It's better to rely on traps, so that you can be foolproof.

His idea was right, no, a Kaito with an egg of memory bumped into him foolishly.

"Hurry up and give me the memory egg!"

Naturally, Kaito would not simply hand it over to him, but instead said: "The same move is useless to me at all."

"Having suffered so many black hands, I have long been prepared. In order to avoid this situation, I have always carried a dagger and a pair of extra underwear on my body. You will never succeed."

Panties naturally said the lesson of that sky naked flight!

Saying this, Kaito took out his dagger, intending to cut his net bag and escape.

The housekeeper Zebe had a sinister smile on his face: "Really?"

He quietly pressed the mechanism button behind him, the sound of gears sounded, and the entire hanging net turned clockwise.The faster the speed, the higher the speed.

Ah %*%#.One?¥!

boom! boom! boom!

Kaito's body was thrown and hit the stone wall continuously, until his head was full of gold stars, and his bones were about to be torn apart.

The egg of memory in his hand could no longer be taken out, and he threw it out directly.

Seeing this, the housekeeper Sawabe below quickly caught him, held him in his arms, and then rushed out along the direction of the exit.

The words were divided into two parts, the smoke and marbles at the stone stairs at the exit of the tomb could not trouble Qianying at all.

This escape method was developed by Kuroba Chikage. She wrote it down in her notes and passed it on to her son, so naturally she would not be stumped by this trick.

But Pusi Qinglan was different, she ran forward sullenly, stepped on the marble, her body slipped instantly, and fell backwards.Fortunately, Mori Kogoro was behind him, and in this environment, his vision was still the same as normal.

Seeing Pusi Qinglan fall down, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the back collar of her cheongsam.

He stopped the falling, and pulled her back with a surge of strange force.

The panicked Pusi Qinglan didn't want to fall, so she put her hands and feet on Kogoro Mouri.

A pair of long legs hung tightly on the back of Mori Kogoro, and his hands were wrapped around his back, refusing to let go, like an old tree tangling its roots.It's very comfortable to hug a beauty like this, but it's only comfortable on the bed.

With such a restriction now, how can he pursue it!


Mori Kogoro's big hand swung down immediately, and there was a crisp slap.

Only then did Pusi Qinglan come to her senses, her face flushed slightly, and she immediately got off her body.

But it was unlucky again, and stepped on a marble that slipped by.

His body fell into Kogoro Mouri's arms, and he hit hard!

Well, it's quite expected!

Mori Kogoro didn't want to waste any more time, he put his big arms around Qinglan's slender waist, lifted the reckless female killer, and then quickly ran up the stone ladder.

Like walking on flat ground!

These marbles can't be hard for Chikage, and naturally they can't be hard for Mouri Kogoro.

Soon, the two rushed to the front of the relief stone wall, and saw a strange creature spinning on the top.

Taking a closer look, the thing shrunk into a ball turned out to be Kaidou, and Qianying below was stunned, as if he didn't know how to rescue it.She didn't have a gun with her, just some lockpicking tools, and she couldn't do anything about the situation.

Seeing Kogoro Mori appear, Chikage seemed to have a backbone.

"Xiao Wulang, save him quickly!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro directly reached into his arms and took out the Golden Desert Eagle from the system space.The gun fighting technique is directly cast!

Bang bang bang!

The bullets shot out, flew for a while, collided with each other, and destroyed the mechanism on the hanging net.

The Kaito in the hanging net instantly fell down and became a ball!

Chapter 0080 Mother's Price

Kaito kept screaming, the mask fell off when he was circling, and his body was bruised countless times.

Chikage couldn't help but look at Mori Kogoro, her eyes trembled slightly, her lips were slightly pursed, the meaning was self-evident!Needless to say, Mori Kogoro went straight up and grabbed Kaito's arm.

The detection function attached to the healing technique was used, and the injury on his body was found out in an instant.

That's just a serious injury, and he can't die.

This Kuai Dou is like Xiaoqiang who can't die, he's been bumped so many times that he's fine.

Mori Kogoro shook his head, and the rejuvenation technique was immediately performed.

Countless spirits of plants and trees were plundered by him domineeringly from above.

Then he pretended to tap acupuncture points, and tapped the spirit of vegetation into Kaito's body, and his injuries were relieved a lot in an instant.Soon, Kaito's state returned from serious injuries to minor injuries, and the pain was greatly reduced!

Sensing keenly that his body is getting better, Kaito feels ashamed!

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