"Very well, see how you are impolite, if you still dare to kiss Kogoro, then I don't have to hold back."

Qianying, who was already suppressing the fire, stopped releasing water, and the offensive became more and more fierce.

Relying on the cover of trees to continuously launch attacks, his movements are like ghosts.

For a while, Qinglan retreated steadily, and was soon knocked down to the ground, but immediately got up to fight back.

Mitsuhiko couldn't help but said: "They seem to be fighting for real, hurry up and find Uncle Maori!"

San Xiao hurriedly ran out of the woods, and followed the direction that Mori Kogoro walked along the lake.

At this moment, Kogoro Mori was sitting on a giant sycamore tree more than ten meters high, holding the gray field with his hands, feeling very comfortable and comfortable.The little Lolita, who was riding backwards on the big horse, tightly grasped Kogoro Moori's big hand with her small hands, not daring to let go.

She is still a little afraid of this height, and she feels dizzy when she looks down.

The two pink short legs were trembling uncontrollably.

"Xiao Ai, uncle, where are you?"

"The two aunts over there are fighting, uncle, hurry up and stop it!"

"Xiao Ai, you heard the echo."

San Xiao's voice came from far and near.

When Huiyuan heard this, his heart became even more nervous, and his body trembled with fright.

She panicked and said, "Uncle, Ayumi and the others are here, what should I do?"

Mori Kogoro caressed Haibara's small soft back, and said with a light smile, "Don't worry, the canopy is so lush, Ayumi and the others won't be able to find us."

But when he heard someone fighting, Mori Kogoro connected to the monitor.

Immediately, the two girls fighting fiercely in the woods appeared in my mind, um, the one who was suppressed was Qinglan.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro also felt relieved, it's not just that Qianying was suppressed and beaten by Qinglan.

It's not that Mori Kogoro is biased, it's just that people are always responsible for what they do wrong.

Although each was their own master before, it was a fact that Qinglan attacked the three sisters in the next life, and it was only natural for Qianying to be her apprentice.

If it weren't for Pusi Qinglan's performance at the bottom of the cave, it should be Mori Kogoro who is now asking for revenge.

And if Qinglan didn't get forgiveness from the three cats, Kogoro Mori would not be able to go any further with her, and this level is already at the limit.

There is no way, he knows how it feels to have an enemy of life and death among his women.

He didn't want to experience that sour feeling again.

The matter of Judy and Belmode is enough for Mori Kogoro to worry about!

Belmode was the one who destroyed Judy's family, killed her parents, and set her house on fire, making her an orphan.This kind of family-killing hatred is unforgettable, and Judy still remembers it to this day, and she always wears glasses with Belmode's fingerprints to remind herself.

Mori Kogoro didn't believe that by virtue of his own charm, putting the two big ocean horses on the bed, covering them with a big quilt, and being angry could subdue the two women and make the hatred between them disappear.

This is completely unrealistic, and Judy is not such a woman.

If you have to do this, the final result is that only one of the two women can be left.

That's why Mori Kogoro seemed so entangled when dealing with Belmode.

It's not just Belmore who is struggling, he is also struggling, which is why he hasn't been on third base for a long time.

But all of this found a turning point in the hometown of Koji Amamiyano!

There is another truth to the massacre at Judy's house twenty years ago.

Mori Kogoro found clues and supporting evidence at Miyano's house, and then he had a near-showdown conversation with Belmode.

But, let's get down to business.Mori Kogoro didn't want to stop the fight between the two girls because he couldn't get away at the moment and had extremely important things to do.That's right!It is extremely important for him to stay on this tree trunk with Xiao Ai.

The three boys below kept calling the names of Mori Kogoro and Haibara, looked left and right, and kept patrolling, but they didn't look up.But even if Sanxiao looked up, he couldn't see the two on the tree trunk.

The canopy of the tree is extremely lush, and Mori Kogoro changed the direction of the branches with the touch of spiritual power, covering the underside of the trunk, so it was naturally unnoticed.

But Haibara didn't know it, and she was buried in Kogoro Mori's arms nervously and frightened.

She shrank as small as possible, trying to be completely covered by the tree trunk.

The two short white legs shrunk even more, and were held by Mouri Kogoro's big hands.

If he is found out, Hui Yuan really wants to die!

Little Loli couldn't help swallowing, sweat was dripping from her forehead, and her heart was beating so fast that Kogoro Moori could hear it.The sound was getting closer and closer, just under the giant plane tree, Sanxiao seemed to stop here to rest.

Looking at the extremely nervous Haibara, this little red face is so cute, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but act badly again.

In an instant, Haibara's azure blue eyes widened, and he was almost about to scream, but he forcefully gnawed on Kogoro Mori.

Still not broken at all!

Mori Kogoro smiled triumphantly, but didn't make any sound.

Yuan Tai couldn't help but asked, "Where did Uncle and Xiao Ai go? Did they go that far?"

Mitsuhiko raised his chin and asked, "Could we have gone in the wrong direction, could it be the other side?"

Ayumi shook her head resolutely: "Impossible, they are going this way, I definitely remember correctly. Anyway, the lake is not big, let's go around and we will definitely find it."

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