The sisters' eyes were shining, and they couldn't help sniggering as they looked at each other.

Those who didn't know thought they were planning some shocking crime!

On the other side, in the study, Mori Kogoro accompanies Tomoko to deal with the energy acquisition case.

Tomoko's face in his arms also softened a lot, and he didn't have the hostility of killing someone with a fruit knife just now.

This is naturally very different after being nourished.

Sure enough, women have more than one reasoning mouth!

With the help of Mori Kogoro, many details in the plan were quickly clarified.

And Tomoko gradually regained her composure as a business queen, thinking about what happened just now, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

Damn, I was tricked by Kogoro's physical routine!

Just now Kogoro Moori played [-] big boards each, and didn't really express his opinion, "Xiaogoro, about that garden..."


Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly, and the air seemed to drop a few degrees in temperature.His big hand mercilessly swung over and slapped Tomoko's side buttocks.

Tomoko felt his heart palpitate again, so he didn't dare to say any more.

Hmph, if you don't say it, don't say it, what a fierce thing!

It's just messing with each other, there's no choice at all!

Chapter 0064

But Tomoko couldn't help but recall the scene on the sofa just now.

Because Sonoko was by his side, under the tension, everything seemed so unreal and crazy.

It is also the presence of Sonoko that makes Tomoko feel a little more strange.

Thinking about it now, there is actually some magic power like ecstasy, and the excitement makes people want to fall into the abyss.Thinking of this, Tomoko couldn't help but twist her body.


Another big hand whizzed over and hit Tomoko on the side buttocks.

"Why, still want?"

Mori Kogoro's magnetic male voice sounded, and Tomoko's head immediately shook like a rattle drum.

She really can't take it anymore!

At this moment, Tomoko is caught in the contradictory situation of thinking and fear.

Mori Kogoro saw through it at a glance, and couldn't help but chuckled: She really is a useless woman, she hasn't used much strength yet, so she can't stand it anymore.

He stretched out his arms to embrace Pengzi and put him in his arms, burrowing his big hands into the hem of his clothes, caressing his delicate body, and being tender with him for a long time.

Afterwards, Kogoro Mori said, "Sonoko is still a child, and your attitude will scare her."

"Children are ignorant, so you should be. You have to guide them well. How can you use a knife!"

"We'll still be together forever, and there's still a long time to live. Next time, you can't be so impulsive."

Hearing this, the pretty blushing Tomoko lowered his head and nodded like a little daughter-in-law: "Well, it's all up to you!"

He rubbed Kogoro Mori's shoulders with his bow slightly bent, and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Besides, don't you trust me? I have good self-control, how could I attack Sonoko. He shamelessly said something that he didn't mean, but what came to his mind was just now. The elasticity and warmth of the picture is simply fatal!

"Besides, haven't you been fine for so long?"

"You can't listen to the wind and the rain, you can believe what Yuanzi says, you know?"

Tomoko raised his reddish face, his purple eyes were full of strangeness, and he said softly, "Xiao Wulang, do you still have self-control?"

"When talking about Yuanzi, you, you, you are all refreshed!"

"Okay, you also have thoughts about Yuanzi, do you still have the idea of ​​having both mother and daughter, see if I don't kill you!"

Before Tomoko finished speaking, Kogoro Mori swung his big hand first.

"Don't the villain file a complaint first. It's obviously because of you that you can't sit still and don't rest at all."

Hearing this, Tomoko's little face turned red again, as if she was quite proud of her charm, and showed a rare fart expression.This looks really like the garden!

"How about, Kogoro, let me help you."

Tomoko rolled her tongue and licked her pink lips, but Kogoro Mouri slapped her.

"Stop messing around, with so many reports and plans, the work still has to work."


Tomoko didn't even think about it, and picked up the acquisition cases and began to look through them.

She asked Mori Kogoro for his opinions from time to time, and Mori Kogoro always had his own unique insights.

Tomoko doesn't have to think about it, and the whole person is much more relaxed, and it's all up to Kogoro Mori to decide.

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