"Well, I just came here to camp. It's none of my business. I just want to take the children to continue camping. Can you let me go?"

Xiluoufu, who was full of violence, turned his head to look at Dr. Ali, with a sneer on his face.

Then the gun in his hand pointed down, without looking carefully, he shot at the housekeeper Sawabe who was screaming again and again.

Bang bang bang bang.

The entire clip opened at once, and each shot landed precisely on his head.

Blood and brains splattered on Sirouf's face, making it even more ferocious!

Dr. Ali, who was standing very close, also had red and white spots on his face.

His slightly trembling round eyes glanced at the horrific scene below, and immediately stood with both legs, his face extremely pale.

Then a warm current spread, and the smell of urine spread, and Dr. A Li was scared to pee!

He couldn't stop leaning back, leaning against the stone wall, his lips trembling, unable to say anything.

Seeing the butler's death so miserable, Kasaka Natsumi couldn't help but screamed.

This exclamation caused Xiluoufu to turn his head, and said, "Pusi Qinglan, it's your turn now."

"Hehe, if you take off your clothes now, kneel down and beg me for mercy, and serve my brothers well, maybe I can give you a good time."

Hearing this, Pusi Qinglan's eyes were filled with sullenness.

His little hand clenched the pistol on his lap, almost about to shoot.

But she turned her head to look at Mori Kogoro, and then endured it.

"Sirouf, if you let the other people here, I'll stay and let you do it!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but looked at the woman in amazement.

"Interesting, you also want to bargain with me!"

Saying this, without turning his head, he slapped Dr. Ali directly with his big palm-like hand.

Dr. A Li couldn't help screaming, but immediately closed his mouth again, as wronged as a fat man in his fifties or sixties.

Seeing this, Yuantai and Mitsuhiko couldn't help but exclaimed: "Doctor!"

Pusi Qinglan suppressed her anger, and continued to speak: "Of course I am not enough, but if you add the five hundred billion or five trillion treasures you just mentioned!"

Hearing this, Sirouf frowned slightly, and seemed a little moved: "Go on."

"You didn't follow into the tomb just now, didn't you? You probably didn't know that the only treasure map was taken by me secretly. After I read it, I burned it with the oil lamp in the tomb."

"In other words, the whole world, and only I can find the great legacy of the Normanov Dynasty."

"Kill me, this action of yours is nothing but a bamboo basket, you can only go back with that useless red egg."

"On the contrary, as long as you let them go, I will take you to find the treasure."

Kogoro Moori understood now that Pusi Qinglan was thinking of sacrificing herself to save everyone.

Is this female killer convulsed?Why did you change your temper and say such things.

But when he saw Pusi Qinglan glance at him from time to time, he seemed to understand something.Could it be because... I... right?

"Who said you are the only one who knows the treasure map? My photographic memory is also my skill!" Mouri Kogoro's voice came out immediately, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

Chapter 0082 A woman who wants to repay her kindness

Pusi Qinglan frowned suddenly, her round eyes were full of disbelief.

She really wanted to rescue Mao Li and his party, and repay the kindness that was saved by Mao Li Kogoro in the sea before.

But now that he said that, the plan fell through.

If more than one person knows about the treasure map, she has no value.

In addition, he had already offended him for attacking and killing Xiluoufu, Pusi Qinglan had no reliance to save his life in front of Xiluoufu.She didn't believe that Mori Kogoro couldn't figure out such a simple truth, and it was even more difficult to believe that he failed even in such a small cooperation.

Mori Kogoro pressed Pusi Qinglan's silky little hand, beckoning him to be calm, and then he spoke instead.

"It's really unexpected that a scum like you appeared in the KGB."

"To be able to call so many people here, it should be the team leader of the Japanese base."

"It's a pity, so many agents are afraid to be buried here!"

The KGB, Russia's intelligence agency, is composed of countless spies, agents, and soldiers.Together with the FBI of the United States, the MI6 of the Eagle Country, and the Mossad of Israel, it is also known as the world's four major intelligence organizations, and is famous for its strength and brilliance.

Today's Russian emperor was born in the KGB intelligence department, and he lived up to his reputation as iron and blood!

Sirouf immediately raised his pistol and pointed it at Kogoro Mori.Then with a big hand, Dr. A Li was held hostage.

"Detective Maori, you don't have to scare me like that."

"You smart people like to play alarmism the most. I won't fall for it."

"To be honest, you are the person I am most wary of here."

"This old fat man is your friend. It's finally come in handy. Now that he's in my hands, you'd better just obediently grab him!"

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