Xia Mei looked suddenly enlightened.

"It turns out that my great-grandmother was buried here. No wonder I only see my great-grandfather's grave in the family cemetery."

The steward Sawabe soon came to the coffin, and couldn't help asking: "Miss, is this okay?"

Xia Mei nodded: "It's okay, just open it, I'm also curious about what's inside."

Kaito, who was pretending to be on the side, stepped forward to help Han Chuanlong, and Natsumi went forward to get the key to open the lock of the coffin.

Soon, the Russian-style coffin was opened.

The trap predicted by Steward Sawabe did not appear. There was only a woman's corpse, holding a flaming egg of memory in her skeleton hand.It's just that this memory egg has a support, and compared to the memory eggs I've seen before, it's actually a circle bigger.

Pusi Qinglan couldn't help but frowned and said, "Is this ball really the treasure we're looking for? Could it be a fake?"

Mori Kogoro put down the little loli Haibara, and then took out the emerald green memory egg from the shoulder bag that he had been carrying.He reached out to take the red ball handed over by Steward Sawabe, opened its lid, and installed the egg of memory he brought into it. "Actually, these two were made by Xiyi back then, and when combined, they are truly complete."

"I have to say, Xia Mei, your great-grandfather is really a powerful mechanics."

Mori Kogoro placed the assembled memory eggs on the stone platform in the center of the tomb, just inlaying them.

Then he placed the flashlight that had shrunk into a beam of light under it, and ordered everyone to blow out the oil lamp.

The bright white light keeps refracting in the egg of memory, and it actually illuminates the shell of this compound egg completely transparent.

Everything inside, without omission, fell into the eyes of everyone.

In the inner shell, the mainspring was pulled up, and the emperor looking at the photo album slowly started to turn the pages, extremely agile.

The content drawn on each page is directly projected outside by the refracted light.

So, on the dome of the tomb, old photos projected one by one appeared in front of everyone.

Most of them are photos of Nicholas II, the king of the Normanov dynasty who destroyed the country.

In addition, some special old photos have also appeared.

Chapter 0079 Kaito shrunk into a ball

Xia Mei stared blankly at a picture, on which was a group photo of her great-grandfather Xiyi and a strange woman.

Seeing the group photo, Xia Mei's eyes couldn't help trembling slightly.

See you at last, great-grandmother!

But Pusi Qinglan's eyes fell on a map at Jiaoluo, her eyes were full of joy.

As for Mori Kogoro, he memorized all the pictures of the dome of the tomb at a glance.

In addition to the photo of Xiyi and Natsumi's great-grandmother, he also saw the photo of Las Pujing and Natsumi's great-grandmother.

In addition, Natsumi's great-grandmother is also seen in the group photo of the Tsarist Russian royal family.

Mori Kogoro inspected the faces of Lars Pujing and Natsumi's great-grandmother in astonishment, and then turned to look at Natsumi and Qinglan's.The two women really look alike, he immediately had a guess in his mind.

At this moment, a big hand directly turned off the flashlight under the stone platform, and then threw out a smoke bomb.

Kuroba Kaito was the first to strike.

Fog filled the entire tomb in an instant. The tomb was already extremely dark, and with the addition of the smoke bombs, the visibility was even lower.Kaito snatched the combined Memory Egg, and quickly rushed towards the stone staircase.

As soon as the treasure was stolen, everyone in the tomb fell into chaos.

Pusi Qinglan even hid in the shadows, took out a suppressed pistol and fired blindly in the direction of the exit.

The bullets kept firing, making him tremble with fear.

Fortunately, his movement skills are weird, his body can turn in unexpected places, and his hearing is excellent, so he barely dodged a series of bullets.

Instead, his clothes and the mask on his face were scratched.

Qianying, who reacted quickly, turned on the flashlight in his hand, seeing the familiar smoke and the familiar escape method, he couldn't help shrinking his eyes.

Could this be Kaito?

Didn't his son see all the intimate actions with Kogoro today?

Thinking of this, Qianying felt a terrible headache and couldn't help chasing after him, followed by Maoli Kogoro and Pusi Qinglanye.Kuroba Kaito who ran out of the tomb had a sneer on his face, he pulled his hand into his pocket, and threw out a series of smoke bombs and marbles.

The smoke instantly enveloped the stone ladder, and the marbles rolled down the stone ladder step by step.

Unfortunately, extreme joy begets sorrow!

Before he could be proud of himself for a long time, the floor in front of him was kicked empty.

Immediately afterwards, a large net was hoisted directly from the empty position.

"Still doing this trick!"

Kaito who was hung up couldn't help but exclaimed, he was recalling the dark history of being hanged by Kogoro Mori with a net to patrol the city.At this time, the bald Sawabe steward came out from behind the stone with a pistol, his eyes full of greed.

"Hurry up, hurry up and give me the memory egg."

The old and cunning housekeeper Sawabe was moved when he saw that the two memory eggs could be combined into one, and it could also reflect the photo of the Tsarist Russian royal family.

He quietly exited the tomb, and waited outside the trap he designed.

There is no way, he is old after all, if he competes with other people in that tomb, he has no chance of winning.

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