Like the gold and silver jewelry in the safe in the lady's room, as well as the gold and silver jewelry in the safes of other rooms, she knows where they are.Xia Mei found a big package and packed it by herself.

When Pusi Qinglan saw this, she used the excuse of going to the toilet and walked away.

Avoiding Kogoro Mori's sight, she found a long rope in the castle, put it on her shoulders and ran towards the tower.

Soon, Qinglan entered the tower, pressed the mechanism on the edge of the door, put down the soft ladder, and began to climb down the slide step by step.Not long after, the vigorous Pusi Qinglan climbed to the bottom of the slide.

But as soon as his legs touched the ground, his body fell into the arms of others.

Waiting for her is Moori Kogoro who is waiting for a rabbit.

"Wow, so impatient, the dead are rushing to go, tsk tsk!"

Sensing the fiery hand on her leg, Pusi Qinglan let out a scream, jumped up instantly, and even raised her pistol.

But then she recognized the voice and turned on the flashlight: "Detective Maori? Why are you here?"

"I just want to see which stupid thief will bump into it by himself!"

Only then did Qinglan put the pistol back on her lap, lifted the rope on her shoulder, and said, "What idiot, I have to find out the key and the egg of memory before the intelligence headquarters you mentioned come, otherwise I will be killed." It will be difficult for them to take it away.”

"Detective Maori, are you here to stop me?"

"Let me tell you, the treasure recorded in the treasure map belongs to Rasputchin's descendants, and I will never give in."

"However, if you are willing to go to Russia with me to hunt for treasure, I can share half of it with you when it is done."

When she said this, Pusi Qinglan's eyes were full of bright colors, and she only felt that with the help of Mori Kogoro, the treasure must be within reach.

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "Although the treasure is good, it's not what I want."

"I have enough money, I can't spend it all, and Russia is too far away and too cold, I don't want to go...'."

Pusi Qinglan frowned immediately: "Hmph, what big talk, how can you have any money, you poor detective."

"Both of these are weirdos, and I don't want to make you rich."

She shook her head and walked into the passage, but was blocked by Moori Kogoro's big hand.

Pusi Qinglan with sharp short hair turned her face sideways and raised her eyebrows, she was quite handsome.

A meaningful smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face.

"But I'm curious about one thing!"

"Miss Pusi, what is your real name? Is it Pusi Qinglan? Or is it Shi Kaobing?" Hearing these words, the atmosphere suddenly froze!

Pu Siqinglan suddenly felt extremely disturbed, and his pupils contracted.

Her little hand subconsciously pressed the gun on her leg, which was her instinct as a killer.

But in the end, she still didn't pull out the gun, but said softly, "You know all about it?"

Mori Kogoro forced to go forward, but the female killer stepped back step by step, and her body was pressed against the stone wall.

Then Mori Kogoro leaned his head over, and then covered the skin on his legs with his big hands, caressing his mouth and saying.

"I've always been very accurate in recognizing people, especially women. Your legs are really beautiful, which left a deep impression on me."

"Squabing, the female assassin hired by Moriarty, I actually recognized you when we first met in the cafe, and I wanted to see what kind of tricks you were playing!"

Listening to these words, looking into the deep eyes in front of her, Qinglan felt palpitations inexplicably.

But more is panic and fear, as if being caught.

She thought it was nothing before, but since she was rescued in the sea, she didn't want Kogoro Mori to know that she was the woman who opposed him on the Fugui pill.

"Actually, it's easy to speculate. The only people who know that the cat's eyes have the egg of memory in their hands are Moriarty and Scott Bing."

"Moriarty has been under my control, and the only one who let the wind out is you."

"But you are so stupid. Although you didn't show your true face on the cruise ship, you can't hide your identity as a woman."

"Most of the people you attract to fish in troubled waters are men, and there is only one more Natsumi. Is the [-]% chance of hiding very high?

Hearing this remark, Qinglan couldn't help but blushed, and she gave up on herself and said, "Okay, I admit that I'm stupid, okay! Now that my identity is known to you, if you want to kill me, listen respectfully." Easy!"

Saying this, Qinglan threw down the rope from her shoulders, as if letting her handle her.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows involuntarily, and retracted the slave collar in his hand to the system space.

Originally, he planned to deal with Pusi Qinglan in the same way he dealt with Princess Jiazi, so as to plant a nail in Moriarty's side.

After all, she attacked the three sisters in the afterlife on the cruise ship. Although she was unsuccessful, it was also an extremely bad thing.

However, Pusi Qinglan's performance this time was not bad, so Mori Kogoro changed his mind.

"It's not like what Shi Kaobing said, don't you still have a hole card?"

"Didn't Akiyoshi Mihako be put under house arrest by you? Didn't you want to trade her for memory eggs and keys with me?" Pusi Qinglan immediately looked at her wronged, her gray eyes glaring, and looked over.

"What house arrest, I just protect her."

"You don't even know how ruthless Moriarty is. You ruined his plan last time. Once he gets out of trouble, none of us can escape the liquidation."

It was only then that Mori Kogoro realized that he had misunderstood. He really thought that Akiyoshi Mihako was Pusi Qinglan's backhand for dealing with him.

This stupid killer didn't seem to have thought of this trick either!

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