Hearing this, Yuantai and Mitsuhiko reacted.

Seeing dozens of people disappearing from sight like this, falling into a deep pit without knowing whether they were alive or dead, this brought a lot of shadow to the two little ones.

Fortunately, Ayumi was always in Haibara's arms, so she didn't see what happened!

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko immediately rushed to Dr. Ali, hugged him and cried, "Doctor, I was scared to death. I thought you were going to be killed."

"Doctor, I will never hunt for treasure again."

"Hey, doctor, what is this smell on you, it's weird!"

"Why is my face wet, smash it, huh???, this is pee, vomit?" Yuantai just likes to lick everything. "Doctor, are you scared to pee?"

And the chubby face with slap marks on his face, tears and blood and brain matter turned red instantly.

The embarrassed Dr. A Li suddenly felt ashamed, and couldn't help but push the two children away.

He thanked Mori Kogoro with a face of shame: "Kogoro, thank you so much this time."

"If it weren't for you, my old life would be here."

Mori Kogoro waved his hand and said, "What kind of friendship do we have, don't need to talk about that."

Dr. A Li patted himself on the chest: "Xiao Wulang, if you need anything in the future, just ask, there will be no second words."

These two sentences were spoken very harshly, but it seemed a bit funny for the image of the pissing pants to say these words.

And Pusi Qinglan looked at the bottomless pit in a daze, as if thinking about how to get the egg of memory and the key to the treasure.

Chapter 0084 can pinch off the waist

Mori Kogoro hugged the scared Haibara and Ayumi, and comforted him in a gentle voice.

The two little loli immediately hugged Kogoro Mori's neck and hugged him very tightly, so that he felt safe!

Although Hui Yuan was mature in mind, seeing so many people falling into a deep pit, he couldn't remain indifferent.

When Mori Kogoro picked her up, her body was still trembling slightly, as if she was frightened.

With Kogoro Mori's warm voice comforting behind him, Haibara slowly calmed down.

And Qianying couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, how are we going to get out?"

Mori Kogoro pretended to be thinking: "Let's think about it, I remember that there is another passage on the blueprint of the mechanism, it seems to be near here."

After saying this, his left hand searched on the wall, pretending to flip a stone.

The handprints kept pinching, and the ground trapping technique was performed again!

There was a rumbling sound.

On the side of everyone, a passage was directly squeezed out, connecting with the passage where all the little ones slipped in!

At the same time, following the command of the Red Queen, the Ant-Man robots around the KGB agents on the castle moved at the same time.

The robots attacked directly, knocking out all the guarding agents.

The robot returned to normal human size, and dragged the stunned agents down from the passage of the study to the cave, which happened to be staggered with Maori and his party.

In the end, the group of robots threw all the stunned agents into the cave four to five hundred meters deep, and fell to death directly.

Now that they have provoked him, of course Kogoro Mori will not be merciful and kill them all.

As for the egg of memory and the key to the treasure, he also asked the Ant-Man robot who went down to make up the knife to bring it up.

However, the robot's last-ditch action was nothing. In such a high pit, none of them could survive, and they all fell to their deaths!Soon, Maori and his party came to the cave slide, where there was also a soft ladder prepared by the Russians.

Everyone climbed up one by one.

Kaito Kuroba took the lead. His deeds were exposed, and he dared not face his mother and Kogoro Mori anymore, and climbed up as if fleeing for his life.

And the one behind is Mori Kogoro, looking at Pusi Qinglan in front of him, he is really full of benefits!

Pusi Qinglan has a pair of impressive slender legs, white as jade, and extremely well-proportioned.

Because of long-term training, it feels similar to that of Miwako and Xiaolan. It has a sense of strength, as if it can pinch a person's waist.Mori Kogoro likes this type very much!

Pusi Qinglan in front didn't look back, but she seemed to sense the scorching gaze, and her little face couldn't help turning red.

Then there was a stream of warm nostril air hitting the hollow of his leg, the heat was amazing and it made his heart palpitation unstoppable.

What is he doing?

The decisive female killer was instantly flustered, and even her climbing movements slowed down a lot.

But Mori Kogoro really didn't think about what to do, this kind of environment is too inappropriate.

There was a soft slapping sound, and Pusi Qinglan's eyes widened immediately, and her body froze. "Why did you stop, climb faster, you are almost falling behind!"

Hearing this, Pusi Qinglan glared angrily at the person below.

Then he speeded up and quickly caught up with Xia Mei in front of him.

Not long after, everyone returned to the tower.

Dr. A Li was still leaning against the edge of the door furtively, ordering everyone to stick to the wall, and whispered. "I remember someone was guarding it, so don't make any noise!"

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