I have to say, the inertia of this plot is really strong, Conan was arranged to go abroad, and they still followed.

Mori Kogoro immediately said in a low voice: "No, Ayumi, someone has designed a mechanism here, it will be very dangerous, you can't come in."

"Xiao Ai, take good care of them. I'll pick you up soon after I'm done."

Huiyuan said, "It's okay for me to take care of them, but the children are not obedient. Yuantai and Mitsuhiko don't know where to go to have fun. They just want to find the treasure."

The little loli on the side quickly interjected: "Ayumi will be very obedient!"

Hui Yuan saw through Little Lolita's flattering intentions, and couldn't help giving her a blank look.

Huiyuan then said, "Anyway, I tried my best."

"Also, you have to be careful, don't try to be brave!"

"Hee hee, Xiao Ai is blushing!"

Huiyuan suddenly panicked: "No." The phone just hung up.

Then Huiyuan put his hands behind his back and walked towards the three of them.

On the side, Ayumi walked around Huiyuan like a little lark, scrutinizing his small face with big bright eyes.

"You're obviously blushing, and you lied to me saying no, what Xiao Ai said to uncle just now is very similar to what mother and uncle said!"

Hearing this, the pound key on Haibara's forehead jumped wildly, and couldn't help but tapped Ayumi's little head again.

"Oh, Xiao Ai is really getting more and more violent."

Ayumi rubbed her little head, but she didn't want to separate from it. Instead, she held her arm and moved forward intimately.

After walking a few steps, Huiyuan frowned.

His azure blue eyes were cold, and he suddenly looked back!

There was a forest not far away. When the wind blew, the leaves rustled. Huiyuan didn't see anything unusual.

"What's wrong? Ai!"

Huiyuan looked around several times, and then turned his head: "It's nothing, maybe I'm overthinking!"

After the two loli passed through the side gate of the castle, they saw Dr. Ali and Motota Mitsuhiko not far away, and reconciled with them.And in the woods just now, figures poked out from behind the trees, looking at the ancient castle with gloomy eyes.

Inside the castle, Mori Kogoro answered the phone with a smile on his lips.

He wanted to settle the matter here quickly, and went camping with Xiao Ai and the others.

It has to be said that the castle that can be printed on coins has excellent surrounding scenery and is a very suitable camping place.

The grass is luxuriant, the flowers are colorful, and there are valleys and lakes not far away, which are very good.

Just according to the plot of the original book, he might reunite with all the little ones in the cave under the castle later.

Recalling the scene in the theatrical version where the boys fell into the burrow, Mori Kogoro ordered the red queen to arrange a few more robots to follow Ayumi Haibara to prevent them from falling.

As for Dr. A Li, they are all men, so it doesn't matter if they are beaten or beaten!

After the arrangements were made, Mori Kogoro returned to the emperor's room.

Chikage came up to meet him, and Mori Kogoro's arm fell into Chikage's warm and soft embrace, almost crushing it and deforming it.

"Xiao Wulang, who's on the phone, come out to play with me and don't concentrate, that's not okay."

Kuroba Kaito on the side wanted to vomit blood when he saw this scene: I'm so upset!

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "It's Xiao Ai's call, why are you so jealous?"

Saying this, he lightly pecked Chikage's pure white cheek in front of Kuroba Kaito's gaze.

Qianying wiped her face pretending to be dissatisfied: "Really, it's so dirty, don't do this, you will be seen by others..."

She let go of Mori Kogoro's arm and walked towards the mural next to her.

And Mori Kogoro patted his buttocks, and then separated from him with a smirk.

Seeing this scene, Kaito was almost heartbroken, and his breathing became extremely heavy.

Damn Mori Kogoro, how dare you do that?

Mom, mom, how can you fall in love with such a man, how can you be like this!

The successive scenes shocked Kaidou's spirit a little bit.

At this time, the traitorous businessman with a mustache asked, "Housekeeper, where is the toilet?"

The butler then pointed to the right direction: "Go out of the corridor, just go to the end."

The go-getter walked out of the emperor's room with the tool bag on his back, and as soon as he avoided the sight of everyone, he ran fast and ran towards the lady's room.Mori Kogoro naturally saw through his intentions, but he didn't want to interfere too much. I'm afraid this profiteer will suffer a bit.

At this moment, Natsumi Kasaka came over and couldn't help asking, "Mori-kun, have you found anything?"

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "Other than discovering that Miss Natsumi, you have a D cup, I have no other clues."

Kasaka Natsumi's little face turned red immediately, but she didn't walk away, instead she glared at Mouri Kogoro with her big eyes.

"Hmph, you're good at rhetoric, but you don't have any practical actions at all."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

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