And Ayako at the back was completely stunned, looking at the distracted Moori Kogoro, her mouth really couldn't close anymore.

This scene had too much impact on it!

Time seemed to pass extremely slowly in this living room.

Sonoko and Tomoko, a mother and daughter who can't see each other but are very close, are very nervous.

They bit their lips and dared not speak, for fear of being noticed by each other.

Only Ayako, who was watching, really understood what happened, but she didn't dare to say anything, and she didn't even dare to make any movement.However, looking at it, Ayako's expression became very strange!

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Ayako had already sneaked away under the signal of Mori Kogoro.

She opened the door openly, and the two women didn't find anything unusual.

It wasn't until the old butler Sato knocked on the door that both mother and daughter felt palpitations.

If the steward saw this scene, it would be fine!

Mori Kogoro looked calm, but his movements were not slow, and various spells were cast.

The Wind Control Technique sweeps the air away, and the Water Control Technique restores all traces to their original state.

Then he reached out and tidied up the clothes on the two women's healing places, and then pretended to tap the two women's bodies a few times, making the appearance of releasing acupuncture points.The touch of spiritual power in the void dissipated.

The mother and daughter, who had been restrained for several hours, collapsed onto the sofa at the same time, both gasping for breath, and their bodies were a little stiff.

Their faces were flushed, their eyes were a little lost, and they seemed out of place with the surroundings.

Bang bang bang!

The knock on the door came again, and Tomoko and Sonoko got up like frightened birds.

Sonoko looked at Mori Kogoro shyly, and couldn't help but hit his chest.

"Uncle, you are really bad this time, don't do it next time!"

After saying that, Yuanzi covered his red face and ran outside.

She ignored the old housekeeper at the door and went directly to her room on the second floor.

After the battle in the afternoon, Sonoko no longer focused on fighting her mother.

Instead, I am excited about the gratifying progress I have made!

But Tomoko was a little slow, and was quite puzzled by her daughter's reaction.

But with this posture, Sonoko didn't seem to realize what happened just now!

Thinking of this, Tomoko was very happy immediately.

But looking at the smiling Mori Kogoro next to her, she couldn't help biting Mori Kogoro's left shoulder.

"Xiao Wulang, you really went too far today, you really don't respect people at all."

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Tomoko's slender waist and pressed Tomoko's head: "You are a dog, here you go again, do you still want to try the Maori family's family law?"

"I want to bite you to death, you have to apologize to me, how could you do such a thing in front of Yuanzi!"

"Apologize? Are you sure you want me to apologize to you?"

Mori Kogoro raised his brows, and his eyes became more sinister, which made Tomoko feel palpitations.

But Tomoko, who is not a loser, insisted: "Yes, if you don't apologize, I will tell Eri about this and let her make the decision for me." Hearing this, Kogoro Mori's face flashed almost Cruel smile.

"Just go and tell her, ha ha!"

So, when the pale-haired old butler Sato came in, he saw Tomoko Suzuki who was being beaten under the sofa.

The old man was moved immediately: "That's great, as expected, Detective Maori has a solution, Madam has returned to normal."

Seeing the old butler standing aside like a light bulb, Mori Kogoro couldn't do anything anymore.

And Tomoko hurriedly pushed Kogoro Mori away, straightened her hair, and immediately returned to her elegant and mature appearance.

"Housekeeper, what's the matter? Maori-kun and I are discussing the education of our children. If you have nothing to do, don't come in and disturb us."

The old housekeeper looked as if he didn't tell the truth, and said: "The phone in the study rang many times, it seems to be about the energy company's proposal, and they are waiting for your decision, madam!"

Tomoko couldn't help but frowned: "What's going on, didn't Ayako deal with it? Forget it, I'll go myself!"

Saying this, Tomoko pulled Mori Kogoro up and walked towards the study with him.

On the other side, Yuanzi, who was trotting all the way, just returned to his room, and couldn't help being startled.Sister Ayako was playing with her surveillance camera on the bed.

Yuanzi suddenly panicked, and hurried forward to snatch the notebook.

Seeing that all the surveillance videos about today's living room were wiped out, Yuanzi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.She turned her head and saw her sister's strange expression again.

Chapter 0063 Ayako who took advantage of the fire

Yuanzi immediately panicked: Could it be that my sister watched a live broadcast through the surveillance camera?Miserable!

This girl didn't know that Ayako didn't just watch the live broadcast, she was there at all, and even participated in a warm-up match first. "Sister, what are you doing in my room? You don't respect people at all."

Ayako whispered, "Mori-kun asked me to come in and erase the surveillance video."

Sonoko's amber eyes were full of nervousness: "Then did you peek?"

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