Ayako turned her head to look at Sonoko, and said softly, "How do uncle's fingers feel?"

Hearing this, Yuanzi blushed instantly, and the heat on his face kept rising.

His little hands frantically fanned his cheeks, feeling ashamed and flustered.

She pretended to be stupid subconsciously: "What fingers, what big hands, no, not at all, you read it wrong."

"Sister, what are you talking about? You are a child, so you don't understand anything?"

With a weird smile on her lips, Ayako stared fixedly at her sister.

Soon, Yuanzi was defeated. She lowered her head and said, "Sister, why are you doing this? This is their privacy."

Ayako laughed and said, "Hey, there is still privacy in the living room in broad daylight!"

"Okay, I won't make fun of you. I just want to ask you, have you really made up your mind? What are you going to do against Mommy for Uncle Maori's sake?"

Seeing Ayako's serious face, Sonoko's emotions gradually calmed down, and her face became extremely resolute: "Well, I've made a decision a long time ago!"

She looked at the scenery outside the window, her amber eyes were full of light, she was extremely beautiful.

"Sister, you don't know, I really like, like, like Uncle Maori very much."

"I want to be with him even in my dreams. As long as my uncle responds to me a little bit, I will be happy for many days."

"He is not only my first love, but also the man I have identified for a long time in my life. I will never give up."

"Even if it's my mother, I can't stop me from pursuing true love. Even if God wants to stop me, I will kill you!"

Hearing the incomparable declaration of love from the second middle school student, Ayako immediately had black lines all over her head.

She couldn't help breaking the stage: "Isn't your first love former idol Kimura?"

Yuanzi immediately yelled: "How can it be the same? It's just that you are a little bit tempted when you see a good-looking person. The feeling of falling in love with someone with all your heart is completely different."

"I love Uncle Maori. This feeling can only be felt for him. I know very well that this is love."

"Sister, don't you want to persuade me like your mother?"

Ayako shook her head and said, "How could it be? In fact, my sister and I think that this kind of Sonoko is very brave."

"I really support Yuanzi's spirit of competing with her mother for love."

"After all," Ayako's eyes were full of slyness when she said this, "Sister and I too, I really like Uncle Mori very much!"

This sentence suddenly appeared, causing Yuanzi to lose his footing, and instantly fell on the bed!


The girl immediately had a bewildered expression on her face, and she stood up quickly and said.

"No, absolutely not, my uncle is mine, no one can take it away, even if you are my sister."

"Besides, when did you fall in love with him, you just met him a few times!"

Ayako covered her mouth and smiled lightly, waving her small hands embarrassedly: "It's love at first sight, it's normal."

"Mr. Mao Li is handsome, smart, talented, has a good figure, high martial arts skills, and has a good investment vision. No woman likes such a man!"

Hearing her sister praise her sweetheart, Yuanzi couldn't help but smile.

"That's right, Uncle Mao Li said it very nicely, but he is mine, not something you can covet by my sister." Yuanzi began to protect her food like a lioness again.

And Ayako smiled confidently and said, "Okay, if you don't want to share, then I'll tell mom what happened between you and uncle in the living room, and see what she says!"

Ayako was about to get up, but Sonoko immediately stopped her: "Wait a minute, sister, you are so despicable!"

If Ayako is allowed to engage in slander, the situation that has just subsided will definitely cause waves again, and there will definitely be even greater troubles.

Although Yuanzi is not afraid of confronting her mother, she still has a headache when encountering this kind of thing. If she can avoid it, that's the best!

Ayako continued to bewitch, "Sonoko, based on what I know about our mother, going against her will not end well."

"Look, what a powerful person my mother is, but the helm of our Suzuki consortium is old and cunning, full of bad habits."

"If you really piss her off, she will send you abroad to study abroad, so that you can't see your uncle, what should you do?"

"It's hard for you to deal with her alone, but if you add my sister and me, won't the odds increase all of a sudden?"

"Our sisters join forces, and we will never be disadvantaged. Isn't Mr. Mao Li here at your fingertips?"

Ayako's tongue is really good, and she really deserves to have practiced with Tomoko, so she made Yuanzi lose her way.

Taking advantage of this excellent opportunity, she took the lead in blowing herself up with Yuanzi, and then joined forces to win over the little girl and fight against her mother together!

I have to say that Ayako seized the opportunity very accurately, and Sonoko looked excited at this moment.

Anyway, Uncle Maori has so many women, not less than his sister.

Ayako continued to speak: "Let's have a cooperation from the inside to the outside. I'll give you the inside response, gain mother's trust and then give you information, and then find a way to see the trick, how about it?"

Yuanzi came to his senses at this moment: "Wow, sister, you are too deceitful. Let me do the work of pushing the thunder, and you can just blow the wind in your ears."

"What are you talking about? This is an undercover, internal response, and counterintuitive trick. It's very dangerous."

"If my sister didn't see you as pitiful, I wouldn't help you. In a word, do you want to join hands?"

Looking at the little hand extended by her sister, Yuanzi grasped it, and clasped the two little hands together: "Yes!" After the matter is done, we will share the position of Mrs. Maori! "

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