But Huiyuan only saw the half-lifted phone call, but didn't see Dr. Ali's figure. Huiyuan's big light blue eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression became a little stern.


In the bathroom, Mori Kogoro was sitting on a stool in shorts, enduring the pain from his back. Only Mori Kogoro could bear the back rubbing with this force.

The shower head was opened, hot water poured out again, and a soft female voice came from behind: "What to do, the skirt is all wet."

Then there was the sound of taking off his skirt, Moori Kogoro was in a daze at the moment, and his soul had long drifted away.

In fact, he has always felt that something is wrong today, but he just can't remember what is wrong. Kogoro Mori is uneasy, and he starts to recall what happened today, and the scenes that happened today are replaying in Kogoro Mori's mind.

At this moment, the bath towel on Mori Kogoro's back was pulled away.

The two balls of softness covered with bubbles pressed against Kogoro Mori's back, Kogoro Mouri felt the softness on his back, his pupils kept shrinking, and his mouth gradually opened wide, with an unbelievable look!

Mori Kogoro's expression froze for an instant, and the scenes played back in his mind immediately froze. He was completely deaf and aphasic, as if the whole world had suffered a great shock.

The two balls of softness began to swim slowly on Kogoro Mori's back, and the stimulation hit him wave after wave.

Kogoro Mori turned around in a daze, but saw an angelic face full of innocence, and when she saw Kogoro Mori's expression, she smiled sweetly: "How is it? Are you comfortable? This is something I just learned!"

Mori Kogoro didn't know how to respond at all!


Huiyuan glanced at the corridors on both sides, they were empty, and did not find Dr. A Li, so she turned around and went to the phone, and called the police.

Just as Huiyuan spoke to call the police, a tall figure appeared behind him.

A man stood behind Hui Yuan with a strange smile on his face: "Little sister, are you calling a friend?"

Huiyuan turned around when she heard this, but saw Mamiya Man standing behind her with her hands behind her back, and she put the phone back.

At this time, the third member of the Boy Detective Team appeared in the corridor, and Yuan Tai said, "Hui Yuan, so you are here, they said they have prepared a bed for us."

Mitsuhiko couldn't help frowning: "Hey, where's the doctor?"

Huiyuan smiled: "I don't know, maybe I ran to find the treasure, let's go, since the bed is ready, let's go to rest!"

While talking, Hui Yuan led Sanxiao to the guest room, Jian Gongman looked strange, he glanced at the phone, his eyes were dark, he didn't know what he was thinking!

Haibara and the Boy Detective Team walked back to the guest room. On the way, they met the old woman who lost her memory and went crazy, Mamiya Chitoyo. : "Daughter, my daughter, are you back yet?"

Huiyuan didn't say much when he saw this scene, and entered the room with Sanxiao, and began to rest.


In Kogoro Mori's home, Kogoro Mori is sitting on the sofa with a complicated expression, looking at the darkened sky outside, he just took a bath from evening to night, he is in a state of confusion at the moment...

But what made Mori Kogoro frown even more was the bad premonition that kept coming from his heart.

Mori Kogoro restrained his mind, got rid of some unnecessary distracting thoughts, and then began to recall the scenes that happened today.

The picture flashes from the memory of Kogoro Mori frame by frame, and suddenly freezes in a scene.

Hui Yuan's words came from the phone: "...we left from the campsite by the lake. We wanted to go home, but we passed a blue castle..."

Blue Castle, Blue Castle.

Mori Kogoro immediately recalled this plot. In the anime, there is a scary old lady in the blue castle, who is actually a servant in disguise. She killed many people for the illusory treasure in the blue castle.

And in the original plot in my memory, both Conan and Dr. Ali were subdued by this horrible old lady, and even the members of the young detective team were defeated by this old lady. If it wasn't for Mitsuhiko's luck later, he rescued Conan and Dr. Ali , I am afraid that the Boy Detective Team will be completely annihilated.

Mori Kogoro recalled this plot and could no longer sit still. In the past, he was not worried about Haibara, Dr. Ari and others going out because of Conan.

As long as Conan is around, any case can be solved quickly. Now even Conan is subdued by that old lady.

Thinking of relying on that pockmarked Mitsuhiko to rescue Conan and Dr. Ari this time, Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling worried.

He quickly called out to Little V: "Cut out the surveillance footage of Conan and Huiyuan!"

Conan and Haibara's monitoring immediately appeared in his mind.

At this moment, Conan was lying in a dark dungeon, unconscious.

And Hui Principle was lying on the bed frowning, looking at the empty place of Dr. A Li from time to time.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling at ease. He couldn't ignore the matter of the Blue Castle this time. Mori Kogoro opened the gate directly, ran downstairs, borrowed a car from the owner of the coffee shop, and headed towards the blue castle in the eastern suburbs. Drive in the direction of the old castle.

Chapter 0173 The Disappearing Companion

In Xiaolan's room on the third floor, the lights were not turned on. Xiaolan opened the curtains by the window, and when she saw Moori Kogoro driving away, she couldn't help frowning.

As soon as Xiaolan came out, she rushed into the room and closed the door, while Kogoro Mori was in a daze on the sofa.

Xiaolan climbed onto the bed again, put on the quilt, and sat on the innermost side of the bed, her legs curled up, she hugged her legs with her arms, her little head rested on her knees, her big eyes blinked from time to time, she was thinking about something what!

Mori Kogoro drove Uncle Anzai's purchased Mitsubishi car, opened the windows, and the night wind mixed with drizzle kept pouring into the car, gradually blowing away Mori Kogoro's chaotic thoughts.

When he recalled the scene just now, his body couldn't help feeling hot and dry, with an angelic face, innocent little eyes, a voluptuous figure, and the soft thing that was wrapped in shower gel and walked on his body.

Damn, can't think anymore, it's wrong!

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being a little annoyed, why did he feel like he was suddenly stupid just now, he didn't move at all, let him do what he did, he should have stopped it.

Mori Kogoro shook his head, and put all these thoughts behind him, the most urgent thing is to rescue the people in the blue castle, to rescue Huiyuan.

He stepped on the accelerator vigorously, and the Mitsubishi immediately made a roaring sound, and continued to move forward in the night traffic, speeding up against the street lights, and soon drove out of the downtown area of ​​Tokyo, heading for the dark eastern suburbs.

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