Mori Kogoro was sweating profusely from the press, and the sweat dripped down on Xiaolan's abdomen from time to time, quite crystal clear.

The sore and swollen muscles of the thighs, waist and back have finally been massaged. Kogoro Mori's big hands seem to have magical powers, and the martial arts master's control of the strength is very powerful.

Xiaolan only felt that the place massaged by Kogoro Mori was warm and not sore at all. Her two small hands couldn't help but took Kogoro Mori's two big hands and brought them to her shoulders.

"Dad, and here, it's also very sour!"

Mori Kogoro was brought forward and looked at Xiaolan who had his eyes closed, and continued to massage his shoulders.

Finally all positions were massaged, Xiaolan opened her eyes, a drop of sweat dripped on Xiaolan's small face from Mori Kogoro's forehead, she couldn't help wiping off the sweat from her face and body, and became coquettish: "Smelly dad, You're sweating so much, hurry up and take a shower!"

After she finished speaking, she raised her two arms and patted Kogoro Mouri on the chest, Kogoro Moori got up quickly and walked to the bathroom.

Xiaolan stretched out on the sofa under the setting sun, revealing her beautiful waist and plump chest. She had a satisfied smile on her face, raised her two long beautiful legs, and stood up as soon as she turned over. up.

With a sly smile on her innocent face, she walked in one direction.


Far away in the blue castle, the Detective Boys watched the chess game from the window on the third floor, and Conan kept recording something with his notebook.

When they and Dr. A Li were invited to live in, they were also told by the people in the villa that there was a mystery in the villa, which was left by the original owner of the villa, the old man: whoever solves the mystery of the castle will get his ultimate prize. like baby.

Conan was also intrigued by this mystery. He took a pen and copied the order of the chess to his notebook, tapping his head and thinking about it.

The staff composition of this villa is also very strange. The elder died fifteen years ago, leaving behind his wife, an eighty-year-old grandmother, Mamiya Chitoyo.

In the villa, there is the daughter of the great master, the son of Mrs. Jiangong and her first husband, Mr. Zhengqiu, and the nobleman of Jiangong.

But Mrs. Mamiya's first husband, Mr. Zhengqiu, died of illness six years ago.

So Mrs. Jiangong, the owner of the villa, remarried a man named Jiangongman, but four years ago, Mrs. Jiangong died in a fire in a tower building.

Therefore, there are only three owners of this blue castle.

They are the [-]-year-old grandma - Mamiya Chitoyo.

The son of the wife and her first husband - nobleman of the palace.

The wife's second husband--Mamiya Mitsuru.

Conan was thinking about this weird castle, but he heard a cry for help from Yuantai next door.He hurried to the next room and saw Yuantai get up from the window.

Conan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but he immediately realized that the wall between the two rooms was too big, and Conan couldn't help but stretched out his hand and began to knock on the room.

After hearing the echo, a smile appeared on Conan's face. He quickly moved chairs and books and put them under the clock.

Then Conan climbed onto the chair, stepped on the books that made the cushions, opened the cover of the clock, and moved the hands.

After the pointer turned around, the wall turned over immediately, and Conan, who was holding the pointer in his hand, was directly brought in.

The children seemed to hear the voice, and turned around one by one, only to find that there was only a chair and a book on the chair in the empty room, and Conan had disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Haibara couldn't help frowning. She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Kogoro Mori again, but found that the battery of the mobile phone was already dead.

Huiyuan could only put the phone away, and she looked at the chair, the books on the chair, and the clock that was turned on.

Little Loli moved her short legs and climbed onto the chair.

At this time, a male voice came over: "It can't be like this."

Dr. A Li and nobleman Jiangong walked in, nobleman Jiangong frowned and said, "Son, don't be naughty. Dinner is ready, let's eat first!"

Huiyuan, who was stopped, could only climb down, and apologized calmly to the nobleman.

Ayumi on the side quickly exclaimed: "Where is Conan? Where did Conan go, why didn't I see him!"

"The one who was here just now disappeared in the blink of an eye!" Yuan Tai also touched his head.

The nobleman Jiangong frowned: "It's possible that I went downstairs to use the bathroom, or I might get lost. After all, this castle is too big, so let's find that child first!"

After all, the group began to look for Conan in the castle, but the final result was disappointing. They searched the first, second and third floors of the castle, but found no trace of Conan. He seemed to evaporate suddenly same.

0171 - The Missing Conan

In the bathroom, Mori Kogoro took off his shirt, exposing his muscular upper body, but at this moment, he heard the sound of the door opening.

Xiaolan was dressed the same as she was on the sofa. She was wearing a white tennis skirt and walked in barefoot, holding a bath towel on her chest.

This girl is too careless at home!

When Xiaolan saw Mori Kogoro turn around, she smiled sweetly and said, "Dad, let me rub your back for you. Originally, every new year, I would help you rub your back to wash away the bad luck of the past year. If you didn’t have it in the New Year next time, let’s make it up this time.”

Mori Kogoro immediately recalled the memory of being rubbed on the back by Xiaolan before, and he really felt that life would be worse than death.

Because she has practiced karate since she was a child, Xiaolan is extremely powerful. Every time she rubs Mori Kogoro's back with a scrub towel, it's like rubbing with sandpaper.

He quickly wanted to refuse: "Xiao Lan, wait until next time!"

"I can't refuse!" Xiaolan pulled the bath towel away, and looked at Mouri Kogoro seriously with her small face, "Father, I will definitely try very hard this time, besides, I have learned a new way of scrubbing." Back technology will definitely make dad very comfortable."

Mori Kogoro had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he could only sit on the stool obediently.

If my daughter's filial piety wants to rub her back, she can only accept it obediently, but naturally she can't take off her pants, and the bath can only be postponed.

Mori Kogoro sat on the stool like a quail, with his back to Xiaolan.

A smug smile appeared on Xiaolan's face. She took the basin, walked briskly to the water heater, and turned on the faucet. Immediately, dense water vapor filled the entire bathroom, blurring the mirror in the bathroom.

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