As soon as he turned the corner and avoided everyone's sight, he turned around and ran towards the study.

The corners of Kuai Dou's mouth were full of joy, as if the eggs and treasures of memories were about to fall into his hands.

Xia Mei frowned: "Maori-kun, is that kid okay?"

"When did he show up, and why is Mr. Han Chuanlong missing?"

Mori Kogoro said: "San Chuanlong is his disguise. This guy is Chikage's son. He came here because he was curious about what his mother and I were doing. The one who watched us is just a brat. Don't worry about him."

Hearing this, Xia Mei's face was full of astonishment: "Hey, Miss Qianying has a son? She still looks so young!"

Mori Kogoro then chuckled and said, "Tsk tsk, Chikage is not here, you picked the wrong time to flatter her."

On the other hand, Qing Lan looked at Mori Kogoro with disdain, and muttered in a low voice, "Hmph! What a shame, seducing a married man."

Mori Kogoro glanced at her, Qing Lan instantly restrained her expression, pretending she didn't say anything.

"Okay, now it's just you two distant cousins ​​left."

"Why don't you follow along to the lake, and leave it to me to deal with it."

Xia Mei couldn't help retorting: "Who wants to be a cousin with Qinglan? I'm not a descendant of Rasputin. Detective Maori, what you said under the cave is to lie to Sirouf and delay time, right?" !"

Hearing this, Qing Lan immediately showed displeasure on her face, and folded her hands on her chest, her fullness became more and more straight!

"I don't want to be a distant cousin with you either."

"You don't know the nobility of the blood of your ancestors at all. He is a great figure who subverted the whole world by himself."

"To be honest, I wouldn't believe it at all if it wasn't for what the Maori detective said that you also have the blood of your ancestors."

"With your weak nature, you are not worthy of such honor."

Paralyzed, this guy Pusi Qinglan is really a full-fledged bloodlineist, so proud of Rasputchin's bloodline.

Such words from the second grader are so righteous and awe-inspiring, really speechless!


"Stop arguing, of course what I said is true."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro opened his bow with both hands left and right, pretending to speak righteously, and swung down without hesitation.

The two girls quickly stretched out their hands to cover their buttocks, their faces were flushed.

"Xia Mei, your great-grandmother, Princess Maria, is Rasputchin's daughter."

"With your pupils the same color as Qing Lan, you two are undoubtedly descendants of Rasputin, so the key to open the treasure is divided into two, one on each side."

"I said this reasoning once below, so I won't repeat it."

"Xia Mei, you don't need to worry about whose blood is flowing in your body."

"The world says he is a demon monk, but the truth has long been lost in the dust of history, maybe he is not such a person!"

"The demon monk misleading the country is the same as sayings such as "beautiful beauty harms water" and "demon queen harms the country". It is nothing more than deceiving the world. The real responsibility lies with those in power."

Hearing Kogoro Mori say good things to her ancestors, Qinglan's eyes softened a lot.

Pusi Qinglan has a fiery personality, and she can't listen to others saying bad things about her first. Before that, Sirouf was talking nonsense in the study, criticizing Rasputchin before she committed the murder.

But she is also very straight-minded, with a very single line, and when she hears someone say good things about Rasputin, she will be more fond of her.

The look of disgust on Xia Mei's face gradually faded away, and the two women stopped arguing!

Immediately afterwards, Xia Mei couldn't help but sighed.

"I didn't expect that for what happened more than a hundred years ago, everyone fought so hard and killed so many people, alas!"

"Qinglan, have you been looking for Rasputchin's treasure for a long time?"

"When the key is found, you can take it away!"

Hearing this, Qing Lan was suddenly surprised.

"Don't you want a treasure? That's the legacy of the entire Normanov dynasty!"

"It's an astronomical sum to find out, and you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life."

Xia Mei shook her head: "Although the treasure is very good, for me, it's enough to spend enough money."

"My bakery chain in France is making good money, enough to support myself."

"And when this incident is over, I plan to sell the castle. I think it's enough to live on."

"It's a pity that so many people were killed here."

Yokosuka's castle had so many deaths this time.

General One, Butler Sawabe, Sirouf, and fifty or sixty KGB spies.

Naturally, Xia Mei didn't dare to keep the castle anymore. She planned to move her great-grandmother's body to be buried with her great-grandfather's tomb, so she sold the castle.

Chapter 0086 I admit I'm stupid, let's do it!

Xia Mei wanted to sell the castle, so she packed up the valuables inside.

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