
But it happened that his archenemy Mori Kogoro saved him?

Why is it him?

Kaito didn't know how to face this kind of scene, so he just twitched his head and pretended to be unconscious.

Qianying was panicked immediately, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, what's wrong with him?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "This brat was so angry that he lost his mind all of a sudden."

"It's okay, most of his injuries have recovered, and he will be alive and well soon."

Chikage naturally knew what Mori Kogoro was capable of, so she was relieved to hear what he said.

Then Mori Kogoro smirked: "Chikage, I cured Kaito for you, you must remember to repay me!"

Hearing this, Qianyingmei couldn't help but give Mouri Kogoro a blank look, the style was changing, it was really alluring.She said stubbornly: "Hmph, isn't it all what you should do?"

Immediately afterwards, she thought that it was Kaidou who stole the egg of memory to make it like this, and she felt guilty, and her little face flushed.

"It's all like that just now, you guy, what tricks do you want to play?"

The words are delicate, as if flirting!

Mori Kogoro leaned closer to his ear, whispered a word, and Chikage's little face became even more reddened.

Kaito, who was lying on the ground, wanted to vomit blood even more. Mori Kogoro saved himself, but the price was that his mother would do some strange things with him.It would be better not to save it!

It's just too bullying!

At this moment, Kaito only felt that the endless sense of humiliation was going to swallow him up!

I am useless, and my mother is even more implicated, so I shouldn't exist in this world!

Originally, he took a lot of photos, grabbed a good hand, and waited for a showdown with his mother after returning home, so that he and Mori Kogoro broke off.

Now that there is such an incident, all the good cards are scattered, and I don't know what to say when I go home.

On the other hand, Pusi Qinglan couldn't help coughing twice when she saw the flirting appearance of Mori Kogoro and Qiankage.

"Cough cough!"

Afterwards, she also kicked the bottom of the acting skills, Kaito, trembling slightly, said directly: "Don't pretend to be asleep, get up quickly, or the eggs of memories will be taken away."

Only then did Kaito pretend to have just woken up, and got up artificially.

In today's situation, with so many people around, he naturally didn't dare to use Kaito Kidd's identity, otherwise he would be exposed all at once.Kaito turned to look at Qianying and said, "Hey, Mom, why am I here?"

"Shouldn't I go to school? Oh, it hurts so much. It seems like someone hit my head here. Why am I here? Why can't I remember anything?"

"Hey, Uncle Maori, why are you here?"

I have to say that his scene was extremely awkward, the corners of Mori Kogoro and Chikage's mouths twitched, and they didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, at this time, Kasaka Natsumi climbed up with the young detectives, which broke the embarrassing atmosphere.

Pusi Qinglan immediately said: "Let's continue to chase!"

Mori Kogoro's eyes focused on the void for a while, as if he saw something, he turned and said, "Everyone follow me."


The crowd who didn't understand the situation raised their hands and shouted.

Pusi Qinglan was a little troubled, and quietly hid the silencer pistol in her hand in the holster of her cheongsam skirt.

At this moment, she was really annoyed that the cheongsam she wore today was too short.

The crowd followed behind Mori Kogoro.

Soon, they returned to the open space where there were just three passages.

It's just that the open space has changed drastically at this time, and torches are lit on the wall, reflecting it extremely brightly.

And at the exit passage, the bald old butler Sawabe was looking at the red egg of memory under the torch, with a look of obsession.

Seeing this, Xia Mei couldn't help shouting: "Housekeeper, what are you doing?"

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!" A strange laugh came from his mouth.

Butler Sawabe turned his head, ignored the questioning of the master’s family, and said to himself: "You said that these two memory eggs were combined into one, and there are photos of the Tsarist Russian royal family inside. If you sell this, it will cost [-] billion yuan. More than Japanese yen!"

"I'm sixty-seven, five billion yen, enough to squander my whole life."

"This memory egg is mine, ho ho ho ho!"

"I'm here, waiting to see you off, to let you know who killed you today and went to hell, remember to talk to the King of Hades."

"Maori Detective, Maori Detective, the world says you are the smartest person in the world, but that's all."

"Idiots, they are all idiots!"

The bald old butler actually pretended to be in front of Mori Kogoro.

Naturally, Haibara couldn't listen to others insulting Mori Kogoro, so he spoke directly.

"Villains die because they talk too much. You are the stupid villain who watched too many TV shows. Uncle, get rid of him."

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