came out suddenly, and a soft voice came out of her mouth: "Dad, I can't stand it, it's too sour here, don't press it!"

After saying that, his body trembled again, and Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling a little lost.

Xiaolan immediately seized the opportunity to exert strength on her waist and abdomen, arched Mori Kogoro, and then quickly turned over.

Mori Kogoro changed from sitting on Xiaolan's soft buttocks to sitting on Xiaolan's abdomen. Looking at Xiaolan below, Mori Kogoro couldn't help being amazed.

I didn't expect this girl to be so powerful!

The strength was able to break free from him. It was indeed a correct decision to teach the channeling technique, and Xiaolan's physique began to transform into a non-human being.

Maybe it was due to the exhaustion of turning around this time, Xiaolan's face turned red all of a sudden, she closed her eyes, and said, "Dad, don't press my back, you can press my front. It's sour here too."

With her two small hands touching the position of the mermaid line, Mori Kogoro shook his head, raised the second knuckles of his two index fingers again, and pressed them on Xiaolan's front waist.

This time playing tennis was really too much, Xiaolan's reaction was extremely intense when she pressed it, and it seemed that her muscles were indeed extremely sore.

"Hold on, Xiaolan, it will be over soon!"

Xiaolan's body twisted like a water snake, her blushing face covered her mouth, she didn't want to laugh out loud, but her body trembled unceasingly.


Mori Kogoro couldn't help but exclaim a few times in his heart, he really grew up!

The second knuckles were constantly exerting force, and the little face could bear the force. Although the little face was flushed red, at least it didn't react as violently as the lower back.

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