Before he finished speaking, he was pushed aside by Mouri Kogoro's big hand.

"Where there are people, we can't climb up if there are people."

"These agents all went down to support, and then they were killed by their team leader."

"Don't worry, no one will be there, let's go out!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro walked out with Haibara in his arms.

The outside was naturally calm, and Dr. Ali suddenly looked suspicious, and muttered in a low voice: "How is that possible?" Everyone thought that the doctor had been hallucinated by fright, and followed Mori Kogoro back to the front of the castle.

Looking at the open castle gate, Natsumi suddenly remembered Gan Jiangyi.

She couldn't help but said, "I don't know what happened to Mr. Gan Jiang?"

Everyone entered the castle together and ran back to the lady's room.

Soon Xia Mei couldn't help but screamed, and Qianying at the side stopped the young people from watching the scene.

The bound go-getter was already dead. He was shot in the head with a single shot.

This is naturally a good thing that the group of KGB agents did just now.

Seeing this, Dr. A Li suddenly felt cold all over his body. If he hadn't known Kogoro Mori and was of some use value, he would have been in this miserable state and died for no apparent reason.

For the first time, he felt very lucky to have met Kogoro Mori.

Seeing this, Xia Mei immediately wanted to call the police.

But before dialing the number, the little hand was held down by Mori Kogoro!

Xia Mei looked over with big eyes full of doubts.

Mori Kogoro said: "Dozens of people died this time, most of them were Russian agents. Ordinary policemen have no authority to deal with such things."

"If the police come, it will be difficult to keep our identity information secret."

"Afterwards, the KGB, the Russian intelligence agency, may target us and cause trouble instead."

"I have already notified the Intelligence Headquarters of the Defense Agency, and they are on their way."

"I have a friendship with the head of the Ministry, and I can guarantee that the information will not be leaked and everyone's safety."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions relaxed.

They don't want to mess with a behemoth with a bad reputation like the KGB.

The Intelligence Headquarters of the Japanese Defense Agency is the highest intelligence agency in Japan.Coordinating countless departments under it, even the public security and the Metropolitan Police Department are under its command.This intelligence headquarters is under the orders of the prime minister and is mainly responsible for public security investigations to prevent domestic subversion.

It's just that the head of the headquarters was assassinated three months ago.Mori Kogoro let the Ant-Man robot and the disguise mask Tao Zong Li replace him until now.So the most powerful intelligence agency in Japan fell into the hands of Kogoro Mouri.

Letting this department deal with this incident is naturally foolproof, and it can clean up Mao Li and his party.In the Japanese political arena, Kogoro Mori replaced many high-level government officials with one trick, and nothing has been revealed so far.The entire Japanese political arena has been penetrated like a sieve by Mori Kogoro, that's why Kako's official career has gone so magnanimously!

In the front, Kogoro Mori spent all his energy directing the replacement Ant-Man robot.

After there is red in the back, it will all be packaged and handled by it.

The Red Queen possesses artificial intelligence, and has hacked countless secret information, so it is natural to handle these things like a fish in water.

Therefore, Mori Kogoro's power in Japan is completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people. As long as he wants to, subverting Japan is almost as simple as flipping the palm of his hand.

Chapter 0085 Distant Cousins

Of course Kogoro Mori would not do such a laborious thing.

Ruling the whole country, ruling the world is not as interesting as having a wife and daughter on a kang.

"Dr. Li, take the children to camp at the nearby lake first, and don't get involved with the children here. Also, doctor, you should change your pants."

Hearing this, Dr. Ali's chubby face flushed red again, and he walked out with his legs crossed in embarrassment.

Haibara and Ayumi looked at Mori Kogoro worriedly, saw him waving his hand, and then left reluctantly.Kuroba Kaito at the side rolled his eyes, looking in the direction of the study from time to time.

Mori Kogoro saw through his intentions at a glance.

This guy is ruthless, and he glanced at Qinglan, still thinking about the egg of memory and the key to the treasure.

But Mori Kogoro didn't care about him anymore, and he didn't even bother to ask about his clumsy lie before.

It would definitely be difficult for him to justify himself when he was asked, so it would be better to just expose it temporarily, and then Qian Ying would have the upper hand in the confrontation with him.

Mori Kogoro turned his head and told Qianying, "Qianying, you also go to the lake with the children to relax, I'm worried there are still people left."

Hearing this, Qianying glanced at Kaito, she also felt that it was quite awkward facing her son, so she nodded and followed the others out.

It's just that when she was leaving, her purple eyes couldn't help but glance at Pusi Qinglan who was bowing her head in thought.

With Qianying's intelligence, combined with Pusi Qinglan's performance, she naturally knew that it was this woman who attacked her three apprentices on Fuguiwan.

However, Pusi Qinglan's behavior under the cave seemed like a friend rather than an enemy.

Qianying did not show any hostility for the time being, and planned to argue with her later.

As soon as Chikage left, Kaito felt very uncomfortable.

He laughed dryly: "Oh, that, where is the toilet? After holding it down for so long, I can't bear it anymore."

Seeing Natsumi pointing in a direction, Kaito went in that direction.

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