Little Lolita couldn't help but exclaimed, she held Kogoro Moori tightly with both hands, and dared not look with her eyes closed.

After sitting firmly, Huiyuan opened his eyes.

The two were already sitting on a tree trunk more than ten meters high. Looking out from above, the scenery was quite different.

The lake is sparkling, the leaves are swaying with the wind, and the castle in the distance is quiet, just like a fairy tale world.

Haibara is obviously afraid of heights, but sitting in Mouri Kogoro's arms, he is not afraid at all.

The two pink and tender little white legs are swinging and swinging, very playful and cute.

His azure blue eyes were shining brightly, and he was quite satisfied with the scenery in front of him.

Xiao Ai has never done such a thing as climbing a tree and touching fish. Sitting on this tree trunk, she naturally feels very fresh.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes turned to glance at Mori Kogoro, full of adult-like charm.

Moori Kogoro naturally read the meaning, he leaned forward and kissed his pink lips.

And his big hand involuntarily landed on his short legs, measuring carefully.

The other big hand covered her soft back, for fear that she would fall.

After a while, Hui Yuan's face flushed red, and he buried himself on Kogoro Mouri's shoulder, panting softly.

Its azure blue eyes have already turned into a lake.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Xiao Ai, we're going to do an experiment. This is the first experiment in the wild!"

Huiyuan was a little nervous for a while, and his small hands tightened the clothes on Mouri Kogoro's shoulders: "It's too, it's too high."

Mori Kogoro caressed little loli, stroked and pulled gently with his big hand, and said softly: "Don't worry, uncle will definitely protect Xiao Ai."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and kissed Hui Yuan's cheek, and little Loli didn't say anything more.He looked at Kogoro Mori with full eyes, naturally he had unreserved trust.

On the other side, in the woods next to the camp.

Pusi Qinglan was invited by Kuroba Chikage to this forest.

Qinglan was a little guilty, she knew the close relationship between Mori Kogoro and Kuroba Chikage before.

But just now at the bottom of the cave, she took the initiative to kiss Mouri Kogoro several times, and she couldn't suppress her emotions at all.

So facing Qianying now, she is naturally very guilty, and she has a sense of seeing the mistress being grabbed by the big house!

The complicated triangle relationship is very difficult for this female killer who is just in love.

Qinglan smiled flatteringly: "Well, Sister Qianying, I heard that you are a very powerful archaeologist, why don't you go to Russia with me to find treasures, and I will share with you when you are done."

Just now I learned that Mori Kogoro has many women, but Chikage, who was in a mood of agitation, didn't reply to her, and instead shot directly.

A straight punch straight to Qinglan's waist!

Qing Lan hurriedly dodged, but screamed in her heart: What a pity, she must have known about it!

"Sure enough, it's you, with such good skills, okay, I won't be able to teach you a lesson today."

Qianying, who was somewhat venting his anger and seeking justice for his apprentice, continued to attack.

Qinglan kept backing away: "Sister Qianying, don't be like this, do you have something to say?"

"Let's sit down and have a good talk, there's no need to do that."

Qianying sneered and said, "You didn't sit down and talk about it when you shot, let's talk about it after you shoot."

Hearing this, Qing Lan was a little confused, but as she continued to defend, her anger was gradually aroused, and she couldn't help but fight back.

Pusi Qinglan is more powerful in spear skills, but as a killer, her hands and feet are not weak.

He used the ground lock technique one after another, but he couldn't help the slippery and boneless lady thief.

The two of them rose and fell in the forest like two butterflies.

And the third member of the detective team who was hiding and peeping at the side couldn't help being stunned.

Mitsuhiko couldn't help but said, "Wow, they seem to be making a movie, Aunt Qianying can fly so high."

Ayumi frowned, "But why are they fighting?"

Yuan Tai patted his head and said: "I know, it must be for Uncle Mao Li, it's always played like this on TV." Blind Meng was also caught by Yuan Tai, and Ayumi's little silkworm eyebrows frowned even deeper!

Chapter 0091 hiding little sad

The fighting style of the two women is like the difference between a warrior and an assassin.

Qinglan is a warrior, but Qianying is a elusive assassin, relying on her extraordinary agility to gain the upper hand.

Qing Lan in the short cheongsam was quite embarrassed, her clothes were covered with mud.

Being hit in the chest by another punch, Qing Lan, who felt sore, spoke.

"It's almost enough. I kissed Kogoro before, but it's not going to make trouble to this extent!"

"Kuroba Chikage, I've let you go for so many rounds, I won't be polite if you come again!"

It was obviously a situation of being passively beaten, but when it came to her mouth, it turned out to be self-indulgence, which was really hard-spoken.

Hearing this, Qianying's eyes widened in an instant. This woman not only attacked her apprentice on the cruise ship, but now she is also seducing her own man. It is simply unforgivable!

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