Hearing this, the steward Sawabe was furious immediately, stuffed the egg of memory into his bosom, and took out his pistol instead.

But in fact, his other hand was grabbing the mechanism button in his pocket.

His reliance has never been a pistol, but a cave institution that has been in operation for five years.

At this moment, in the exit passage behind the bald butler, a slightly deformed and mutilated shadow appeared in the aisle.A hoarse voice sounded!

"The little girl is right. You are just an old, stupid, stupid person who entered Baoshan without knowing it."

"The value of this memory egg is more than [-] billion yen, [-] billion, and [-] billion!"

"How do you know its true value, five billion is enough, you are really an idiot who sits in a well and watches the sky.

Butler Sawabe's face turned ugly instantly, he was absolutely sure to kill Mao Li and his party.

But the way out was blocked by people, which he never expected.

With a flash of fire, a face resembling an evil ghost appeared, and Steward Zebe's face was filled with horror.

Chapter 0081 Dr. Ali who was scared to pee

The person who appeared here was naturally the clerk of the Russian embassy, ​​Sirouf!

His clothes were ragged, his hands and feet were covered with wounds, even his cheek was pierced by a sharp weapon, and blood flowed horizontally, looking like an evil spirit.

But even so, he still acted naturally, without hindrance.

The old housekeeper couldn't help feeling terrified: "You, aren't you dead?"

Sirouf sneered and said, "The boat almost capsized in the gutter. Fortunately, you dug the trap a little smaller and it was just supported by me. I have so many wounds on my body, old guy, I will let you Repay a hundredfold."

"And you, Pusi Qinglan, little bitch, we'll see how I deal with you later!"

Saying this, a lustful light appeared in Sirouf's eyes.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of gunshots rang out, but it was Steward Sawabe who took the lead, shooting directly at Sirouf.

Unexpectedly, all the bullets hit the explosion-proof shield!

Immediately after, tongues of flame burst out from behind Sirouf, shooting towards the butler.

The housekeeper Zebu immediately screamed and fell to the ground, clutching his arms, a donkey rolled to another passage, and ran away.

That is the passage that Xiao Ai and the others came in, and they can also escape through this passage.

When Kogoro Mori saw the gun battle, he wrapped his arms around and hid everyone behind him in the curved passage.

Xia Mei and the children were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

Mori Kogoro pinched out his handprints continuously, and the witch power in his body poured out, and an invisible barrier was instantly condensed to block the passage, allowing stray bullets to fly in.

Immediately afterwards, the gunshots rang out again!

The screams of the housekeeper Zebe sounded from another passage, and the screams were extremely shrill!

The sound of uniform footsteps came, except for the passage where Mao Li and his party were located, there were ambushes in the other three passages.These ambushers came out slowly, all wearing black military uniforms, berets, and holding guns. They were very strong, and they were all Russians.

At a glance, there are about forty or fifty people!

Sirouf also came in, full of complacency in controlling the overall situation, and he ordered in Russian: "Drag in!" Some of his men grabbed the ankle of Butler Zebu and dragged him in, and the ground was directly dragged Bleed out.

Next to Butler Sawabe, the pale-faced Dr. Ali was pushed into the brightly lit open space.

Yuan Tai couldn't help calling out: "It's a doctor."."

Mitsuhiko looked worried: "Too bad, the doctor was caught by these bad guys."

Ayumi immediately put her arms around Mori Kogoro's thigh: "Uncle, please save the doctor quickly."

Mori Kogoro rubbed Ayumi's little head: "Don't worry, leave it to uncle."

He glanced at Huiyuan, and the tacit understanding of the little loli stepped forward and pulled Ayumi away.

On the ground in the open space, the housekeeper Zebu continued to howl and roll, and even yelled sternly.

"You can't kill me, I have already arranged the mechanism."

"As long as I die, the whole cave will collapse, and you will all be buried with me."

"I don't want it anymore, I don't want this memory egg anymore, I will give it to you! I will give it to you!"


The bullets shot from behind Butler Sawabe, and shot precisely into his wrists.

The remote control of the organ that was tightly clenched in his big hand was released immediately and fell to the ground.

Then those Russian subordinates searched out the egg of memory from the housekeeper Zebe, and handed it to Sirouf along with the remote control.After Xiluoufu took it, he grinned grinningly and said, "Old guy, I really don't know what your idea is?"

"Ask for advice and bargain with me, and you deserve it too!"

Saying this, his black boots directly stepped on the bloody arm of Butler Sawabe, and the old butler screamed again.

Seeing this, Haibara directly hugged Ayumi into his arms, covering her ears with both hands.

After he had vented for a while, Dr. A Li next to him spoke cautiously.

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