"So..." Mori Kogoro shrugged.

Irene couldn't help but leaned forward, her small face was very close to Mori Kogoro's, and their eyes met.

"What do you mean, are you willing to let me go?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said: "I never want to imprison any woman's freedom, but this time the incident happened suddenly, so I can only deal with it in this way." Hearing that Mori Kogoro was willing to let her go, Irene was full of displeasure.

She saw the sincerity in Mori Kogoro's eyes, so she didn't look at each other again, and moved away a little.

"You know what I'm going to do when I get back to London, don't you worry?"

Mori Kogoro looked indifferent: "That's not Tokyo, how could I care."

"Besides, Sherlock will handle it well, and even if it doesn't work out, it's none of my business."

"I can't see that you two really have a tacit understanding, well water doesn't violate river water?"

Saying this, Irene threw a mobile phone into Mouri Kogoro's arms, and then stood up straight away.

"This mobile phone contains everything I know. My wealth and life are all on this mobile phone. Now I will give it to you."

"If you can unlock it, you will naturally know everything you want to know."

"Good luck!"

After that, Erin got up and left directly.

She stepped on high heels, as proud as she was when she first saw her, she went down the stairs and gradually disappeared into the street.

Mori Kogoro doesn't need to worry about it, it's better than Irene has already arranged the way to return home.

He didn't speak to dissuade him, because it would definitely be useless.

Irene's forces are all there, and she will never give up easily.

Mori Kogoro flicked through the phone, sniffing the bottom, the smell of lithium bombs.

If it was dismantled violently, the bomb would burn all the data, so he gave up the idea of ​​dismantling it by force.With a swipe of the fingertip, the lock screen interface appeared, which said that it would be permanently invalid after five times.

It was very interesting, and even played a guessing game.

Mori Kogoro quickly thought of a possible password and directly entered the numbers 0006.

In an instant, the phone was turned on, and a line of words emerged: "Bastard, I knew you were pretending to be asleep that night!"

Immediately after the alarm sounded from the mobile phone, Mori Kogoro was dumbfounded, opened the window quickly, and threw it into the sky.boom!

There was an explosion, and smoke exploded in the sky.

The mobile phone was blown to pieces, and it was all over.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but shook his head and laughed, it really is Irene.

The number 6 is very special, it is the number of times Irene lost her mind that night when she was tied up!

The sound of the explosion seemed to startle many people, and the surrounding residents stuck their heads out of the windows one by one to check.

At this time, Mary's footsteps came from behind: "What's going on?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "It's a prank you gave me as parting farewell."

Mary quickly came to her senses, walked over and asked, "Has that woman left?"

Mori Kogoro took Mary into his arms and said with a light smile, "She's gone, and she's starting to make trouble again when she returns to your hometown."

The blond little loli's face immediately became very strange, and she couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, can you explain what happened the night before yesterday? Irene told me everything you did to her." !"

Then his little white hand pinched Mori Kogoro's waist and twisted it.

A trace of pain kept coming, and Mori Kogoro immediately looked excited that he had been wronged.

"What, how is it possible? What have I done."

"Mary, you can't be provoked by Irene, this woman is not simple."

"You have to trust me, not an outsider who lives in for two or three days."

Hearing this, Mary rolled her eyes, her expression was very similar to Xiao Ai's.

Mary naturally felt that Kogoro Mori was lying, but she didn't want to pursue it any further.

Mori Kogoro picked up the plump little loli and sat back on the sofa.

His big hand skillfully drilled into the familiar proud place, and he felt extremely satisfied.

The warm breath hit Mary's ears, making little Lolita blush.

"Mary last night was really beautiful, how about calling Mingmei and Xiaoai next time, let's do it again!"

Hearing this, little Loli Mary felt extremely ashamed and annoyed.Teaming up with Hui Yuan last night was already considered a breakthrough, and he reluctantly accepted it only after being half-forced.

Now this villain not only wants to call himself and Huiyuan, but also Mingmei.The two nieces will not be spared, is it necessary to put the daughter to bed to be satisfied?

As a result, an elbow fell directly on Kogoro Mouri's abdomen, and Kogoro Moori, who was so complacent, coughed continuously.

Chapter 0066 Mary brand bitch

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