It took a while for Mori Kogoro to recover, and couldn't help but said, "Mary, you are so naughty that you even sneaked up on me."

The tip of his right finger lifted and pinched a few times in retaliation, and the little Lolita's cheeks became even redder.

The green eyes full of water charm couldn't help but stare over, and Tankou opened his mouth lightly: "Pervert!"

There were a few exhortations in the voice, which made people feel angry.

Mori Kogoro hugged the little blond loli, kissed her pink lips, and greedily demanded sweetness.

Since he is called a pervert, he must act to live up to his name!

And his other big hand quickly covered Little Loli's short leg.

I have to say that the skin of Mary's eleven or twelve-year-old body is really smooth, her pores are almost invisible and extremely delicate.

This kind of touch is different from that of Huiyuan's six or seven-year-old child's body. Huiyuan's skin is as smooth as a child's, soft and cute.Mary, on the other hand, doesn't have this childishness at all, but is full of girlishness, which can be called the best!

Marie and Haibara, a pair of women who have rejuvenated after eating APTX, gave Mouri Kogoro a rich and very special experience.

Two people can completely support four people.

To be honest, Mori Kogoro has not fully explored yet!

Just as Mori Kogoro's big hands were moving around the little loli, a girl's voice suddenly came from the door.

"We're back, whoa whoa whoa, aha!"

The one who reacted so violently was naturally Shiliang Zhenchun.

In the stairwell, she saw Uncle Mao Li making out with her mother, she was startled, and turned around to delay Xiao Lan behind.

Zhenchun's ears are red. Although it is not the first time to see this scene, every time I see it, it seems to reshape the three views, and the impact is extremely strong.Seeing Zhenchun acting so strangely, Xiaolan at the back immediately broke away from her and leaned into the office to observe.

The scene inside is very normal: Dad is hugging Mary and giving her a topic, and they get along very well!

A smile also appeared on Xiaolan's face, and she turned her head white like Zhenchun: "Really, Zhenchun, why are you so surprised? Mary and my dad get along so well!"

Zhenchun rubbed her little head embarrassingly; "It's just that I get along well. It's not like you don't know my sister's temperament."

Xiaolan couldn't help but nodded: "Anla Anla, you also know my father's charm."

"There is no girl who doesn't like him. It's normal for Mary to behave like this."

"Look at how well-behaved Mary is, the two of them look like father and daughter."

Eh?Father and daughter?

Weird feeling?

Xiaolan immediately recalled the scene of Xiao Ai staying with her father in the past.It is also as warm as a father and daughter, very similar to this picture.But didn't they all end up on the bed?

I'll go. Is it the same for Mary?

Thinking of this, the corners of Xiaolan's mouth couldn't help twitching, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

His eyes were full of suspicion, and he focused on observing Mary.

Are children nowadays too nutritious?It's grown too well, right?

Obviously less than [-] meters, how come it grows into a small cow?

The breasts are almost comparable to my own. Damn it, my father likes big breasts the most. How can I bear it?

But, after all, this is a child, and she is not a peer who has rejuvenated like Xiao Ai. Dad probably won't attack her!But maybe, Dad can even attack Xiao Ai's child form, and Mary is a few years older than Xiao Ai!

Xiaolan's gaze was gazing back and forth between the two of them. Mary, who was pretending to be holding a book, seemed to be stable, but panicked like a dog in her heart.Especially since she had to endure the invasion of the big hands underneath, she felt extremely tormented.

Fortunately, Zhenchun helped cover and pushed Xiaolan.

"Let's go, Xiaolan, we have to go up to make dinner, so don't bother them."

"Besides, uncle will continue to treat my sister!"


Xiaolan suppressed her doubts for a while, took the ingredients she bought, and followed Zhenchun upstairs to cook dinner.

As soon as the two girls walked away, Mary breathed a sigh of relief.

She turned around, biting Kogoro Mori's arm with her small silver teeth.

Bite!Bite!Enough bitten today!

Women just use these tricks, pinching people, pinching ears, biting people, and those who are too aggressive are like friends who use knives to seek death and life.The old driver Kogoro Mori was not afraid at all, and it didn't hurt anyway.

His big hand slowly stroked along Mary's blond hair and her small soft back, comforting this little loli.

Then attack the enemy and save, the effect is outstanding!

The little Mary bitch immediately burst into tears, let out a whimper, and let go of her mouth.

His body softened and fell into Kogoro Mouri's arms, not daring to move.

Xiaobai's hands were still clutching the hem of Mori Kogoro's clothes, and he refused to let go no matter what.

Immediately afterwards, a cold loli voice came from the door.

"It's not even night yet, you two are so clingy, really!"

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