Sensing that his wrist was also being pinched, Kogoro Mori looked down and saw Xiao Ai who was puffing up.

It seems that little loli is very dissatisfied with being ignored.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing, exerted strength with his left hand, and directly hugged the little loli, letting her lie on his shoulder.

He patted Xiao Ai's buttocks, and continued: "Yazi, I will send you a list later."

"There are still some who can be directly driven, they are my subordinates, and they can be trusted."

"After all, you are going to be a police officer. You are already a high-level officer in the Metropolitan Police Department. You can't do without your confidantes and team members."

Hearing this, Yazi laughed lightly: "Wow, wow, I didn't expect you, a detective, to have subordinates in the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Those who don't know think you are the big boss behind the scenes."

"Wow, so many people? Kogoro, how did you do it?"

The efficiency of the Red Queen was incredible, and the document was sent as soon as Mori Kogoro finished speaking!

In the Metropolitan Police Department, Mori Kogoro has more than [-] people under him, scattered in various departments, most of them are important positions in key police stations.

There is also a special list of available talents, probably more than [-], all of whom are energetic and talented policemen.

These buds can be taken as their confidantes and form their own team.

There are more than [-] people who have been marked red, and their details were found to be unclean by Mori Kogoro.

This list alone is worth a thousand dollars, enough for Yazi to have a clear understanding of the entire Metropolitan Police Department, and it will be much easier to start work.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I used to be a police officer. I have been in Tokyo for so many years, and I still have this ability."

"Xiao Wulang, I love you so much, you have helped me a lot this time."

"When you come back, I will reward you well."

After saying this, the excited Yazi hung up the phone.Mori Kogoro looked down at Haibara's blue eyes,

I saw the little loli gnawed on her chest with a 'owwow'.

Damn, I was tricked by Yazi!

Chapter 0090 Field Experiments

Mori Kogoro patted Huiyuan's puffed up cute face with his fingers, and coaxed: "Xiao Ai, don't be angry, it won't look good if you get angry again."

Little Lolita's eyes trembled, but she still refused to let go.

Knowing that biting this guy won't hurt, little Lolita still retains the last bit of stubbornness.

Mori Kogoro's fingers crawled down nimbly, scratching the little loli's itchy flesh.

A tiny electric current crawled through, and Huiyuan twisted his waist and let go, but his face was still full of jealousy.

"Is the Yazi police the one who sent you to the Fukimaru cruise ship?"

"I thought she had a problem a long time ago. Why did I ask you to help me for no reason? I have only known you for a long time, and I want to reward you. You are not allowed to go to her house!"

Mori Kogoro prevaricated: "She made a slip of the tongue, Yazi is just like this, when he gets excited, he speaks without restraint."

"I just agreed to her. I still have to go to her when I return to Tokyo. She also wants to help investigate the organization."

Hui Yuan became even more astonished: "You even told her about us?"

Mori Kogoro rubbed his little head: "How is that possible, of course I won't talk about your affairs."

"Uncle is very concerned about Xiao Ai's safety."

"But Yazi is about to become a police officer, she has a lot of energy, and when we went to your father's house to find clues the day before yesterday, she also helped solve Rum's ambush and caught the dead in the organization. "

"It doesn't make sense to keep this matter from her, maybe I need her help when dealing with Rum later!"

Huiyuan didn't know that there was an ambush by Rum the day before yesterday.

When she received the tape as a gift that day, she was overjoyed, and after listening to the tape, she was arrested to do the experiment again.

I seem to remember that Mori Kogoro said something, but Haibara, who was wandering in Taixu at the time, didn't remember it at all.

Only then did Huiyuan's vinegar smell dissipate, and he turned to worry: "Uncle, will it be very dangerous, Rum is very difficult to deal with."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I turned Gin into a vicious dog. Rum is not easy to deal with. You have to trust Uncle."

"Hey, didn't your sister tell you?"

"What did you say?"

Before that, Mori Kogoro took Mingmei to revenge, performed a wind control technique in front of her, and played the role of a magic stick to frame Gin Jiu as a traitor. Mingmei knew all this.

He thought Mingmei would tell Xiao Ai that she knew witchcraft, but she didn't expect her to be tight-lipped and didn't reveal anything.

"It's nothing, it's okay if you don't know."

Little Lolita's face was full of confusion.

Seeing that they were far enough away from the camp, there was a towering ancient sycamore tree next to it, with a lush canopy, which was more than ten meters wide.

Kogoro Moori thought for a while, then hugged Huiyuan tightly, stepped on the tree trunk and climbed up.

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