"Since you know your true identity, you saved your life at sea, so I will give it back to you now."

Saying this, Qinglan lifted the skirt of her cheongsam, pulled out the pistol from the holster on her lap, and handed it to Kogoro Mouri.

She asked Mori Kogoro to hold the pistol against her chest, and said calmly: "You shoot, anyway, the sound can't be heard here, and I will throw the body down later, and it will be settled once and for all." I give you my life back."

"Besides, you are very familiar with the head of the Intelligence Headquarters, and you are also a detective. You will definitely be able to clear up the suspicion. Shoot!" Mori Kogoro was speechless for a moment. He really wanted to kill her, so why would he talk to her so much.

Besides, even if you really want to shoot, it's not this gun!

Chapter 0087 I like Qing and Lan very much

Pusi Qinglan looked generous and narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she was waiting for the gunshot.

But her lips couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Seeing his frightened appearance, Mori Kogoro smiled jokingly at the corner of his mouth.

The pistol in his hand slid gently, from left to right, and then from right to left, as if teasing her.

The female killer's cheeks turned red instantly, she opened her eyes and glared angrily, but the eyes were a little watery.

The cold touch of the pistol always reminded Pusi Qinglan that her life was in the hands of the man in front of her, and she did not dare to act rashly.

But if she had known in advance that she would be bullied like this, she would definitely not do this swollen face again.

The pistol sank slowly, Kogoro Mori raised his eyebrows, his eyes were extremely strange.

"Do you think it's better for me to shoot here? Or somewhere else?"

"You're a killer after all, I'll give you a chance to choose where to get shot, tsk tsk, I'm too merciful!" Pusi Qinglan's chest rose and fell with anger at these words, and she couldn't help but reply: "Anywhere is fine, Give me a good time!"

Mori Kogoro's face turned serious, murderous aura spread out, and the overwhelming man was almost breathless.Pu Siqing Lang suddenly felt cold all over his body!

Even a female killer who has experienced many battles cannot remain calm in the face of her own death.

She closed her eyes again and adjusted her breathing.


A male voice sounded like thunder from the ear, making Pusi Qinglan tremble in fright.

Cold sweat seeped out of the pores all over his body.

Mori Kogoro laughed out loud as if he had succeeded in a prank.

"What a stupid woman, who said I'm going to kill you."

"I'm just asking about your real name, why are you reacting so aggressively?"

"With your IQ, you can still be a killer. It's very lucky not to be plotted to death."

Hearing this, Pusi Qinglan, who was leaning against the stone wall and almost collapsed, couldn't help kicking Kogoro Moori a few times.

The pistol held by Mori Kogoro couldn't help poking Qinglan again, and continued to say hello.

"You even handed me the pistol, saying give me back your life. If you talk about the loyalty of the world, why are you still a killer? You can forget about gangsters." Pusi Qinglan snatched the pistol away from the shame and indignation. Back into the thigh holster.

She really regretted her behavior just now, and gave Mori Kogoro the opportunity to flirt with her in vain.

But then, Kogoro Mori wrapped his arms around the back of his neck, pulled him closer, and said seriously. "I saved your life, but you want to give it back to me like this. This idea is really too simple!"

After saying this, seeing Qinglan's displeased expression, Mori Kogoro kissed Qinglan's pink lips.

Pusi Qinglan's gray eyes widened in an instant, and she scratched the stone wall behind with her little hand.

With Mori Kogoro's master-level kissing skills displayed, Qing Lan soon lost control of herself and couldn't help responding.After a passionate kiss, Pusi Qinglan wrapped her arms around Mori Kogoro's neck at some point.

Then, a small voice sounded: "I don't have a name, but I have killed too many people. Others call me the code name Shi Kaobing. I chose this code name randomly."

Kogoro Maoli said, "Then you can continue to be called Pusi Qinglan from now on. It just so happens that Qing and Lan are two words I like very much, so I won't change them."

Hearing this, Qing Lan nodded slowly.

Immediately afterwards, she asked in a low voice: "Well, shouldn't we go to the deep pit to find the egg of memory and the key? Otherwise, we will be afraid that it will be too late."

Kogoro Moori knocked his head: "Still thinking about your treasure, what a money addict."

He let go of Pusi Qinglan, took out the treasure key from his arms, and handed her the treasure map re-engraved after connecting to red.Qing Lan immediately had a look of surprise on her face: "Mr. Mao Li, when did you get it, it's amazing."

"I saw the key fall with my own eyes being caught by Xiluoufu. How did you get it up? There is also the egg of memory?"

Kogoro Maoli took out the egg of memory: "I can't give you this egg of memory. It contains the memories of Natsumi's predecessors. I want to give it to Natsumi."

"As for Rasputchin's treasure, I'll give you both the key and the treasure map. Whether you can find it depends on your luck." Hearing that Kogoro Moori really planned to give up the treasure to herself, Qinglan became more and more concerned. Excited.

She directly put her arms around Kogoro Mouri's neck, and instead kissed him forcefully, her body couldn't help sticking to him.

But Qing Lan, who just experienced her first kiss, doesn't have any kissing skills, she just kissed blindly.

She knows how to kill people, let her tease men, this skill is far from it!

When Mori Kogoro was fighting with each other over there, the undead Kaito had already gone deep into the huge pit.He grabbed the hooked pistol, and the hook grabbed the stone wall above, hanging him in mid-air.

How did Kaidou know that the pit was four to five hundred meters deep, and the rope for the pistol was simply not enough, so he could only hang sadly in mid-air in the end. "Damn, do you need to dig this deep for a trap that was made more than a hundred years ago?"

"Isn't Xiyi a craftsman? It's not the imperial mausoleum, why set such a deep trap?"

The helpless Kaito could only take back the pistol, and then used the hang glider, the whole person hovered and fell to the bottom of the pit.

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