Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Who is he, I don't know him."

The bullet shot out in an instant, brushing the sole of Dr. A Li's foot and sinking into the ground.

Dr. A Li immediately screamed, broke down and shouted: "Xiao Wulang, don't be like this, we have known each other for so many years, why do you say you don't know me? He really knows how to kill."

Dr. A Li's thighs trembled, another warm current flowed down, and he was scared to pee again!

Kogoro Mori saw that Dr. A Li blinked his eyes and shed tears, and immediately changed his words: "Okay, okay, we know each other, let's make a little joke! Doctor, don't cry, are you okay?"

Dr. A Li was sobbing with tears running down his face. At this moment, a cold pistol was pressed against his temple.

"If you dare to bleed out another drop of liquid, I will kill you with one shot."

Saying this, Sirouf moved his legs away in disgust, as if they were stained with urine.

Dr. A Li didn't dare to move anymore, tears and half-soaked urine abruptly stopped, but the fear on his face was extremely obvious.

"Detective Maori, this Miss Pusi said that she got the only map, and you also said that you have seen the map. Which of the two of you is telling the truth?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Of course it's all true, but I have one more thing in my hand, which is the key to open the treasure."



Mori Kogoro flipped his big hand over, revealing two keys that were glowing with verdant green.

One was just taken from the female corpse in the coffin by the Ant-Man robot;

The other one was when Mori Kogoro was flirting with Pusi Qinglan in the living room, he took the sheep by his hand and got it from him.Two keys can be assembled and inlaid together.

Seeing this, Pusi Qinglan's face was filled with horror, and she couldn't help pressing her chest. The key hanging between it was really gone.

Unbelievable, how could it be stolen without anyone noticing?

No, it's all been stolen here, so he shouldn't take the opportunity to steal it, right?Thinking of this, Pusi Qinglan couldn't help staring at her.

Seeing the reaction of the two, Sirouf was a little suspicious: "Why should I trust you?"

Kogoro Mori simply pointed it out: "Men don't speak dark words, your KGB investigation here must have also found Natsumi's mother, who was the third princess Maria of the Tsarist Russian royal family!"

"What you are asking for is the countless gold treasures collected by the demon monk Rasputin and the royal family during the Tsarist Russia period."

"Rasputin was first assassinated by the Grand Duke, and then the revolution broke out. Everyone in the royal family was executed by the revolutionaries, but in the end everyone only found an empty treasury."

"Except for Princess Maria who fled to Japan, the rest of the royal family died, so you think that the treasure of Tsarist Russia is on Princess Maria's side, right?"

Hearing this, Kasaka Natsumi immediately looked horrified.

"Maori-kun, what are you talking about, my great-grandmother is a princess of the Tsarist Russian royal family?"

"Impossible? My great-grandfather was only a worker in a workshop. How could he marry the princess?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Nothing is impossible. The situation at the end of the last century was so turbulent, and the existence of the third princess was a complete scandal to the Tsar. She was not taken seriously, and it is normal for her to marry a commoner. .”

"After all, Princess Maria is the daughter of the demon monk Rasputin!"

"What?" This time it was Pusi Qinglan's turn to be shocked, her mouth opened slightly, but she couldn't close it no matter what.

Mori Kogoro stroked his little hand lightly, and continued to speak.

"Of course I have a basis for saying this. According to photographic records, Tsar Nicholas II and his empress both had blue eyes."

"But blue eyes are a recessive trait, that is to say, if both husband and wife have blue eyes, the child born must have blue eyes."

"But we just saw a picture of Natsumi's great-grandmother, she has gray eyes, which looks so different in the royal family photo

"In addition, there is a separate photo of her and Rasputin. The amazing thing is that both of them have gray eyes, and their noses and eyebrows are almost the same."

"Combined with the rumors of Rasputchin's obscene court, there is only one possibility."

"The demon monk Rasputin fell in love with the queen and gave birth to these three princesses."

"When the tsar was in charge, the queen supervised the country, and the power fell on Rasputin."

"He has power all over the sky, the head of the Council of Ministers has changed four, the Minister of Internal Affairs has changed six, the Minister of War has changed four, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has changed three, and the Minister of Justice has changed four. count."

"After that, I and the queen hid all the gold and silver treasures collected and in the treasury."

"Later, it became known that Rasputchin had an affair with the queen, and the tsar ordered the grand duke to kill him, and the third princess was left in the cold from then on, so much so that she had a relationship with the worker Xiyi."

"Rasputin's gray eyes are a dominant trait, so it has been passed on to you two for so many years."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro patted Natsumi and Qinglan on the shoulders.

Pusi Qinglan immediately looked horrified, and winked at him, "Detective Maori, are you mistaken? What does Rasputin have to do with me?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Change the order of Pusi Qinglan's name, Lansi Puqing, Rasputin, haven't you called yourself a long time ago?"

"Plus the gray eyes you both have, and these two keys in my hand."

"One was taken from the hands of Princess Maria's corpse, and the other was taken from you."

"With all the tokens, how dare you say that you are not a descendant of Rasputchin?"

Hearing this, Xiluoufu suddenly realized: "No wonder you wanted to kill me just now, because I said bad things about that demon monk of yours in the study, tsk, she is an unreasonable woman!"

Chapter 0083 Kid Licking Urine

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