The other monitoring picture is Mr. Sawabe, the housekeeper, holding tools to arrange something on the second floor.It seems that Natsumi is right, there is really something wrong with this housekeeper Sawabe.

Hearing the sound of the engine of the car outside, Mori Kogoro walked out of the kitchen and returned to the living room.The blush on Xia Mei's face has not subsided.

And Qian Yingxing, who took a nap and recovered her energy, rewarded herself with a small cake.

Chikage glanced at Mori Kogoro, and couldn't help but said: "Kogoro, did you go in and do something wrong, and Natsumi ran out in panic, her face was red."

When Pusi Qinglan at the side heard this, she couldn't help but glance over.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "How is that possible, Chikage, don't be suspicious."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro sat on the armrest of the sofa next to Qiankage, and wrapped his arms around Qiankage's shoulders in a state of intimacy.

Qianying and Qinglan didn't believe it at all. Looking at Xia Mei's state, it was obvious that something happened.

It's just that Qianying, who has been satisfied up and down, up and down just now, obviously doesn't want to care about it.

She was well versed in Kogoro Mori's habits, and knew that nothing extraordinary could be done in a few minutes, so she let him go.

On the other side, among the three generals Han Chuanlong and Sirouf Chinnikov who were brought in by the old butler Zebu, one of them could not help but flash a cold light in his eyes.

This is naturally Kuroba Kaito after disguise!

He saw his mother, who was obviously more beautiful than when she left home, snuggling up to the side of Kogoro Mouri, the enemy of life and death, so angry that the three corpses jumped wildly, and all of them burned. [Maori Kogoro, you wait for me, with me here, don't even try to find that memory egg! 】

Of course Kogoro Mori knew who was Kuroba Kaito disguised here, but he didn't care about him at all.

On the contrary, he felt that showing affection with his mother in front of Kaito was also a different kind of comfort, and he felt a kind of pleasure of doing whatever he wanted.

But right now the plot of the theatrical version seems to have been greatly deflected.

He tried Pusi Qinglan just now, and the attitude of this female killer was ambiguous, but she didn't seem to want to be an enemy of him.

General Yi, a traitorous businessman with a mustache on his back, couldn't help but speak when he saw so many people in the living room.

"What's going on? Why are so many people here early? You probably have found another memory egg in private, right?"

Kasaka Natsumi shook her head again and again: "No, we just came here earlier to clean up the dust, that's all, we haven't started looking yet!"

Gan Jiang Yi still looked skeptical, and continued to speak: "Mr. Mao Li, Miss Xia Mei, you really have two memory eggs, you can sell them to me, the price is negotiable!"

The diplomatic clerk Sirouoff couldn't help but said: "This is our Russian national treasure, which cannot be measured by money. It should be sent back to Russia."

Gan Jiangyi said tit for tat: "If it is a treasure, it will be valuable. There is no priceless thing in the world."

As they talked, the two were about to quarrel again.

Pusi Qinglan got up directly and said, "Stop arguing, butler, let's start searching."

Steward Sawabe nodded, and led the crowd to visit the rooms in the castle one by one.

The crowd quickly searched the knight's room, the lady's room, and the emperor's room, all of which were various treasures of the Kasaka family.

The knight's room has a complete set of Western armor and carpets, the lady's room is full of murals and flower baskets, and the emperor's room is full of antiques and reliefs...

And not far from the entrance of the castle, a Beetle car stopped, and Dr. A Li and all the kids got out of the car.

Haibara moved his slightly stiff waist, but heard Ayumi's exclamation from the side.

"Ai-chan, look, that's Uncle Maori's car, isn't he here for camping too?"

Huiyuan turned his head and saw the familiar Lexus and the familiar license plate number.

Recalling what Mori Kogoro said about today's work last night, he casually said: "He didn't come here to camp, he came here to find treasure."


Yuantai and Mitsuhiko's eyes immediately lit up, both glowing green.

Yuan Tai gave orders: "There are treasures in this place, so we have to take action. We must find the treasure first, and we can't let others go first."

"Hi!" Ayumi and Mitsuhiko immediately responded excitedly.

Meanwhile, Huiyuan on the side clutched his forehead speechlessly, he would have stopped talking if he had known.

Chapter 0074 Xiaosai blushes

The detective team came to the gate and started knocking, but everyone in the castle had already gone deeper, and no one answered if they heard it.

Mitsuhiko held his chin and said: "This castle is so big, there must be other entrances, let's find it."

After that, he and Yuan Tai ran towards the tower next to them.

Dr. A Li chased after him: "Hey, didn't you mean camping? Why did you run there?"

Gray Principle took out his mobile phone and called Kogoro Mori.

The call was connected quickly: "Xiao Ai, what's the matter?"

Ayumi on the side said first: "Uncle, we are outside Yokosuka's castle now, do you want to open the door and let us in, we also want to find treasure!"

Kogoro Mori, who was answering the phone in the corridor, was also a little surprised.

The red queen immediately switched out the monitoring around Xiao Ai and the others.

The boy detective team has also appeared on Yokosuka's side.

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