Xia Mei's eyes were full of admiration: "Detective Maori, how did you find it? I have been playing in this room since I was a child, but I didn't find it."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said nothing, but directly pressed the password that Natsumi had told him before.

'The last magician at the end of the century! '

Everyone didn't see how he pressed the button, they heard a roar from the wall, and then a hole slowly appeared in front of everyone.The eyes of the old butler Sawabe were both shocked and frightened. He had explored the castle for five years, but he never found the real entrance to the study.

The old guy had always entered from the tower passage outside the castle, but he didn't expect that there was another entrance inside.

Seeing this, Qianying at the side threw the lit lighter down.

Seeing that there was no explosion, she called everyone to go down.

Outside the castle, Mitsuhiko and Genta searched exhaustedly, but found nothing.

The two children were sitting on the rock panting, Ayumi turned her head and saw Xiao Ai walking down the curved stairs.That direction is the tower next to the castle!

Little Lolita couldn't help shouting: "Xiao Ai, what are you doing there?"

Haibara, who was walking with his arms behind his back, didn't hear it, and walked forward on his own, and Ayumi hurriedly followed.

Seeing this, Mitsuhiko and Yuantai thought they found something interesting, so they immediately got up and chased after them.

Dr. A Li behind couldn't help but bent down and panted heavily.

Taking care of a few brats is more tiring than anything else!

Worried about what happened to the children, the doctor quickly chased down. He caught up with the fourth child, and pressed his big hand against the edge of the door, panting.Unexpectedly, a stone on the edge of the door was pushed in directly, it was a mechanism hub.

A big hole suddenly appeared under the four walls standing in the center of the tower, and all four of them slid down.

The Ant-Man robot attached to Ayumi Haibara immediately moved out, grabbing the two boys.

The speed at which they slid down immediately slowed down, compared to the speed of the panicked Motota Mitsuhiko, it was like a turtle's speed.

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko kept screaming, and the two children fell directly from the end of the slide to the bottom of the cave, wailing uncontrollably.And Ayumi Huihara slowly stopped at the end of the slide, jumped easily, and jumped down all at once.

Dr. Li from above kept calling, and the echo came down: "Children, are you all right?"

Soon, Huiyuan's voice came from the detective badge on Dr. Ali's body.

"Doctor, we're all fine. We're trapped underneath now. Go and see if there's a rope to rescue us." Dr. A Li breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

If something happened to the children, ten thousand deaths would never make it up.

"Okay, you wait, I will come to rescue you soon."

After saying this, Dr. Ali ran out.

And Huiyuan in the underground cave turned on the flashlight on his watch, and soon found the dark cave entrance.

"Do you want to wait here for the doctor to save you, or do you plan to continue walking and find another way out?"

Yuan Tai's eyes lit up all of a sudden: "Treasure, treasure, this must be the location of the treasure, let's go forward together."

Hearing this, the morale, which had been extremely low just now, suddenly rose, and all the urchins happily walked towards the entrance of the dark cave.

On the other side, Maori and his party also entered the underground cave and began to explore.

However, it was difficult for him to walk, and there was no way for him to walk as fast as he wanted to.

In addition to Chikage occupying one side and declaring sovereignty, Natsumi took Mori Kogoro's arm into her arms with a look of fear.

Mori Kogoro rubbed against Wen Ruan from time to time.

On the other hand, Pusi Qinglan couldn't help staring at the three people huddled together in front of her.

Her expression was so obvious that Kogoro Mori, who had night vision ability, could see her expression completely, and scratched his nose involuntarily.

As for Kaito's almost murderous gaze, Kogoro Mori ignored it.

Chapter 0077

The Russian burly man Sirouf was looking ahead with a flashlight, followed by Butler Sawabe who was pretending to be in the cave for the first time, followed by Kaito Kuroba.

The kid's camera has taken many intimate photos of his mother and Mori Kogoro.

With the evidence, he was waiting to go back and have a showdown with his mother.

He also doesn't want to see the two people who are so close behind him now, so he walks ahead and concentrates on getting the egg of memory.

Whatever Mori Kogoro wants to do, he will destroy it.

Immediately afterwards, everyone came to the open space of the cave, and the flashlight scanned them, and there were three passages in total.

Suddenly, everyone heard a strange sound coming from the left passage.

Mori Kogoro naturally knew who was next to him, and immediately followed the sound quickly.

"Don't move, I'll make sure first."

But the rest of the people will not be obedient.

Seeing Kogoro Mouri leave, the treasure hunters with their own ghosts scattered in the dark.

Some sneaked into the passage on the right, and some ran directly to the deepest passage.

In the dark cave, Natsumi, Chikage and others chased in the direction of Mori Kogoro with flashlights.

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