Mori Kogoro ran, and soon met the members of the Detective Boys around the corner.


The little loli Ayumi screamed in surprise, and immediately jumped at Kogoro Mori's thigh with her short legs, and Kogoro Mori's right leg was wrapped around her pink hand.

"I knew that if I came here to hunt for treasure, I would definitely meet my uncle!"

Ayumi is happier seeing Mori Kogoro than seeing Treasure.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and rubbed Ayumi's little head, picked up the little loli with one hand, and embraced Xiao Ai with his other big hand.

Xiao Ai took advantage of the situation and put her arms around Mouri Kogoro's neck.

The two little lolis are as light as nothing, but the satisfaction in their arms is indescribable.

Mori Kogoro kissed each of their cheeks, knowingly asked: "Why did you four come here?"

Hui Yuan said with some embarrassment: "There was a little accident."

Genta and Mitsuhiko below had gotten used to the two girls' closeness to Mori Kogoro, and asked with bright eyes instead.

"Uncle, what treasure are you looking for?"

"Why don't we follow along!"

Qian Ying, who was following behind, couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this scene: "I thought something happened, but I didn't expect a few children to sneak in. Xia Mei, what do you think?"

Kasaka Natsumi who was behind smiled lightly and said, "Let's look for it together, it's safer, and it will be more lively if there are many people."

Kasaka Natsumi thought it was just a treasure hunt, and didn't know that someone was already fighting on the other side of the cave.

In the passage on the right, Pusi Qinglan, who was wearing a short emerald green cheongsam, assembled the silencer pistol placed in the cave.She followed Butler Sawabe yesterday and saw him cutting the rope at the tower.

After several explorations, I finally found the entrance passage that slid down.

She put the gun here first, just to deal with the current situation.

As soon as the pistol was assembled, the attracted Russian strongman Sirouoff appeared.

"There is a gun, who are you?"

biu! biu! biu!

The only answer to the strong Russian man was the sound of silenced guns.

But this seemingly bulky Russian burly man has a flexibility that doesn't fit his body at all.

With a dive, he found a rock as a cover and was not injured at all.

Then with a lift of his big hand, a heavy stone flew over, and Pusi Qinglan turned sideways to dodge immediately.

Sirouf chuckled and said, "Why bother? We are all fellow travelers. Now that we haven't even found the second memory egg, it's too early to fight now."

"And if you want the egg of memory, then you should attack Mori Kogoro, why did you bring me here."

Hearing this, there was another shot.

Pusi Qinglan couldn't help frowning, she really didn't expect the clerk of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be so difficult to deal with.

Judging by his speed and agility, he was clearly a well-trained agent.

As a killer, Pusi Qinglan thought of retreating if she missed a hit.

She glanced at the passage behind her, and then fired a few more shots in the direction of Sirouf, covering herself and disappearing into the passage.

Sirouf's eyes were full of gloom.

He was shot for no reason, but he was really upset!

Then the strong man went through the passageway, intending to tell everyone about Pusi Qinglan.

But just as he stepped into the stairs, he suddenly sank.

A trap was suddenly exposed, and the bottom was full of spears and short knives inserted upside down!

The screams rang out immediately! !

Not far away, a cruel smile flickered on the corner of the mouth of Butler Sawabe in a suit.

He put the mechanism button in his hand back into his arms, and then walked back with a calm face, intending to meet Miss Xia Mei and the others.

And in the lady's room of the castle, the general who was tied up like a zongzi was sweating profusely, his pupils were dilated, and his eyes were full of fear.A black team is reflected in its pupils.

The general writhed like a worm, desperately moving toward the door, trying to escape, but his speed was as slow as a snail.

His mouth was sealed, and he couldn't speak out if he wanted to ask for forgiveness.

Immediately afterwards, a gleaming dagger pierced directly into his heart.

Pulling out the dagger and stabbing it in hard, Gan Jiangyi's pupils instantly dilated, and he died quietly like a bug!

On the other side, Dr. Ali, who wanted to save the children, just came to the back of the Beetle.

As soon as the trunk of the car was opened, a dagger was placed directly on his neck.

Sensing the chill, Dr. A Li's heart trembled, he couldn't hold the things in his hands steadily, and the eyes behind his glasses were full of panic.

Then the sound of tearing tape sounded!

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