The little loli Huiyuan entered the office with short legs, followed by Minmei who helped carry her schoolbag.

Seeing this scene, Ming Mei couldn't help but blushed: "Xiao Goro, Aunt Mary, why are you doing this?" Although she had expected it, Ming Mei also felt burdened after seeing this scene.

There is no way, she has a traditional temperament.

It took a long time to get used to the scene of Mori Kogoro and Shiho, who had grown smaller.Seeing this scene now, it's not bad to be able to hold on.

Seeing the two sisters coming in, Mary immediately wanted to get up and leave, but was grabbed by Mori Kogoro.

Even though she couldn't move, she couldn't help but glared at Mori Kogoro again.

The little loli gray principle on the side sat skillfully on the other leg of Mori Kogoro.

The two little lolis sat on one leg each, and Mary felt less embarrassed.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand again, and pulled Akemi, who was standing still, to sit beside her.

The right hand wrapped around his slender waist, and the left hand wrapped around the stomachs of two little lolitas.

Embracing the three women, at this moment, he felt very satisfied: "This is very good, you can stay with me for a while."

The faces of the three girls were all red. Although they were a little uncomfortable, they were all greedy for warmth and refused to get up.

Distraught, Mary couldn't help but change the subject: "Xiao Goro, do you have time this Friday?"

"Hideyoshi will have a famous chess match on Friday, please accompany me to see it."

"As for who Haneda is in the must-write, after the chess game is over, I'll just ask Hideyoshi, and let their cousins ​​recognize each other."

Mori Kogoro thought of the unlucky guy who was robbed of his girlfriend Yumi and was so shocked that he couldn't control himself, so he immediately agreed.When the time comes, if he knows about his relationship with Mary, Haneda Hideyoshi's expression will be particularly exciting.

Chapter 0067 Xiaolan hanging upside down

He had a lot of warmth with the three daughters, and before Eri and Yukiko returned home, Mori Kogoro still separated from them.

He came to the kitchen on the third floor, saw Shiliang cooking in style, and Xiaolan was guiding him, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

"I didn't expect Zhenchun that you can also cook. It seems that you will be very good at taking care of others when you get married in the future!"

Hearing the praise, Zhenchun's little face couldn't help but blush.

"Although it's not as good as Uncle and Xiaolan's cooking skills, but I have been taking care of my sister before, so I can still cook."

And Xiaolan untied the bib, dragged Mori Kogoro into his room, and couldn't help acting coquettishly after closing the door.

"Father, what have you been up to these days? Why are you always missing?"

Xiaolan couldn't find him last night, and she didn't see him this morning, so naturally she has a little resentment.

Getting down from Fugui Maru is another matter for Miyano's family, another for Suzuki's family, and another for Eagle Country, but my precious daughter is left out in the cold.

Mori Kogoro took Xiaolan's slender waist, pulled her to sit on the bed, bowed his head and kissed her snow-white forehead.

"Lan, I'm sorry, after the arrest of Moriarty, there are many follow-ups to follow up, and a lot of miscellaneous things happened, that's why I'm so busy. After that, Dad will take good care of my precious daughter."

When Xiaolan heard it, she smiled gently, she threw off the slippers, and put her snow-white legs directly on Mouri Kogoro's.

The little feet swayed gently, feeling very happy.

His little hands wrapped around his waist, and his little head leaned forward, looking extremely attached.

Mori Kogoro's big hand covered Xiaolan's long leg, gently rubbing it.

He enjoys the tender moments with his daughter, which are always a source of peace of mind.

"Father, do you know what happened to Xiao Ai's god-sister? It's Miss Mingmei."

"We all know Xiao Ai's temperament. She doesn't get close to people easily, so how could she recognize someone as a god-sister?"

This is the question that Xiaolan has been holding back since last night!Xiaolan and Huiyuan have slept in the same bed so many times, and they have joined forces to fight against each other so many times, their friendship cannot compare with the woman they just met.

This is something Xiaolan can't believe at all.

"Also, I always feel that Xiao Ai and Mary look very similar, especially the profile, they are very similar."

"Sometimes they whispered together, and Shiliang also joined in. As soon as I got close to them, they separated. I always felt that they were hiding something from me."

Although she put all her heart into dealing with her mother, her wisdom improved, allowing Xiaolan to observe many details.

There were more and more doubts in her heart, so she couldn't help asking her father.

Mori Kogoro patted Xiaolan's buttocks lightly, and said with a light smile, "Not bad, this observation ability is much better than Eri's. It seems that I will inherit your father's mantle and become a detective in the future!"

Regarding his daughter's question, Mori Kogoro didn't even intend to fool her.

He is not like Conan in the original book, who can tell anyone, but he has to hide the secret organization from Xiaolan.

Besides, Xiaolan's ability to keep secrets has also been certified.

Xiao Ai's life experience was told to her before, didn't she also reveal it to anyone?Kogoro Mori was naturally very relieved about it.

"They are indeed hiding something from you. Didn't I tell you about Xiao Ai's life experience before?"

"Actually, Dad won't take in people indiscriminately. Zhenchun, Mary, and Mingmei are all related to that organization, and they are all characters that the organization wants to kill quickly."

"Their situation is very dangerous, and the purpose of letting them live in the house is to protect them."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro stretched his big hand up, trying to grab something to feel comfortable.

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