Kogoro Mori couldn't help but feel a little pity when he saw that the mirror was gradually fogging up.

Soon Xiaolan's voice came from behind: "Dad, I'm about to start!"

He heard the sound of water clenching the bath towel, and then, a warm bath towel covered Mori Kogoro's strong back.

Mori Kogoro's face immediately contorted, and he gasped. This feeling was even more terrifying than before. Before, it was just rubbing with sandpaper, but now it feels like scraping his back with a knife.

"Dad, does it hurt?" Xiaolan leaned out and looked at Kogoro Mori, her big eyes were full of innocence.

Kogoro Mouri glanced at Xiaolan's protruding body, gasped again, and said involuntarily, "Xiaolan, it would be nice if you could use a little more force!"

"Okay, I will pay attention." Xiaolan nodded her head, and then continued to rub Mouri Kogoro's back, but the strength did not weaken at all.

The corners of Mori Kogoro's eyes kept twitching, and he silently used the channeling skill to transfer and accumulate all the four-dimensional points to his physique, which made him feel much more comfortable.

In the bathroom, Xiaolan's earnest little face was covered with beads of sweat, her face was flushed by the heat, her heart was beating extremely fast, her big eyes were full of mist, and she was staring closely at Mouri Kogoro's strong back .

Although she tried hard to reduce the strength in her hand, she seemed unable to control herself at all.

Mori Kogoro sat on the stool, silently bearing the heart from Xiaolan.


In the blue castle, Mr. Jiangong opened a room again, but there was still no trace of Conan in it. He couldn't help but said to Dr. A Li and others: "I have searched all the rooms here, and I haven't found the little boy's body." Trace, let's go eat first, maybe he will come out when he is hungry."

"If he still doesn't show up after dinner, let's look outside the villa again!"

Dr. Ali could only nod when he saw Yuantai touching his stomach and shouting hungry: "Okay, I will follow your opinion, Mr. Noble."

A group of people followed Mr. Jiangong to the restaurant. There were all kinds of delicacies on the table. Several members of the Detective Boys boarded the table, and they couldn't help but let out a sound of amazement.

But Ayumi soon became depressed: "Although it looks delicious, I am still very worried about Conan. Where did he go?"

Dr. Ali repeatedly comforted: "Ayumi, don't worry, we will search again after dinner, and we will definitely find Conan."

Ayumi nodded, her little face glowed again, and she quickly asked the servant beside her for a bag.

She opened the plastic bag, packed the bread in front of her, and said happily, "In this way, Conan will be able to eat it later."

Ayumi is always so kind.

Huiyuan raised his eyebrows, but there was no response, instead, Yuanta and Mitsuhiko also took the bread in front of them and put it on a plastic bag: "I still have this!" "I still have this! "

The third child immediately laughed.

At this moment, Conan was in the tunnel of the blue castle, being held in the arms of a person. Conan had a scar on his head, and was unconscious in the arms of this person.


As soon as the dinner party was over, Conan still didn't show up. Dr. Ali couldn't help becoming anxious. Seeing this scene, Ma Gongman hurriedly summoned all the servants of the blue castle to help find Conan's trace.

All the people in the castle started to move. They kept searching in the courtyard and the garden. The sky outside gradually became dark, and the light rain gradually fell.

In the end, everyone still couldn't find Conan's trace.

The nobleman Jiangong couldn't help but said: "I have searched the entire castle, but I still haven't found any trace of the child. Did he run to that tower?"

Jian Gongman shook his head, and said: "I went to that tower just now, and the door locks were not unlocked, and no one had entered. In this case, there is only one possibility. The little boy should be in the woods outside the castle. got lost."

The nobleman's face instantly became ugly: "The forest outside the castle is very large. I have heard of people getting lost in it before, and when they were found, they had already turned into a corpse."

When Ayumi heard this, her small face was terrified, and tears appeared in her eyes. She quickly said, "Conan will definitely not be like this."

Haibara looked at the weird blue castle and shook her head. She didn't agree with the nobleman's idea at all. Conan must be hidden in the blue castle.

Jian Gongman looked at the increasing rain, and couldn't help but said: "It's too dangerous to search in the woods at night, I suggest that after calling the police tomorrow morning, let the police help with the search, everyone go in now! "

Dr. A Li sighed: "That's the only way to go."

The group walked back to the villa, Haibara comforted Ayumi: "It's okay, Conan is not the kind of guy who will make people worry, he will definitely find a way to come back by himself, instead of worrying here, it's better to put the plastic bag Tie it up so it won't get wet from the rain."

Ayumi nodded and followed Haibara into the villa.

Dr. Ali and Huiyuan fell behind the crowd, and the doctor said, "Huihara, you are right, Shinichi will definitely find a way to come back by himself."

Huiyuan's expression turned cold immediately, and a light flashed in his eyes: "Doctor, what are you talking about, is this guy Kudo the kind of person who will disappear for a few hours and then not contact us? He is gone now, it is possible Even if he was put under house arrest by someone in the villa, he might have been killed."

Chapter 0172

Haibara talked about Conan being killed as if he was talking about a chicken, his voice was extremely cold, and his light blue eyes were full of indifference.

"For the present plan, doctor, don't disturb other people in the villa, call the police first, and do an investigation as soon as possible." Huiyuan calmly directed Dr. Li, and she held her chin: "This guy Kudo must be there In this castle, I already have a clue."

Dr. A Li searched all his pockets, but still couldn't find the phone. He couldn't help but smiled awkwardly: "It seems that my phone was left in the car, so I can only use the phone in the castle to call the police."

Huiyuan gave the unreliable Dr. A Li a blank look, and walked away, while Dr. A Li ran to find the phone in the villa and wanted to call the police.

Dr. Ali finally saw the phone in a corridor, he couldn't help walking forward, and was about to pick up the phone to call the police.

At this time, Dr. Ali found a hat on the floor at the other end of the corridor, and he couldn't help but went forward to pick up the hat. This is the hat Conan was wearing today, and it was still stained with blood.

Dr. A Li's face immediately turned ugly. He looked around and was surprised to find that there was an extra passage on the wall on the left side of the corridor. Dr. A Li hurried into the dark passage and shouted: "Xinyi!"

The sound of breaking wind sounded from behind his head, and Dr. Ali fell down in the dark passage, his glasses shattered into pieces.

After a while, Hui Yuan, who couldn't wait for the doctor, came over and shouted repeatedly: "Doctor, doctor!"

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